眼 ⇒
眼睛 yǎnjing, eye/CL:隻|只[zhī],雙|双[shuāng]
眼 yǎn, eye/small hole/crux (of a matter)/CL:隻|只[zhī],雙|双[shuāng]/classifier for big hol...
眼神 yǎnshén, expression or emotion showing in one's eyes/meaningful glance/wink/eyesight (dia...
眼前 yǎnqián, before one's eyes/now/at present
眼镜 yǎnjìng, [眼鏡], spectacles/eyeglasses/CL:副[fù]
亲眼 qīnyǎn, [親眼], with one's own eyes/personally
眼里 眼泪 yǎnlèi, [眼淚], tears/crying/CL:滴[dī]
眼中 yǎnzhōng, in one's eyes
眼光 yǎnguāng, gaze/insight/foresight/vision/way of looking at things
眼睁睁 yǎnzhēngzhēng, [眼睜睜], to stare blankly/to look on helplessly/to look on unfeelingly
眨眼 zhǎyǎn, to blink/to wink/in the twinkling of an eye
眼下 yǎnxià, now/at present/subocular (medicine)
眼熟 yǎnshú, familiar-looking/to seem familiar
眼球 yǎnqiú, eyeball/(fig.) attention
眼皮 yǎnpí, eyelid
耀眼 yàoyǎn, to dazzle/dazzling
显眼 xiǎnyǎn, [顯眼], conspicuous/eye-catching/glamorous
眼看 yǎnkàn, soon/in a moment/to look on as sth happens
字眼 zìyǎn, wording
眼罩 yǎnzhào, eye-patch/blindfold/eye mask/goggles/eyeshade/blinkers (for a horse etc)
眼镜蛇 yǎnjìngshé, [眼鏡蛇], cobra
眼线 yǎnxiàn, [眼線], informer/snitch/spy/scout/(cosmetics) eye line
不起眼 bùqǐyǎn, unremarkable/nothing out of the ordinary
亲眼目睹 qīnyǎnmùdǔ, [親眼目睹], to see for oneself/to see with one's own eyes
顺眼 shùnyǎn, [順眼], pleasing to the eye/nice to look at
心眼 xīnyǎn, heart/intention/conscience/consideration/cleverness/tolerance
大开眼界 碧眼 bìyǎn, blue eyes
眼珠 yǎnzhū, one's eyes/eyeball
着眼 zhuóyǎn, [著眼], to have one's eyes on (a goal)/having sth in mind/to concentrate
眼力 yǎnlì, eyesight/strength of vision/the ability to make discerning judgments
隐形眼镜 yǐnxíngyǎnjìng, [隱形眼鏡], contact lens/CL:隻|只[zhī],副[fù]
眼界 yǎnjiè, ken/scope
眼圈 yǎnquān, rim of the eye/eye socket
肉眼 ròuyǎn, naked eye/layman's eyes
白眼 báiyǎn, to give a supercilious look/roll of the eyes
刺眼 cìyǎn, to dazzle/to offend the eyes/dazzling/harsh (light)/crude (colors)/unsightly
眼花 yǎnhuā, dimmed eyesight/blurred/vague and unclear vision
抢眼 qiǎngyǎn, [搶眼], eye-catching
眼睑 yǎnjiǎn, [眼瞼], eyelid
右眼 瞎眼 xiāyǎn, to be blind
独眼龙 dúyǎnlóng, [獨眼龍], one-eyed person
眼中钉 yǎnzhōngdīng, [眼中釘], a thorn in one's side
眼色 yǎnsè, signal made with one's eyes/meaningful glance
节骨眼 jiēguyǎn, [節骨眼], (dialect) critical juncture/crucial moment/Taiwan pr. [jié gu yǎn]
丢人现眼 diūrénxiànyǎn, [丟人現眼], to make an exhibition of oneself/to be a disgrace
