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[改過] gǎiguò to correct
to fix

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Word Compounds

        gǎibiàn, [改變], to change/to alter/to transform
        gǎi, to change/to alter/to transform/to correct
        xiūgǎi, to amend/to alter/to modify
        gǎizào, to transform/to reform/to remodel/to remold
        gǎijìn, [改進], to improve/to make better/CL:個|个[gè]
        gǎishàn, to make better/to improve/CL:個|个[gè]
        gǎitiān, another day/some other time/to find another day (for appointment etc)/to take a ...
        gǎibiān, [改編], to adapt/to rearrange/to revise
        gǎigé, reform/CL:次[cì],種|种[zhǒng],項|项[xiàng]/to reform
        gēnggǎi, to alter
        gǎizhuāng, [改裝], to change one's costume/to repackage/to remodel/to refit/to modify/to convert
        gǎiguòzìxīn, [改過自新], to reform and start afresh (idiom); to turn over a new leaf
        gǎidòng, [改動], to alter/to modify/to revise
        gǎizhèng, to correct/to amend/to put right/correction/CL:個|个[gè]
        gǎitóuhuànmiàn, [改頭換面], to adjust one's head and turn one's face (idiom); cosmetic changes/Despite super...
        gǎixiě, [改寫], to revise/to edit
        cuàngǎi, to tamper with/to falsify
        gǎidiào, to drop a bad habit
        gǎiguò, [改過], to correct/to fix
        gǎiguān, [改觀], change of appearance/to revise one's point of view
        gǎimíng, to change one's name
        gǎiliáng, to improve (sth)/to reform (a system)
        gǎixiéguīzhèng, [改邪歸正], to mend one's ways (idiom)/to turn over a new leaf
        huǐgǎi, to repent/repentance
        gǎiyòng, to change over to/to switch to/to use (sth different)
        gǎiháng, to change profession
        gǎijiàn, to rebuild/to transform (a building)/to refurbish
        láogǎi, [勞改], abbr. for 勞動改造|劳动改造[láo dòng gǎi zào]/reform through labor/laogai (prison camp)
        gǎihuàn, [改換], to change (sth)/to alter (sth)/to change over (to sth else)
        gǎiqī, to reschedule/to rearrange (e.g. a meeting)/to postpone
        gǎidào, to change route/to divert (a road or a watercourse)
        gǎikǒu, to change one's tune/to modify one's previous remark/to change the way one addre...
        gǎirì, another day/some other day
        gǎijià, to remarry (of a woman)
        gǎixuǎn, [改選], reelection/to reelect
        gǎiwéi, [改為], to change into
        túgǎi, [塗改], to alter (text)/to change by painting over/to correct (with correction fluid)
        gǎigézhě, reformer
        gǎizhì, to reorganize/to restructure
        gǎizǔ, [改組], to reorganize/to reshuffle (posts etc)
        tònggǎiqiánfēi, completely correcting one's former misdeeds (idiom); to repent past mistakes and...
        zhěnggǎi, to reform/to rectify and improve
        gǎicháohuàndài, [改朝換代], to transition to a new dynasty or regime
        gǎigépài, the reformist party
        gǎichēng, [改稱], to change a name/to rename
        gǎibǎn, to revise the current edition/revised edition
稿         xiūgǎigǎo, revised draft/new version (of a document)
        gǎipàn, to amend a judgment/to overrule the original decision/to commute (a sentence)
        pīgǎi, to mark (homework, exam scripts etc)/to correct and criticize (an article)/to ch...
        láodònggǎizào, [勞動改造], reeducation through labor/laogai (prison camp)
        gǎizhuī, [改錐], screwdriver/CL:把[bǎ]
        lǚjiàobùgǎi, [屢教不改], lit. not to change, despite repeated admonition/incorrigible/unrepentant
        gǎicuò, [改錯], to correct an error
        gǎichéng, to convert/to turn into (sth else)/to adapt (a story to another medium)
        cuàngǎi, [竄改], to alter/to modify/to change/to tamper
        tǔdìgǎigé, land reform
        shāngǎi, [刪改], to edit/to modify/to alter (written material)
        gǎigéjiā, reformer
稿         gǎigǎo, to revise a manuscript
        gǎihuǐ, to mend one's ways
        gǎixiányìzhé, [改弦易轍], change of string, move out of rut (idiom); dramatic change of direction/to dance...
        tǔgǎi, land reform/same as 土地改革[tǔ dì gǎi gé]

        Guò/guò/guo, [過], surname Guo, to cross/to go over/to pass (time)/to celebrate (a holiday)/to live...
        bùguò, [不過], only/merely/no more than/but/however/anyway (to get back to a previous topic)/ca...
