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Word: freq index 21561
[商業化] shāngyèhuà to commercialize

Character Composition

Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        shāngdiàn, store/shop/CL:家[jiā],個|个[gè]
        shāngliang, to consult/to talk over/to discuss
        Shāng/shāng, Shang Dynasty (c. 1600-1046 BC)/surname Shang, commerce/merchant/dealer/to consu...
        shāngyè, [商業], business/trade/commerce
        shāngchǎng, [商場], shopping mall/shopping center/department store/emporium/CL:家[jiā]/the business w...
        shāngrén, merchant/businessman
        shāngpǐn, commodity/goods/merchandise/CL:個|个[gè]
        zhìshāng, IQ (intelligence quotient)
        chéngbāoshāng, contractor
        shāngwù, [商務], commercial affairs/commercial/commerce/business
        zhìzàoshāng, [製造商], manufacturing company
        xiéshāng, [協商], to consult with/to talk things over/agreement
        zànzhùshāng, [贊助商], sponsor
        shāngbiāo, [商標], trademark/logo
        shāngtǎo, [商討], to discuss/to deliberate
        gōngyìngshāng, [供應商], supplier
        shāngyì, [商議], to negotiate/discussion/proposal
        kāifāshāng, [開發商], developer (of real estate, a commercial product etc)
        jīngxiāoshāng, [經銷商], dealer/seller/distributor/broker/agency/franchise (i.e. company)/retail outlet
        shānghuì, [商會], chamber of commerce
        shāngtán, [商談], to confer/to discuss/to engage in talks
        dàilǐshāng, agent
        Shāngchéng/shāngchéng, see 商城縣|商城县[Shāng chéng xiàn], shopping center/department store
        bǎihuòshāngdiàn, [百貨商店], department store
        pīfāshāng, [批發商], a wholesale business/distributor
        shāngjiè, business world/business community
        língshòushāng, retailer/shopkeeper/retail merchant
        shāngxuéyuàn, [商學院], business school/university of business studies
        shāngyèhuà, [商業化], to commercialize
        chǎngshāng, [廠商], manufacturer/producer
        shāngyèqū, [商業區], business district/downtown
        jīngshāng, [經商], to trade/to carry out commercial activities/in business
        fùshāng, rich merchant
        shāngchuán, merchant ship
        gōngshāng, industry and commerce
        shāngjiā, merchant/business/enterprise
        cuōshāng, to consult/to discuss seriously/to negotiate/to confer/negotiations/consultation...
        jìnkǒushāng, [進口商], importer/import business
        jiānshāng, unscrupulous businessman/profiteer/shark/dishonest business
        shāngdìng, to agree/to decide after consultation/to come to a compromise
        shāngjī, [商機], business opportunity/commercial opportunity
        shāngpù, [商舖], shop/store
        shāngquè, to discuss/to bring up various ideas for discussion
        shāngduì, [商隊], caravan
        shāngmào, [商貿], trade and commerce
        shāngfàn, [商販], trader/peddler
        zhōngjiānshāng, [中間商], middleman/broker
        shāngháng, trading company
        fāzhǎnshāng, [發展商], (real estate etc) developer
        Shāngwùbù, [商務部], Department of Trade/Department of Commerce
        hángshāng, traveling salesman/itinerant trader/hawker/peddler
        tōngshāng, having trading relations (of nations or regions)
        chūkǒushāng, exporter/export business
        xiǎoshāngfàn, [小商販], small trader/peddler
        pāimàishāng, [拍賣商], auctioneer/auction house
        shānghào, [商號], store/a business
        shāngbù, commercial port/trading port/treaty port (old)
        Shāngkē/shāngkē, Shangke corporation, PRC IT company (since 1994), business studies
        shānglǚ, businessmen and travelers/traveling merchant/(Tw) business hotel
        qiàshāng, to negotiate/to talk over
        shāngyuē, [商約], trade treaty
        shāngpǐnhuà, commodification
        shāngshù, [商數], quotient (math.)
        shāngxué, [商學], business studies/commerce as an academic subject
        shāngzhàn, [商戰], trade war
        shāngzhuó, to deliberate
        zhāoshāng, to seek investment or funding/investment promotion

        zhíyè, [職業], occupation/profession/vocation/professional
        bìyè, [畢業], graduation/to graduate/to finish school
        shìyè, [事業], undertaking/project/activity/(charitable, political or revolutionary) cause/publ...
        zhuānyè, [專業], specialty/specialized field/main field of study (at university)/major/CL:門|门[mén...