左眼 合眼 héyǎn, to close one's eyes/to get to sleep
近在眼前 jìnzàiyǎnqián, right under one's nose/right in front of one's eyes/close at hand/imminent
红眼病 hóngyǎnbìng, [紅眼病], pinkeye/envy/jealousy
眼科 yǎnkē, ophthalmology
开眼 kāiyǎn, [開眼], to open one's eyes/to widen one's horizons
转眼 zhuǎnyǎn, [轉眼], in a flash/in the blink of an eye/to glance
眼花缭乱 yǎnhuāliáoluàn, [眼花繚亂], to be dazzled
眼角 yǎnjiǎo, outer or inner corner of the eye/canthus
眼见为实 yǎnjiànwéishí, [眼見為實], seeing is believing
眼见 yǎnjiàn, [眼見], to see with one's own eyes/very soon
眼眶 yǎnkuàng, eye socket/rim of the eye
放在眼里 fàngzàiyǎnlǐ, [放在眼裡], to pay attention to/to care about/to attach importance to
一眼 yīyǎn, a glance/a quick look/a glimpse
小心眼 xiǎoxīnyǎn, narrow-minded/petty
障眼法 zhàngyǎnfǎ, diversionary tactic/smokescreen
眼红 yǎnhóng, [眼紅], to covet/envious/jealous/green with envy/infuriated/furious
斜眼 xiéyǎn, to look askance/cross or wall-eyed
放眼 fàngyǎn, to survey/to view broadly
过眼云烟 guòyǎnyúnyān, [過眼雲煙], ephemeral (idiom)
看不顺眼 kànbùshùnyǎn, [看不順眼], unpleasant to the eye/objectionable
泪眼 lèiyǎn, [淚眼], tearful eyes
眼袋 yǎndài, puffiness under the eyes/bags under the eyes
太阳眼镜 tàiyángyǎnjìng, [太陽眼鏡], sunglasses
网眼 wǎngyǎn, [網眼], mesh
一转眼 yīzhuǎnyǎn, [一轉眼], in a wink
针眼 zhēnyǎn/zhēnyan, [針眼], eye of a needle/pinprick/pinhole, (medicine) sty
杀人不眨眼 shārénbùzhǎyǎn, [殺人不眨眼], to murder without blinking an eye (idiom)/ruthless/cold-blooded
满眼 mǎnyǎn, [滿眼], (of tears etc) filling the eyes/(of scenery etc) filling one's field of view
双眼 shuāngyǎn, [雙眼], the two eyes
眼眸 yǎnmóu, eyes
眼窝 yǎnwō, [眼窩], eye socket
傻眼 shǎyǎn, stunned/struck dumb/flabbergasted
眼睫毛 看走眼 kànzǒuyǎn, to make an error of judgment/to be taken in
瞪眼 dèngyǎn, to open one's eyes wide/to stare/to glare (at sb)/to scowl
青光眼 qīngguāngyǎn, glaucoma
红眼 冷眼旁观 lěngyǎnpángguān, [冷眼旁觀], the cool eye of a bystander/a detached point of view
眼冒金星 yǎnmàojīnxīng, to see stars/dazed
眼药 yǎnyào, [眼藥], eye drops/eye ointment
转眼间 嗓子眼 sǎngziyǎn, throat
肚脐眼 dùqíyǎn, [肚臍眼], navel/belly button
法眼 fǎyǎn, discerning eye
碍眼 àiyǎn, [礙眼], to be an irksome presence (i.e. sth or sb one wishes were not there)
枪眼 qiāngyǎn, [槍眼], loophole (for firing)/embrasure
势利眼 shìlìyǎn, [勢利眼], to be self-interested
慧眼 huìyǎn, an all-seeing mind/mental perception/insight/acumen
一板一眼 yībǎnyīyǎn, lit. one strong beat and one weak beats in a measure of music (two beats in the ...
