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[改邪歸正] gǎixiéguīzhèng to mend one's ways (idiom)
to turn over a new leaf

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Word Compounds

        gǎibiàn, [改變], to change/to alter/to transform
        gǎi, to change/to alter/to transform/to correct
        xiūgǎi, to amend/to alter/to modify
        gǎizào, to transform/to reform/to remodel/to remold
        gǎijìn, [改進], to improve/to make better/CL:個|个[gè]
        gǎishàn, to make better/to improve/CL:個|个[gè]
        gǎitiān, another day/some other time/to find another day (for appointment etc)/to take a ...
        gǎibiān, [改編], to adapt/to rearrange/to revise
        gǎigé, reform/CL:次[cì],種|种[zhǒng],項|项[xiàng]/to reform
        gēnggǎi, to alter
        gǎizhuāng, [改裝], to change one's costume/to repackage/to remodel/to refit/to modify/to convert
        gǎiguòzìxīn, [改過自新], to reform and start afresh (idiom); to turn over a new leaf
        gǎidòng, [改動], to alter/to modify/to revise
        gǎizhèng, to correct/to amend/to put right/correction/CL:個|个[gè]
        gǎitóuhuànmiàn, [改頭換面], to adjust one's head and turn one's face (idiom); cosmetic changes/Despite super...
        gǎixiě, [改寫], to revise/to edit
        cuàngǎi, to tamper with/to falsify
        gǎidiào, to drop a bad habit
        gǎiguò, [改過], to correct/to fix
        gǎiguān, [改觀], change of appearance/to revise one's point of view
        gǎimíng, to change one's name
        gǎiliáng, to improve (sth)/to reform (a system)
        gǎixiéguīzhèng, [改邪歸正], to mend one's ways (idiom)/to turn over a new leaf
        huǐgǎi, to repent/repentance
        gǎiyòng, to change over to/to switch to/to use (sth different)
        gǎiháng, to change profession
        gǎijiàn, to rebuild/to transform (a building)/to refurbish
        láogǎi, [勞改], abbr. for 勞動改造|劳动改造[láo dòng gǎi zào]/reform through labor/laogai (prison camp)
        gǎihuàn, [改換], to change (sth)/to alter (sth)/to change over (to sth else)
        gǎiqī, to reschedule/to rearrange (e.g. a meeting)/to postpone
        gǎidào, to change route/to divert (a road or a watercourse)
        gǎikǒu, to change one's tune/to modify one's previous remark/to change the way one addre...
        gǎirì, another day/some other day
        gǎijià, to remarry (of a woman)
        gǎixuǎn, [改選], reelection/to reelect
        gǎiwéi, [改為], to change into
        túgǎi, [塗改], to alter (text)/to change by painting over/to correct (with correction fluid)
        gǎigézhě, reformer
        gǎizhì, to reorganize/to restructure
        gǎizǔ, [改組], to reorganize/to reshuffle (posts etc)
        tònggǎiqiánfēi, completely correcting one's former misdeeds (idiom); to repent past mistakes and...
        zhěnggǎi, to reform/to rectify and improve
        gǎicháohuàndài, [改朝換代], to transition to a new dynasty or regime
        gǎigépài, the reformist party
        gǎichēng, [改稱], to change a name/to rename
        gǎibǎn, to revise the current edition/revised edition
稿         xiūgǎigǎo, revised draft/new version (of a document)
        gǎipàn, to amend a judgment/to overrule the original decision/to commute (a sentence)
        pīgǎi, to mark (homework, exam scripts etc)/to correct and criticize (an article)/to ch...
        láodònggǎizào, [勞動改造], reeducation through labor/laogai (prison camp)
        gǎizhuī, [改錐], screwdriver/CL:把[bǎ]
        lǚjiàobùgǎi, [屢教不改], lit. not to change, despite repeated admonition/incorrigible/unrepentant
        gǎicuò, [改錯], to correct an error
        gǎichéng, to convert/to turn into (sth else)/to adapt (a story to another medium)
        cuàngǎi, [竄改], to alter/to modify/to change/to tamper
        tǔdìgǎigé, land reform
        shāngǎi, [刪改], to edit/to modify/to alter (written material)
        gǎigéjiā, reformer
稿         gǎigǎo, to revise a manuscript
        gǎihuǐ, to mend one's ways
        gǎixiányìzhé, [改弦易轍], change of string, move out of rut (idiom); dramatic change of direction/to dance...
        tǔgǎi, land reform/same as 土地改革[tǔ dì gǎi gé]

        xiéè, [邪惡], sinister/vicious/wicked/evil
        xié, [衺], old variant of 邪[xié], demonic/iniquitous/nefarious/evil/unhealthy influences th...
