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gǎibǎn to revise the current edition
revised edition

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        gǎibiàn, [改變], to change/to alter/to transform
        gǎi, to change/to alter/to transform/to correct
        xiūgǎi, to amend/to alter/to modify
        gǎizào, to transform/to reform/to remodel/to remold
        gǎijìn, [改進], to improve/to make better/CL:個|个[gè]
        gǎishàn, to make better/to improve/CL:個|个[gè]
        gǎitiān, another day/some other time/to find another day (for appointment etc)/to take a ...
        gǎibiān, [改編], to adapt/to rearrange/to revise
        gǎigé, reform/CL:次[cì],種|种[zhǒng],項|项[xiàng]/to reform
        gēnggǎi, to alter
        gǎizhuāng, [改裝], to change one's costume/to repackage/to remodel/to refit/to modify/to convert
        gǎiguòzìxīn, [改過自新], to reform and start afresh (idiom); to turn over a new leaf
        gǎidòng, [改動], to alter/to modify/to revise
        gǎizhèng, to correct/to amend/to put right/correction/CL:個|个[gè]
        gǎitóuhuànmiàn, [改頭換面], to adjust one's head and turn one's face (idiom); cosmetic changes/Despite super...
        gǎixiě, [改寫], to revise/to edit
        cuàngǎi, to tamper with/to falsify
        gǎidiào, to drop a bad habit
        gǎiguò, [改過], to correct/to fix
        gǎiguān, [改觀], change of appearance/to revise one's point of view
        gǎimíng, to change one's name
        gǎiliáng, to improve (sth)/to reform (a system)
        gǎixiéguīzhèng, [改邪歸正], to mend one's ways (idiom)/to turn over a new leaf
        huǐgǎi, to repent/repentance
        gǎiyòng, to change over to/to switch to/to use (sth different)
        gǎiháng, to change profession
        gǎijiàn, to rebuild/to transform (a building)/to refurbish
        láogǎi, [勞改], abbr. for 勞動改造|劳动改造[láo dòng gǎi zào]/reform through labor/laogai (prison camp)
        gǎihuàn, [改換], to change (sth)/to alter (sth)/to change over (to sth else)
        gǎiqī, to reschedule/to rearrange (e.g. a meeting)/to postpone
        gǎidào, to change route/to divert (a road or a watercourse)
        gǎikǒu, to change one's tune/to modify one's previous remark/to change the way one addre...
        gǎirì, another day/some other day
        gǎijià, to remarry (of a woman)
        gǎixuǎn, [改選], reelection/to reelect
        gǎiwéi, [改為], to change into
        túgǎi, [塗改], to alter (text)/to change by painting over/to correct (with correction fluid)
        gǎigézhě, reformer
        gǎizhì, to reorganize/to restructure
        gǎizǔ, [改組], to reorganize/to reshuffle (posts etc)
        tònggǎiqiánfēi, completely correcting one's former misdeeds (idiom); to repent past mistakes and...
        zhěnggǎi, to reform/to rectify and improve
        gǎicháohuàndài, [改朝換代], to transition to a new dynasty or regime
        gǎigépài, the reformist party
        gǎichēng, [改稱], to change a name/to rename
        gǎibǎn, to revise the current edition/revised edition
稿         xiūgǎigǎo, revised draft/new version (of a document)
        gǎipàn, to amend a judgment/to overrule the original decision/to commute (a sentence)
        pīgǎi, to mark (homework, exam scripts etc)/to correct and criticize (an article)/to ch...
        láodònggǎizào, [勞動改造], reeducation through labor/laogai (prison camp)
        gǎizhuī, [改錐], screwdriver/CL:把[bǎ]
        lǚjiàobùgǎi, [屢教不改], lit. not to change, despite repeated admonition/incorrigible/unrepentant
        gǎicuò, [改錯], to correct an error
        gǎichéng, to convert/to turn into (sth else)/to adapt (a story to another medium)
        cuàngǎi, [竄改], to alter/to modify/to change/to tamper
        tǔdìgǎigé, land reform
        shāngǎi, [刪改], to edit/to modify/to alter (written material)
        gǎigéjiā, reformer
稿         gǎigǎo, to revise a manuscript
        gǎihuǐ, to mend one's ways
        gǎixiányìzhé, [改弦易轍], change of string, move out of rut (idiom); dramatic change of direction/to dance...
        tǔgǎi, land reform/same as 土地改革[tǔ dì gǎi gé]

        bǎn, a register/block of printing/edition/version/page
        chūbǎn, to publish
        bǎnběn, version/edition/release
        tóubǎn, [頭版], (newspaper's) front page
        chūbǎnshè, publishing house
        bǎnquán, [版權], copyright
        bǎnmiàn, page of a publication (e.g. newspaper or website)/printing space (reserved for s...
        dàobǎn, [盜版], pirated/illegal/see also 正版[zhèng bǎn]
        fānbǎn, to reprint/reproduction/pirate copy/(fig.) imitation/carbon copy/clone
        chūbǎnwù, publications
        bǎnshuì, [版稅], royalty (on books)
        bǎntú, [版圖], domain/territory
        juébǎn, [絕版], out of print
        páibǎn, typesetting
        xīnbǎn, new edition/new version
        bǎnkuài, [版塊], printing block/section (of a newspaper)/board (of BBS or discussion forum)
        bǎnhuà, [版畫], printmaking/a print
        gǎibǎn, to revise the current edition/revised edition
        zàibǎn, second edition/reprint
        zhèngbǎn, genuine/legal/see also 盜版|盗版[dào bǎn]
        pīnbǎn, to typeset/to make up (printers' plates)
        kēluóbǎn, [珂羅版], collotype (printing) (loanword)
        diāobǎn, a carved printing block
        túbǎn, [圖版], printing plate bearing an image (illustration, photo etc)/print made with such a...
        bǎnshì, format
        zhìbǎn, [製版], to make a plate (printing)
        tūbǎn, relief printing plate
        xiūdìngbǎn, [修訂版], revised edition/revised version
        yìnshuābǎn, printing plate/printed version (of a digital publication)/printing (as in "1st p...
        chūbǎnzhě, publisher
        píngbǎn, lithographic plate
        huóbǎn, typography/movable type

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