锁眼 晃眼 大饱眼福 dàbǎoyǎnfú, [大飽眼福], to feast one's eyes
头晕眼花 tóuyūnyǎnhuā, [頭暈眼花], to faint with blurred vision (idiom); dizzy and eyes dimmed
鸡眼 jīyǎn, [雞眼], corn (callus on the foot)
火眼金睛 huǒyǎnjīnjīng, piercing eyes/discerning eyes
眼帘 yǎnlián, [眼簾], eyes (in literature)/eyesight
现眼 xiànyǎn, [現眼], to embarrass oneself/to make a fool of oneself
扎眼 zhāyǎn, garish/dazzling/offensively conspicuous
猫眼 māoyǎn, [貓眼], peephole/chrysoberyl
睁眼瞎 眼角膜 yǎnjiǎomó, cornea
电子眼 diànzǐyǎn, [電子眼], electronic eye
近视眼 眼巴巴 yǎnbābā, waiting anxiously/impatient
电眼 diànyǎn, [電眼], beautiful, expressive eyes
干瞪眼 gāndèngyǎn, [乾瞪眼], to watch helplessly
一饱眼福 yībǎoyǎnfú, [一飽眼福], to feast one's eyes on (idiom)
手眼 双眼皮 shuāngyǎnpí, [雙眼皮], double eyelid
耍心眼 映入眼帘 yìngrùyǎnlián, [映入眼簾], (idiom) to greet the eye/to come into view
独具慧眼 冷眼 lěngyǎn, cool eye/fig. detached/(treating) with indifference
有板有眼 yǒubǎnyǒuyǎn, orderly/methodical/rhythmical
眼屎 yǎnshǐ, gum in the eyes
眼波 yǎnbō, fluid glance
眼福 yǎnfú, a treat for the eyes/the rare chance of seeing sth beautiful
千里眼 qiānlǐyǎn, clairvoyance
滴眼药 挤眉弄眼 jǐméinòngyǎn, [擠眉弄眼], to make eyes/to wink
眼底 yǎndǐ, fundus of the eye (containing the choroid, retina, optic nerve etc)/inside the e...
眼尖 yǎnjiān, to have good eyes
点眼药 大处着眼 耳朵眼 打眼 dǎyǎn, to drill or bore a hole/to attract attention/conspicuous
看不上眼 过眼烟云 guòyǎnyānyún, [過眼煙雲], ephemeral (idiom)
尽收眼底 jìnshōuyǎndǐ, [盡收眼底], to take in the whole scene at once/to have a panoramic view
着眼点 zhuóyǎndiǎn, [著眼點], place of interest/a place one has one's eye on
饱眼福 bǎoyǎnfú, [飽眼福], to feast one's eyes on (idiom)
眼高手低 yǎngāoshǒudī, to have high standards but little ability/to be fastidious but incompetent (idio...
望眼欲穿 wàngyǎnyùchuān, to anxiously await
醉眼 眼病 yǎnbìng, eye disease
眼馋 yǎnchán, [眼饞], to covet/to envy
抠字眼 kōuzìyǎn, [摳字眼], to be fastidious about phrasing, diction, or choice of words
挑字眼 吹胡子瞪眼 chuīhúzidèngyǎn, [吹鬍子瞪眼], to get angry/to fume
急眼 jíyǎn, to be anxious/to get angry with sb
入眼 rùyǎn, to appear before one's eyes/pleasing to the eye/nice to look at
眼泡 单眼皮 dānyǎnpí, [單眼皮], single eyelid
放眼世界 眉眼 méiyǎn, brows and eyes/appearance/looks/countenance
泉眼 quányǎn, mouth of a spring or fountain
杏核眼 远视眼 眼镜盒 眼镜框 明眼人 míngyǎnrén, perspicacious person/sb with a discerning eye/sighted person (as opposed to blin...
眼底下 yǎndǐxia, in front of one's eyes/in full view as a panorama/right now
飞眼 砂眼 老花眼 lǎohuāyǎn, presbyopia
死心眼儿 sǐxīnyǎnr, [死心眼兒], stubborn/obstinate/having a one-track mind
火眼 huǒyǎn, pinkeye
贼眼 zéiyǎn, [賊眼], shifty gaze/furtive glance
眼疾 眼压 yǎnyā, [眼壓], intraocular pressure
龙眼 lóngyǎn, [龍眼], longan fruit/dragon eye fruit/Dimocarpus longan (botany)/CL:粒[lì]
腰眼 眼目 yǎnmù, eyes
榫眼 sǔnyǎn, mortise (slot cut into wood to receive a tenon)
眼疾手快 单眼 dānyǎn, [單眼], ommatidium (single component of insect's compound eye)/one eye (i.e. one's left ...
下 ⇒
下 xià, down/downwards/below/lower/later/next (week etc)/second (of two parts)/to declin...
一下 yīxià, (used after a verb) give it a go/to do (sth for a bit to give it a try)/one time...