        xiéjiào, evil cult
        gǎixiéguīzhèng, [改邪歸正], to mend one's ways (idiom)/to turn over a new leaf
        zhòngxié, to be possessed/to be bewitched
        xiémó, evil spirit
        xiéniàn, wicked idea/evil thought/evil desire
        xiéshuō, [邪說], harmful teachings/evil doctrine
        bìxié, to ward off evil spirits/mythical lion-like animal that wards off evil (also cal...
        qūxié, [驅邪], to drive out devils/exorcism
        bìxié, to avoid evil spirits
        xiélù, see 邪道[xié dào]
        xiédào, depraved life/evil ways/fornication
        wāiménxiédào, [歪門邪道], dishonest practices
        xiéqì, [邪氣], evil influence/unhealthy trend/pathogeny (cause of disease) in TCM/as opposed to...

        Guī/guī, [歸], surname Gui, to return/to go back to/to give back to/(of a responsibility) to be...
        huíguī, [回歸], to return to/to retreat/regression (statistics)
        wújiākěguī, [無家可歸], homeless
        guīhuán, [歸還], to return sth/to revert
        guījiù, [歸咎], to put the blame on/to accuse
        guīgōng, [歸功], to give credit/to give sb his due/attribution
        guīduì, [歸隊], to return to one's unit/to go back to one's station in life
宿         guīsù, [歸宿], place to return to/home/final destination/ending
        guīyú, [歸於], to belong to/affiliated to/to result in sth/to incline towards
        guīshǔ, [歸屬], to belong to/to be affiliated to/to fall under the jurisdiction of/a place where...
        yánguīzhèngzhuàn, [言歸正傳], to return to the topic (idiom)/to get back to the main point
        guīzuì, [歸罪], to blame sb
        guīdàng, [歸檔], to file away/to place on file
        zǒngguī, [總歸], eventually/after all/anyhow
        guījié, [歸結], to sum up/to conclude/in a nutshell/the end (of a story)
        guīàn, [歸案], to bring to justice/to file away (a document)
        tóngguīyújìn, [同歸於盡], to die in such a way that sb (or sth) else also perishes/to take sb down with on...
        gǎixiéguīzhèng, [改邪歸正], to mend one's ways (idiom)/to turn over a new leaf
        guīshǔgǎn, [歸屬感], sense of belonging
        guīwèi, [歸位], to put sth back where it belongs/to return to the original position/to return to...
        wùguīyuánzhǔ, [物歸原主], to return something to its rightful owner
        guīgēnjiédǐ, [歸根結底], in the final analysis/ultimately
        guīlèi, [歸類], to classify/to categorize
西         guīxī, [歸西], to die/euphemism, lit. to return West or to the Western Paradise
        guīgēndàodǐ, [歸根到底], after all/in the final analysis/ultimately
        bīnzhìrúguī, [賓至如歸], guests feel at home (in a hotel, guest house etc)/a home away from home
        shízhìmíngguī, [實至名歸], fame follows merit (idiom)
        guīrù, [歸入], to assign (to a class)/to classify as/to include
        wánbìguīZhào, [完璧歸趙], lit. to return the jade annulus to Zhao (idiom); fig. to return something intact...
        zhuōnáguīàn, [捉拿歸案], to bring to justice
        guīguó, [歸國], to go home (to one's native country)/to return from abroad
        shìsǐrúguī, [視死如歸], to view death as a return home/to not be afraid of dying/to face death with equa...
        guīnà, [歸納], to sum up/to summarize/to conclude from facts/induction (method of deduction in ...
        guīshùn, [歸順], to surrender and pay allegiance to
        róngguī, [榮歸], to return home with honor
        shūtútóngguī, [殊途同歸], different routes to the same destination (idiom); fig. different means of achiev...
        shāyǔérguī, [鎩羽而歸], to return in low spirits following a defeat or failure to achieve one's ambition...
        guītú, [歸途], the way back/one's journey home
        huàguī, [劃歸], to incorporate/to put under (external administration)
        xuèběnwúguī, [血本無歸], to lose everything one invested (idiom)/to lose one's shirt
        mǎnzàiérguī, [滿載而歸], to return from a rewarding journey
        guīyǐn, [歸隱], to go back to one's native place and live in seclusion
线         Běihuíguīxiàn, [北回歸線], Tropic of Cancer
线         Nánhuíguīxiàn, [南回歸線], Tropic of Capricorn
        guīchéng, [歸程], return trip/homeward journey
        guīyī, [歸依], to convert to (a religion)/to rely upon/refuge/mainstay
        guītiān, [歸天], to die
        fǎnpúguīzhēn, [返璞歸真], to return to one's true self/to regain the natural state
        zǎochūwǎnguī, [早出晚歸], to leave early and return late (idiom)
        fùguī, [復歸], to return/to come back
线         huíguīxiàn, [回歸線], tropic/one of the two latitude lines, Tropic of Capricorn or Tropic of Cancer
        guīxīn, [歸心], converted to (religion)
        guībìng, [歸併], to put together/to add/to merge
        guīlǒng, [歸攏], to gather/to rake together/to pile up
        yèluòguīgēn, [葉落歸根], a falling leaf returns to the roots (idiom); everything has its ancestral home/I...