        zuòyè, [作業], school assignment/homework/work/task/operation/CL:個|个[gè]/to operate
        shāngyè, [商業], business/trade/commerce
        hángyè, [行業], industry/business
        Yè/yè, [業], surname Ye, line of business/industry/occupation/job/employment/school studies/e...
        yèyú, [業餘], in one's spare time/outside working hours/amateur (historian etc)
        shīyè, [失業], unemployment/to lose one's job
        qǐyè, [企業], company/firm/enterprise/corporation/CL:家[jiā]
        yèwù, [業務], business/professional work/service/CL:項|项[xiàng]
        gōngyè, [工業], industry
        chǎnyè, [產業], industry/estate/property/industrial
        yíngyè, [營業], to do business/to trade
        bìyèshēng, [畢業生], graduate
        kāiyè, [開業], to open a business/to open a practice/open (for business)
        xuéyè, [學業], studies/schoolwork
        nóngyè, [農業], agriculture/farming
        yèzhǔ, [業主], owner/proprietor
        yèjì, [業績], achievement/accomplishment/(in more recent usage) performance (of a business, em...
        jiùyè, [就業], to get a job/employment
        jìngyè, [敬業], to be dedicated to one's work/to respect one's work
        zhíyè, [執業], to work in a profession (e.g. doctor, lawyer)/practitioner/professional
        qǐyèjiā, [企業家], entrepreneur
        chóngcāojiùyè, [重操舊業], to resume one's old trade (idiom)
        chuàngyè, [創業], to begin an undertaking/to start a major task/to initiate/to venture/venture/ent...
        wùyè, [物業], property/real estate/abbr. for 物業管理|物业管理[wù yè guǎn lǐ], property management
        shāngyèhuà, [商業化], to commercialize
        tíngyè, [停業], to cease trading (temporarily or permanently)/to close down
        zhíyèbìng, [職業病], occupational disease
        fùyè, [副業], sideline/side occupation
        shìyèyǒuchéng, [事業有成], to be successful in business/professional success
        shāngyèqū, [商業區], business district/downtown
        shíyè, [實業], industry/commercial enterprise
        cóngyè, [從業], to practice (a trade)
        yíngyèé, [營業額], sum or volume of business/turnover
        Nóngyèbù, [農業部], Ministry of Agriculture/Department of Agriculture
        wúyè, [無業], unemployed/jobless/out of work
        xiēyè, [歇業], to close down (temporarily or permanently)/to go out of business
        gōngyèqū, [工業區], industrial zone
        jiāyè, [家業], family property
        jīngjīngyèyè, [兢兢業業], cautious and conscientious
        shīyèlǜ, [失業率], unemployment rate
        yúyè, [漁業], fishing industry/fishery
        zhuānyèxìng, [專業性], professionalism/expertise
        fúwùyè, [服務業], service industry
        shīyèzhě, [失業者], an unemployed person
        jiéyè, [結業], to finish school, esp. a short course/to complete a course
        yèwùyuán, [業務員], salesperson
        yínhángyè, [銀行業], banking
        ānjūlèyè, [安居樂業], to live in peace and work happily (idiom)
        kuàngyè, [礦業], mining industry
        zhuānyèhù, [專業戶], family firm producing a special product/cottage industry
        gèhánggèyè, [各行各業], every trade/all professions/all walks of life
        bùwùzhèngyè, [不務正業], not to engage in honest work/to ignore one's proper occupation/not to attend to ...