下来 xiàlai, [下來], to come down/(completed action marker)/(after verb of motion, indicates motion d...
下去 xiàqù, to go down/to descend/to go on/to continue/(of a servant) to withdraw
留下 liúxià, to leave behind/to stay behind/to remain/to keep/not to let (sb) go
下面 xiàmiàn, [下麵], below/under/next/the following/also pr. [xià mian], to boil noodles
放下 fàngxià, to lay down/to put down/to let go of/to relinquish/to set aside/to lower (the bl...
剩下 shèngxià, to remain/left over
下午 xiàwǔ, afternoon/CL:個|个[gè]/p.m.
坐下 zuòxia, to sit down
停下 tíngxià, to stop
下次 xiàcì, next time
留下来 趴下 陛下 bìxià, Your Majesty/His or Her Majesty
阁下 géxià, [閣下], your distinguished self/your majesty/sire
接下来 jiēxiàlái, [接下來], to accept/to take/next/following
地下 dìxià, underground/subterranean/covert
底下 dǐxia, the location below sth/afterwards
地下室 dìxiàshì, basement/cellar
楼下 lóuxià, [樓下], downstairs
下班 xiàbān, to finish work/to get off work
殿下 diànxià, Your Majesty (honorific)/His or Her Highness
手下 shǒuxià, under one's control or administration/subordinates/(money etc) on hand/sb's fina...
以下 yǐxià, that level or lower/that amount or less/the following
下手 xiàshǒu, to start/to put one's hand to/to set about/the seat to the right of the main gue...
之下 zhīxià, under/beneath/less than
私下 sīxià, in private
下降 xiàjiàng, to decline/to drop/to fall/to go down/to decrease
倒下 dǎoxià, to collapse/to topple over
下载 xiàzǎi, [下載], to download/also pr. [xià zài]
下巴 xiàba, chin/CL:個|个[gè]
一下子 yīxiàzi, in a short while/all at once/all of a sudden
跪下 guìxia, to kneel down
下落 xiàluò, whereabouts/to drop/to fall
扔下 rēngxià, to throw down/to drop (bomb)
拿下 náxià, to arrest/to capture/to seize/to win (a set, a game etc)
乡下 xiāngxia, [鄉下], countryside/rural area/CL:個|个[gè]
天下 tiānxià, land under heaven/the whole world/the whole of China/realm/rule
下场 xiàchǎng/xiàchang, [下場], to leave (the stage, an exam room, the playing field etc)/to take part in some a...
下令 xiàlìng, to give an order/to command
下水道 xiàshuǐdào, sewer
脚下 jiǎoxià, [腳下], under the foot
下车 xiàchē, [下車], to get off or out of (a bus, train, car etc)
下雨 xiàyǔ, to rain
上下 shàngxià, up and down/top and bottom/old and new/length/about
眼下 yǎnxià, now/at present/subocular (medicine)
下士 xiàshì, lowest-ranked noncommissioned officer (e.g. corporal in the army or petty office...
下毒 xiàdú, to put poison in sth/to poison
定下 名下 míngxià, under sb's name
下雪 xiàxuě, to snow
水下 shuǐxià, under the water/submarine
下星期 xiàxīngqī, next week
下流 xiàliú, lower course of a river/low-class/mean and lowly/vulgar/obscene
下集 如下 rúxià, as follows
余下 yúxià, [餘下], remaining
下属 xiàshǔ, [下屬], subordinate/underling
下达 xiàdá, [下達], to transmit down (a chain of command)/to pass down (to lower level)/to issue/to ...
下定决心 xiàdìngjuéxīn, [下定決心], to make a firm resolution
低下 dīxià, low status/lowly/to lower (one's head)
下课 xiàkè, [下課], to finish class/to get out of class
部下 bùxià, troops under one's command/subordinate
下台 xiàtái, [下臺], to go off the stage/to fall from position of prestige/to step down (from office ...
下水 xiàshuǐ/xiàshui, downstream/to go into the water/to put into water/to launch (a ship)/fig. to fal...
下方 xiàfāng, underneath/below/the underside/world of mortals/to descend to the world of morta...