        guīxīnsìjiàn, [歸心似箭], with one's heart set on speeding home (idiom)
        dāngguī, [當歸], Angelica sinensis
        guīfù, [歸附], to realign one's allegiance (to another religion, ruler etc)/to submit

        zhēng/zhèng, first month of the lunar year, straight/upright/proper/main/principal/to correct...
        zhēnzhèng, genuine/real/true/genuinely
        zhèngzài, just at (that time)/right in (that place)/right in the middle of (doing sth)
        zhèngcháng, regular/normal/ordinary
        zhèngquè, [正確], correct/proper
        fǎnzhèng, anyway/in any case/to come over from the enemy's side
        zhèngshì, (emphasizes that sth is precisely or exactly as stated)/precisely/exactly/even/i...
        zhènghǎo, just (in time)/just right/just enough/to happen to/to chance to/by chance/it jus...
        zhèngshì, formal/official
        zhèngyì, [正義], justice/righteousness/just/righteous
        gōngzhèng, just/fair/equitable
        zhèngdāng/zhèngdàng, [正當], timely/just (when needed), honest/reasonable/fair/sensible
        zhèngjīng, [正經], decent/honorable/proper/serious/according to standards
        zhèngzhí, upright/upstanding/honest
        zhèngmiàn, front/obverse side/right side/positive/direct/open
        jiūzhèng, [糾正], to correct/to make right
        zhèngshì, one's proper business
        zhèngyào, to be just about to/to be on the point of
        zhèngguǐ, [正軌], the right track
        xiūzhèngàn, amendment/revised draft
        zhèngzhōng, middle/center/right in the middle or center/nub
        zhèngdiǎn, [正點], on time/punctual (of train etc)/awesome (slang)
        lìzhèng, to stand straight/attention! (order to troops)
        xiūzhèng, to revise/to amend
        gǎizhèng, to correct/to amend/to put right/correction/CL:個|个[gè]
        zhèngguī, [正規], regular/according to standards
        zhèngpài, upright
        fēizhèngshì, unofficial/informal
        zhèngdàngfángwèi, [正當防衛], reasonable self-defense/legitimate defense
        guāngmíngzhèngdà, (of a person) honorable/not devious/(of a behavior) fair and aboveboard/without ...
        jiǎozhèng, [矯正], to correct/to rectify (e.g. a physical defect such as hearing or vision)/to cure...
        zhèngqiǎo, just by chance/to happen to (just at the right time)/opportune
        zhèngshì, [正視], to face squarely/to meet head on/to face up to
        yánguīzhèngzhuàn, [言歸正傳], to return to the topic (idiom)/to get back to the main point
        zhèngzōng, orthodox school/fig. traditional/old school/authentic/genuine
        gēngzhèng, to correct/to make a correction
        zhèngmén, [正門], main entrance/main gate/portal
        chúnzhèng, [純正], pure/unadulterated/(of motives etc) honest
        zhèngwǔ, midday/noon/noonday
        zhèngcān, (regular) meal/full meal/main course
        Zhèngtǒng/zhèngtǒng, [正統], Zhengtong Emperor, reign name of sixth Ming Emperor Zhu Qizhen 朱祁鎮|朱祁镇[Zhū Qí zh...
        gǎixiéguīzhèng, [改邪歸正], to mend one's ways (idiom)/to turn over a new leaf
        zhèngdào, the correct path/the right way (Buddhism)
        duānzhèng, upright/regular/proper/correct
        zhèngrú, just as/precisely as
        zhèngfāngxíng, square
        yīběnzhèngjīng, [一本正經], in deadly earnest/deadpan
        JīnZhèngrì, Kim Jong-il (1942-2011), Dear Leader of North Korea 1982-2011
        zhèngdàguāngmíng, just and honorable
        fēizhèngcháng, abnormal/irregular
        jiàozhèng, to proofread and correct/to edit and rectify/to correct/to calibrate
        zhèngzhí, just at the time of/honest/upright/(math.) positive value
        zhǐzhèng, to point out mistakes or weak points for correction/to comment/criticism
        tángtángzhèngzhèng, displaying strength and discipline/impressive/upright and frank/square
        zhèngzhuàn, [正傳], main subject of long novel/true biography
        qīngzhèng, upright and honorable
        zhèngmíng, to replace the current name or title of sth with a new one that reflects its tru...