        guòlái/guòlai, [過來], to come over/to manage/to handle/to be able to take care of, see 過來|过来[guò lái]
        guòqù/guòqu, [過去], (in the) past/former/previous/to go over/to pass by, (verb suffix)
        tōngguò, [通過], by means of/through/via/to pass through/to get through/to adopt/to pass (a bill ...
        zhǐbuguò, [只不過], only/merely/nothing but/no more than/it's just that ...
        jīngguò, [經過], to pass/to go through/process/course/CL:個|个[gè]
        cuòguò, [錯過], to miss (train, opportunity etc)
        chāoguò, [超過], to surpass/to exceed/to outstrip
        guòchéng, [過程], course of events/process/CL:個|个[gè]
        nánguò, [難過], to feel sad/to feel unwell/(of life) to be difficult
        dùguò, [度過], to pass/to spend (time)/to survive/to get through
        guòfèn, [過分], excessive/undue/overly
穿         chuānguò, [穿過], to pass through
        guòmǐn, [過敏], oversensitive/allergic/allergy
        guòdù, [過度], excessive/over-/excess/going too far/extravagant/intemperate/overdue
        guòyè, [過夜], to spend the night/overnight
        lùguò, [路過], to pass by or through
        guòyú, [過於], too much/excessively
        guòshì, [過世], to die/to pass away
        zǒuguò, [走過], to walk past/to pass by
        guòliàng, [過量], excess/overdose
        shèngguò, [勝過], to excel/to surpass
        dùguò, [渡過], to cross over/to pass through
        guòcuò, [過錯], mistake/fault/responsibility (for a fault)
        tòuguò, [透過], to pass through/to penetrate/by means of/via
        guòshí, [過時], old-fashioned/out of date/to be later than the time stipulated or agreed upon
        guòrén, [過人], to surpass others/outstanding/(basketball, soccer etc) to get past an opponent
        yuèguò, [越過], to cross over/to transcend/to cover distance/to overcome/to rise above
        guòshī, [過失], error/fault/(law) negligence/delinquency
        zuìguo, [罪過], sin/offense
        fàngguò, [放過], to let off/to let slip by/to let sb get away with sth
        fēiguò, [飛過], to fly over/to fly past
        guòbuqù, [過不去], to make life difficult for/to embarrass/unable to make it through
        fānguò, [翻過], to turn over/to transform
        guòrìzi, [過日子], to live one's life/to pass one's days/to get along
        guòqī, [過期], to be overdue/to exceed the time limit/to expire (as in expiration date)
        guòjié, [過節], to celebrate a festival/after the celebrations (i.e. once the festival is over)
        guòhòu, [過後], after the event
        gǎiguòzìxīn, [改過自新], to reform and start afresh (idiom); to turn over a new leaf
        guòlǜ, [過濾], to filter/filter
        fǎnguolái, [反過來], conversely/in reverse order/in an opposite direction
        guòdù, [過渡], to cross over (by ferry)/transition/interim/caretaker (administration)
        guòjī, [過激], drastic/extreme/aggressive
        kuàguò, [跨過], to surmount/to cross over
        guòdào, [過道], passageway/corridor/aisle
        guòtóu, [過頭], to overdo it/to overstep the limit/excessively/above one's head/overhead
        guòyǐn, [過癮], to satisfy a craving/to get a kick out of sth/gratifying/immensely enjoyable/sat...
        guòzǎo, [過早], premature/untimely
        guòwǎng, [過往], to come and go/to have friendly relations with/in the past/previous
        hǎoguò, [好過], to have an easy time/(feel) well
        guòlǜqì, [過濾器], filtering apparatus/(machine) filter
        gǎiguò, [改過], to correct/to fix
        huǐguò, [悔過], to regret/to repent
        guòguān, [過關], to cross a barrier/to get through (an ordeal)/to pass (a test)/to reach (a stand...
        ràoguò, [繞過], to detour/to bypass/to circumvent/to avoid/to wind around (of a road etc)
        xìndeguò, [信得過], trustworthy/reliable
        xìnbùguò, [信不過], to distrust/to be suspicious
        guòwèn, [過問], to show an interest in/to get involved with
        guòyìbùqù, [過意不去], to feel very apologetic
        guòmù, [過目], to look over
        guòjiājiā, [過家家], to play house
        wéishíguòzǎo, [為時過早], premature/too soon
        mòguòyú, [莫過於], nothing can surpass
        guòdéqù, [過得去], lit. can pass through (an opening)/fig. can get by (in life)/tolerably well/not ...
        guòshèng, [過剩], surplus/excess
        guòzài, [過載], overload
        guòjìng, [過境], to pass through a country's territory/transit
        cājiānérguò, [擦肩而過], brief encounter/to brush past sb
        lüèguò, [掠過], to flit across/to sweep past/to glance (strike at an angle)
        cāozhīguòjí, [操之過急], to act with undue haste (idiom); eager and impatient/overhasty
        guòmén, [過門], to pass through a doorway/(of a woman) to marry/orchestral music interlude in an...