打下 dǎxià, to lay (a foundation)/to conquer (a city etc)/to shoot down (a bird etc)
下滑 xiàhuá, sliding/slide
下药 xiàyào, [下藥], to prescribe medicine/to poison/to slip a drug (into sb's drink etc)
下棋 xiàqí, to play chess
卸下 xièxià, to unload
下任 xiàrèn, next office holder/next to serve
下葬 xiàzàng, to bury/to inter
下一代 xiàyīdài, the next generation
撕下 下贱 xiàjiàn, [下賤], humble/lowly/depraved/contemptible
当下 dāngxià, [當下], immediately/at once/at that moment/at the moment
台下 táixià, off the stage/in the audience
下船 乡下人 xiāngxiàrén, [鄉下人], country folk/rustic/rural folk
下颚 xiàè, [下顎], mandible (lower jaw)
下沉 xiàchén, to sink down
两下子 liǎngxiàzi, [兩下子], a couple of times/to repeat the same/the same old trick/tricks of the trade
撇下 piēxia, to cast away
下结论 下辈子 xiàbèizi, [下輩子], the next life
下垂 xiàchuí, to droop/to sag/to hang down/sagging/drooping/prolapse (medicine)
下身 xiàshēn, lower part of the body/genitalia/trousers
下落不明 xiàluòbùmíng, unaccounted/unknown whereabouts
下不为例 xiàbùwéilì, [下不為例], not to be repeated/not to be taken as a precedent/just this once
下决心 xiàjuéxīn, [下決心], to determine/to resolve
零下 língxià, below zero
下回 xiàhuí, next chapter/next time
咽下 yànxià, [嚥下], to swallow/to suppress
下一场 山下 Shānxià, Yamashita (Japanese surname)
桥下 犯下 租下 下边 xiàbian, [下邊], under/the underside/below
下厨 xiàchú, [下廚], to go to the kitchen (to prepare a meal)/to cook
下层 xiàcéng, [下層], underlayer/lower class/lower strata/substrate
下跪 xiàguì, to kneel/to go down on one's knees
下礼拜 下体 xiàtǐ, [下體], lower body/euphemism for genitals/root and stem of plants
高下 gāoxià, relative superiority (better or worse, stronger or weaker, above or below etc)
下雨天 下马 xiàmǎ, [下馬], to dismount from a horse/(fig.) to abandon (a project)
下跌 xiàdiē, to fall/to tumble
落下 luòxià, to fall/to drop/to land (of projectile)
创下 chuàngxià, [創下], to establish/to set (a new record)
下游 xiàyóu, lower reaches (of a river)/lower level/lower echelon/downstream
时下 shíxià, [時下], at present/right now
属下 shǔxià, [屬下], subordinate/affiliated to/subsidiary
拉下水 先下手为强 xiānxiàshǒuwéiqiáng, [先下手為強], strike first and gain the upper hand (idiom, martial arts term); Making the firs...
下意识 xiàyìshí, [下意識], subconscious mind
下山 xiàshān, (of the sun) to set
上上下下 相比之下 xiāngbǐzhīxià, by comparison
一下下 下岗 xiàgǎng, [下崗], to come off sentry duty/to lay off (a worker)/laid-off
每况愈下 měikuàngyùxià, [每況愈下], to steadily deteriorate
落井下石 luòjǐngxiàshí, to throw stones at sb who fell down a well (idiom); to hit a person who is down
身下 下海 xiàhǎi, to go out to sea/to enter the sea (to swim etc)/(fig.) to take the plunge (e.g. ...
不相上下 bùxiāngshàngxià, equally matched/about the same
流下 地下水 dìxiàshuǐ, groundwater
下级 xiàjí, [下級], low ranking/low level/underclass/subordinate
下坡 xiàpō, downhill
下凡 xiàfán, to descend to the world (of immortals)
腋下 yèxià, underarm/armpit
下蛋 xiàdàn, to lay eggs
天底下 tiāndǐxia, in this world/under the sun
下等 下坠 记下 走下坡路 zǒuxiàpōlù, to go downhill/to decline/to slump
下风 xiàfēng, [下風], leeward/downwind/disadvantageous position/to concede or give way in an argument
下肢 xiàzhī, lower limbs
上下班 shàngxiàbān, to start and finish work
下颌 xiàhé, [下頜], lower jaw/mandible
急转直下 jízhuǎnzhíxià, [急轉直下], to develop rapidly after abrupt turn (idiom); dramatic change
不在话下 bùzàihuàxià, [不在話下], to be nothing difficult/to be a cinch
下期 下位 下功夫 xiàgōngfu, see 下工夫[xià gōng fu]
笔下 bǐxià, [筆下], the wording and purport of what one writes
一声令下 麾下 huīxià, troops/subordinates/(honorific appellation for a general)
下放 xiàfàng, to delegate/to decentralize/to demote a party cadre to work on the shop floor or...