        zhèngfǎ, to execute/the law
        míngzhèngyánshùn, [名正言順], in a way that justifies the use of the term/genuine/proper/in a way that conform...
        zhèngdiànzǐ, [正電子], positron (antiparticle of the electron)
        yánzhèng, [嚴正], sternly/solemn
        bōluànfǎnzhèng, [撥亂反正], bring order out of chaos/set to rights things which have been thrown into disord...
        zhènglù, the right way
        zhèngérbājīng, [正兒八經], serious/earnest/real/true
        bùwùzhèngyè, [不務正業], not to engage in honest work/to ignore one's proper occupation/not to attend to ...
        zhèngfǎn, positive and negative/pros and cons/inside and outside
        zhèngjí, [正極], positive pole
        zhèngjù, [正劇], bourgeois tragedy
        zhèngbù, goose-step (for military parades)
        zhèngguījūn, [正規軍], regular army/standing army
        Zhēngyuè, first month of the lunar year
寿         shòuzhōngzhèngqǐn, [壽終正寢], to die of old age/to die in one's bed at a ripe old age
        zhèngpǐn, certified goods/quality product/normal product/A-class goods
        zhèngqì, [正氣], healthy environment/healthy atmosphere/righteousness/vital energy (in Chinese me...
        fēnghuázhèngmào, [風華正茂], in one's prime
        wāidǎzhèngzháo, [歪打正著], to succeed by a lucky stroke
        zhèngwén, main text (as opposed to footnotes)/main body (of a book)
        PiáoZhèngxī, Park Chung-Hee (1917-1979), South Korean military man and dictator, president 19...
        jiǎowǎngguòzhèng, [矯枉過正], to overcorrect (idiom)/to overcompensate
        zhuǎnzhèng, [轉正], to transfer to full membership/to obtain tenure
        zhèngbǎn, genuine/legal/see also 盜版|盗版[dào bǎn]
        zhèngshù, [正數], positive number
        Dōngzhèngjiào, [東正教], Eastern Orthodox Church
        xiūzhèngzhǔyì, [修正主義], revisionism
        Fāngzhèng/fāngzhèng, Fangzheng county in Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Hā ěr bīn], Heilongjiang, clear and square/ne...
        gāngzhèngbùē, [剛正不阿], upright and plainspoken
        zhèngzǐ, positron/also called 正電子|正电子[zhèng diàn zǐ]
        shàngliángbùzhèngxiàliángwāi, lit. If the upper beam is not straight, the lower beam will be crooked (idiom); ...
        zhèngqiē, (math.) tangent (trigonometric function)
        zhèngfù, [正負], positive and negative
        zhèngxián, (math.) sine
        zhèngběn, original (of a document)/reserved copy (of a library book)
        zhèngzhèng, neat/orderly/just in time
        zhèngjīngbābǎi, [正經八百], very serious/solemn
        zhèngfáng, central building (in a traditional house)/primary wife
        fāngfāngzhèngzhèng, square-shaped
        zhèngzhí, [正職], main job/day job/steady full-time job (as opposed to temporary or casual)/chief ...
        gāngzhèng, [剛正], honest/upright
        zhèngtǐ, [正體], standard form (of a Chinese character)/plain font style (as opposed to bold or i...
        zhèngdiàn, [正電], positive charge (electricity)
        zhèngbǐ, direct ratio/directly proportional
        zhèngjiào, lit. true religion/orthodox religion/orthodox Christianity/Islam (in the writing...
        zhèngtàifēnbù, [正態分布], (math.) normal distribution/Gaussian distribution
        zhèngdāngzhōng, [正當中], right in the midpoint/a bull's eye/to hit the nail on the head
        zhèngfāngtǐ, [正方體], a rectangular parallelepiped
        dìngzhèng, [訂正], to make a correction
        zìzhèngqiāngyuán, [字正腔圓], (of singing or speaking) very articulate pronunciation and vocalizing
        xiūzhèngyè, correction fluid
        zhèngyīn, standard pronunciation/to correct sb's pronunciation
        Zhèngdé, Zhengde Emperor, reign name of eleventh Ming emperor Zhu Houzhao 朱厚照[Zhū Hòu zhà...
        zhèngchánghuà, normalization (of diplomatic relations etc)
殿         zhèngdiàn, main hall of a Buddhist temple
        JīnZhèngēn, Kim Jong-un (c. 1983-), third son of Kim Jong-il 金正日[Jīn Zhèng rì], supreme lead...
        zhèngdāngnián, [正當年], to be in the prime of life
        zhènggǔ, bonesetting/Chinese osteopathy
        zhènglízǐ, [正離子], positive ion/cation (physics)

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