        guòduō, [過多], too many/excessive
        guòmùbùwàng, [過目不忘], to have a highly retentive memory/to have sth imprinted in one's memory
        ménghùnguòguān, [矇混過關], to get away with it/to slip through/to bluff one's way out/Taiwan pr. [mēng hùn ...
        jiēguò, [接過], to take (sth proffered)
        guòláirén, [過來人], an experienced person/sb who has "been around (the block)"/sb who has personally...
        guòmǐnxìng, [過敏性], hypersensitive/allergic reaction/anaphylaxis
        guòkè, [過客], passing traveler/transient guest/sojourner
        guòyǎnyúnyān, [過眼雲煙], ephemeral (idiom)
        shíguòjìngqiān, [時過境遷], things change with the passage of time (idiom)
        shuōbuguòqù, [說不過去], cannot be justified/inexcusable
        zhāoyáoguòshì, [招搖過市], to parade oneself ostentatiously about town (idiom)
        guònián, [過年], to celebrate the Chinese New Year
        fǎnguòláishuō, [反過來說], on the other hand
        guòbàn, [過半], over fifty percent/more than half
        guòchǎng, [過場], interlude/to cross the stage/to do sth as a mere formality/to go through the mot...
        bǔguò, [補過], to make up for an earlier mistake/to make amends
        guòdōng, [過冬], to get through the winter
        guòzhòng, [過重], overweight (luggage)
        zǒuguòchǎng, [走過場], to go through the motions
        yánguòqíshí, [言過其實], to exaggerate/to overstate the facts
        guòlùrén, [過路人], a passer-by
        guòqùshí, [過去時], past tense (grammar)
        yǒuguòzhīérwúbùjí, [有過之而無不及], not to be inferior in any aspects (idiom)/to surpass/to outdo/(derog.) to be eve...
        mántiānguòhǎi, [瞞天過海], to cross the sea by a trick (idiom)/to achieve one's aim by underhanded means
        shìbùguòsān, [事不過三], a thing should not be attempted more than three times (idiom)/don't repeat the s...
        guòyìng, [過硬], to have perfect mastery of sth/to be up to the mark
        dàguò, [大過], serious mistake/major demerit
        guòguānzhǎnjiàng, [過關斬將], to surmount all difficulties (on the way to success) (idiom)/abbr. for 過五關斬六將|过五...
        guòjì, [過繼], to adopt/to give for adoption (usually to a childless relative)
        déguòqiěguò, [得過且過], satisfied just to get through (idiom); to muddle through/without high ambitions,...
        guòhù, [過戶], to transfer ownership (of a vehicle, securities etc)/(real estate) conveyancing
        guòmǐnyuán, [過敏原], allergen/anaphylactogen
        yǔguòtiānqíng, [雨過天晴], sky clears after rain/new hopes after a disastrous period (idiom)/every cloud ha...
        huǐguòshū, [悔過書], written repentance
        guòjiēlǎoshǔ, [過街老鼠], sb or sth detested by all/target of scorn/anathema/cf. 老鼠過街,人人喊打|老鼠过街,人人喊打[lǎo s...
        guòyóubùjí, [過猶不及], too far is as bad as not enough (idiom, from the Analects)
        jiǎowǎngguòzhèng, [矯枉過正], to overcorrect (idiom)/to overcompensate
        jìguò, [記過], to give sb a demerit
        guòyǎnghuàqīng, [過氧化氫], hydrogen peroxide HÓ
        shìguòjìngqiān, [事過境遷], The issue is in the past, and the situation has changed (idiom)./It is water und...
        guòjiǎng, [過獎], to overpraise/to flatter
        guòhuǒ, [過火], to go too far (in word or deed)/over the top
        gōngguò, [功過], merits and demerits/contributions and errors
        huǐguòzìxīn, [悔過自新], to repent and start afresh (idiom); to turn over a new leaf
        guòyǎnyānyún, [過眼煙雲], ephemeral (idiom)
        dàxǐguòwàng, [大喜過望], overjoyed at unexpected good news (idiom)
        guòyǎnghuàwù, [過氧化物], peroxide
        bùguòěrěr, [不過爾爾], not more than so-so (idiom); mediocre/nothing out of the ordinary
        guòwǔguānzhǎnliùjiàng, [過五關斬六將], lit. to cross five passes and slay six generals (idiom)/fig. to surmount all dif...
        niùbuguò, [拗不過], can't persuade/unable to make (sb) change their mind/unable to resist (sb)
        bìménsīguò, [閉門思過], shut oneself up and ponder over one's mistakes
        bùguòyì, [不過意], to be sorry/to feel apologetic
        guòxì, [過細], extremely careful/meticulous/overattentive

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