下毒手 xiàdúshǒu, to attack murderously/to strike treacherously
膝下 xīxià, at the knee (in reference to children)/(salutation used in letters to parents or...
下列 xiàliè, following
居高临下 jūgāolínxià, [居高臨下], to live high and look down (idiom)/to overlook/to tower above/to occupy the high...
打下手 dǎxiàshǒu, to act in a supporting role/fig. to play second fiddle
下月 xiàyuè, next month
下发 xiàfā, [下發], to issue (a memorandum etc) to lower levels/to distribute (e.g. disaster relief ...
下部 门下 写下 xiěxià, [寫下], to write down
下文 下机 下地 xiàdì, to go down to the fields/to get up from bed/to leave one's sickbed/to be born
下届 xiàjiè, [下屆], next office holder/next to serve
篮下 手底下 下行 xiàxíng, (of trains) down (i.e. away from the capital)/(of river boats) to travel downstr...
下议院 xiàyìyuàn, [下議院], lower chamber (of legislative body)/lower house/the House of Commons
在下 zàixià, under/myself (humble)
下马威 xiàmǎwēi, [下馬威], display of severity immediately on taking office/(fig.) initial show of strength
山脚下 下丘脑 xiàqiūnǎo, [下丘腦], hypothalamus (anatomy)
下铺 一怒之下 上下文 shàngxiàwén, (textual) context
双管齐下 shuāngguǎnqíxià, [雙管齊下], lit. to paint holding two brushes (idiom); fig. to work on two tasks at the same...
四下 sìxià, everywhere
拉下马 下人 下不来 xiàbùlái, [下不來], awkward/embarrassed/cannot be accomplished
下摆 xiàbǎi, [下擺], hem of a skirt/shirt tail
下头 骑虎难下 qíhǔnánxià, [騎虎難下], if you ride a tiger, it's hard to get off (idiom); fig. impossible to stop halfw...
手下人 天下第一 tiānxiàdìyī, first under heaven/number one in the country
下策 下流话 无从下手 wúcóngxiàshǒu, [無從下手], not know where to start
下线 xiàxiàn, [下線], to go offline
下榻 xiàtà, to stay (at a hotel etc during a trip)
对症下药 duìzhèngxiàyào, [對症下藥], lit. to prescribe the right medicine for an illness (idiom); fig. to study a pro...
收下 shōuxià, to accept/to receive
下同 xiàtóng, similarly hereinafter
下划线 xiàhuàxiàn, [下劃線], underscore _/underline
天下太平 tiānxiàtàipíng, the whole world at peace (idiom); peace and prosperity
撂下 举国上下 jǔguóshàngxià, [舉國上下], the entire nation/the whole country, from the leadership to the rank and file
顺流而下 下酒 xiàjiǔ, to be appropriate to have with alcohol/to down one's drink
下脚 场下 花前月下 huāqiányuèxià, see 月下花前[yuè xià huā qián]
夕阳西下 xīyángxīxià, [夕陽西下], the sun sets in the west (idiom)
一气之下 yīqìzhīxià, [一氣之下], in a fit of pique/in a fury
世风日下 shìfēngrìxià, [世風日下], public morals are degenerating with each passing day (idiom)
下城区 Xiàchéngqū, [下城區], Xiacheng district of Hangzhou city 杭州市[Háng zhōu shì], Zhejiang
松下 Sōngxià, Matsushita (name)/Panasonic (brand), abbr. for 松下電器|松下电器[Sōng xià Diàn qì]
阶下囚 中下 下作 xiàzuo, contemptible/disgusting
下腹 下装 xiàzhuāng, [下裝], to take off costume and makeup/bottom garment (trousers etc)
赶下台 下半年 xiàbànnián, second half of the year
上下车 立下 lìxià, to set up/to establish
结下 始于足下 地下隧道 催人泪下 下工夫 xiàgōngfu, to put in time and energy/to concentrate one's efforts
皮下组织 卑下 bēixià, base/low
下笔 xiàbǐ, [下筆], to put pen to paper
下旬 xiàxún, last third of the month
下调 xiàdiào/xiàtiáo, [下調], to demote/to pass down to a lower unit, to adjust downwards/to lower (prices, wa...
普天之下 坂下 地下党 自上而下 zìshàngérxià, top-down
潸然泪下 shānránlèixià, [潸然淚下], to shed silent tears (idiom)
下家 xiàjiā, player whose turn comes next (in a game)/next one/my humble home
下坡路 xiàpōlù, downhill road/(fig.) downhill path
低三下四 dīsānxiàsì, servile
这一下 下移 下泻 下关 Xiàguān, [下關], Xiaguan district of Nanjing City 南京市 in Jiangsu 江蘇|江苏
下陷 xiàxiàn, to subside/subsidence
一统天下 上下学 下半时 上梁不正下梁歪 shàngliángbùzhèngxiàliángwāi, lit. If the upper beam is not straight, the lower beam will be crooked (idiom); ...
汗如雨下 hànrúyǔxià, sweating like rain (idiom); to perspire profusely/sweating like a pig
丹下 千里之行始于足下 减下 上下级 下派 下里巴人 xiàlǐbārén, folk songs of the state of Chu 楚國|楚国[Chǔ guó]/popular art forms (cf. 陽春白雪|阳春白雪[y...
打天下 dǎtiānxià, to seize power/to conquer the world/to establish and expand a business/to carve ...
南下 nánxià, to go down south
名扬天下 江河日下 jiānghérìxià, rivers pour away by the day (idiom); going from bad to worse/deteriorating day b...
下苦功 下操 下挫 xiàcuò, (of sales, prices etc) to fall/to drop/decline/slump
下工 xiàgōng, to knock off (at the end of a day's work)/to finish work
下乡 xiàxiāng, [下鄉], to go to the countryside
足下 zúxià, you (used to a superior or between persons of the same generation)/below the foo...
泪如雨下 lèirúyǔxià, [淚如雨下], tears falling like rain (idiom)
目下 mùxià, at present
舍下 shěxià/shèxià, [捨下], to abandon/to lay down, my humble home
下半夜 声泪俱下 shēnglèijùxià, [聲淚俱下], to shed tears while recounting sth/speaking in a tearful voice
下限 兵临城下 bīnglínchéngxià, [兵臨城下], soldiers at the city walls (idiom); fig. at a critical juncture
地下铁道 相持不下 xiāngchíbùxià, at a stalemate/deadlocked/in unrelenting mutual opposition
下压力 自下而上 zìxiàérshàng, bottom-up
扬名天下 下疳 下狱 xiàyù, [下獄], to imprison
飞流直下三千尺 下浮 xiàfú, downward fluctuation (of prices etc)
下品 下卷 下帖 相形之下 下世 xiàshì, to die/future incarnation/next life/to be born/to come into the world/future gen...
不下于 bùxiàyú, as many as/no less than/not inferior to/as good as/on a par with
先天下之忧而忧 下野 xiàyě, to step down from office/to go into opposition
下饭 下首 九泉之下 下学 名满天下 míngmǎntiānxià, [名滿天下], world famous
眼底下 yǎndǐxia, in front of one's eyes/in full view as a panorama/right now
木下惠介 上下一心 下半旗 下萨克森州 冒天下之大不韪 màotiānxiàzhīdàbùwěi, [冒天下之大不韙], see 冒大不韙|冒大不韪[mào dà bù wěi]
下篇 下情 xiàqíng, feelings of the masses/my situation (humble speech)
欺上瞒下 下泄 下年 竹下 下狠心 形而下 年下 niánxià, lunar new year
下一辈 由上至下 居高不下 jūgāobùxià, (of prices, rates etc) to remain high
偏下 上下半场 下巴颏 xiàbakē, [下巴頦], chin