        yèdà, [業大], part-time college (abbr. for 業餘大學|业余大学[yè yú dà xué])
        dàyè, [大業], great cause/great undertaking
        shíyèjiā, [實業家], industrialist
        yèyǐ, [業已], already
        wěiyè, [偉業], exploit/great undertaking
        jiànzhùyè, [建築業], building industry
        zhìzàoyè, [制造業], manufacturing industry
        yǐngyè, [影業], film industry
        dàiyè, [待業], to await job assignment (term used only in mainland China)
        lǚyóuyè, [旅遊業], tourism industry
        yíngyèyuán, [營業員], clerk/shop assistant/CL:個|个[gè]
        chéngjiālìyè, [成家立業], to get married and start a career (idiom)/to settle down/to establish oneself
        zhǔyè, [主業], main business
        jīyè, [基業], foundation/base/family estate
        gōngyèhuà, [工業化], to industrialize/industrialization
        kèyè, [課業], lesson/schoolwork
        zhíyèhuà, [職業化], professionalization
        zhuānyèhuà, [專業化], specialization
        jīnróngyè, [金融業], financial sector/the banking business
        yùnshūyè, [運輸業], transportation industry
        qǐyèzhǔ, [企業主], owner of enterprise
        zhuǎnyè, [轉業], to change one's profession/to transfer to civilian work
        mùyè, [牧業], livestock husbandry/animal product industry
        zhìyè, [置業], to buy real estate
        yìyè, [肄業], to attend (a school)/to drop out (of college etc)
        jiàngōnglìyè, [建功立業], to achieve or accomplish goals
        xùmùyè, [畜牧業], animal husbandry/stock raising/livestock raising
        niàngjiǔyè, [釀酒業], brewing industry/wine industry
        yìnshuāyè, [印刷業], typography/printing business
        shìyèxīn, [事業心], devotion to one's work/professional ambition
        tóngyègōnghuì, [同業公會], trade association
        chuàngyèzhě, [創業者], entrepreneur
        jiǔdiànyè, [酒店業], the catering industry/the hotel and restaurant business
        àigǎngjìngyè, [愛崗敬業], industrious and hard-working/conscientious and meticulous
        zhòngzhíyè, [種植業], plantation
        yìyèshēng, [肄業生], dropout student
        chǎnyèhuà, [產業化], to industrialize/industrialization
        tóngyè, [同業], same trade or business/person in the same trade or business
        yǎngzhíyè, [養殖業], cultivation industry
        huàxuégōngyè, [化學工業], chemical industry, abbr. to 化工[huà gōng]
        shǒugōngyè, [手工業], handicraft
        chǎnyègōngrén, [產業工人], industrial worker
        shòuyè, [授業], to teach/to bequeath

        biànhuà, [變化], change/variation/to change/to vary/CL:個|个[gè]
        huā/huà, variant of 花[huā], to make into/to change into/-ization/to ... -ize/to transform...
        wénhuà, culture/civilization/cultural/CL:個|个[gè],種|种[zhǒng]
        huàxué, [化學], chemistry/chemical
        huàzhuāng, [化妝], to put on makeup
        èhuà, [惡化], to worsen
        jìnhuà, [進化], evolution/CL:個|个[gè]
        huàzhuāngpǐn, [化妝品], cosmetic/makeup product
        rónghuà, to melt/to thaw/to dissolve/to blend into/to combine/to fuse
        shēnghuà, biochemistry
        huàyàn, [化驗], chemical examination/to do a lab test
        huàliáo, [化療], chemotherapy
        xiāohuà, to digest/digestion/digestive
        jìnghuà, [淨化], to purify
        qíngxùhuà, [情緒化], emotional/sentimental
        huàshēn, incarnation/reincarnation/embodiment (of abstract idea)/personification
        huàhéwù, chemical compound
        huàmíng, to use an alias/assumed name/pseudonym
        huǒhuà, to cremate/to incinerate
        huàzhuāng, [化裝], (of actors) to make up/to disguise oneself
        yìnghuà, to harden/hardening/sclerosis/fig. to become rigid or inflexible in opinions/to ...
        yǎnghuà, to oxidize
        èryǎnghuàtàn, carbon dioxide CÓ
        zhuǎnhuà, [轉化], to change/to transform/isomerization (chemistry)
        guāngtiānhuàrì, the full light of day (idiom)/fig. peace and prosperity/in broad daylight
        huàxuéfǎnyìng, [化學反應], chemical reaction
退         tuìhuà, to degenerate/atrophy
        qiánghuà, [強化], to strengthen/to intensify
        cuīhuàjì, [催化劑], catalyst
        rónghuà, to melt (of ice, metals etc)
        yīyǎnghuàtàn, carbon monoxide CO
        fūhuà, breeding/to incubate/innovation (esp. in commerce and marketing)
        héfǎhuà, to legalize/to make legal/legalization
        huàxuépǐn, [化學品], chemicals
        lǎohuà, to age (of person or object)/becoming old
        měihuà, to make more beautiful/to decorate/embellishment
        huàjiě, to dissolve/to resolve (contradictions)/to dispel (doubts)/to iron out (difficul...
        jiǎnhuà, [簡化], to simplify
        báirèhuà, [白熱化], to turn white-hot/to intensify/to reach a climax
        huàshí, fossil
        huàxuéjiā, [化學家], chemist
        tónghuà, assimilation (cultural, digestive, phonemic etc)
        xiàndàihuà, [現代化], modernization/CL:個|个[gè]
        huàxuéwǔqì, [化學武器], chemical weapon
        fǔhuà, to rot/to decay/to become corrupt
        duōyànghuà, [多樣化], diversification/to diversify
        rónghuà, to melt/to dissolve (of sugar etc)
        ruǎnhuà, [軟化], to soften
        chūshǐhuà, (computing) to initialize/initialization
        jīxièhuà, [機械化], to mechanize
        shāngyèhuà, [商業化], to commercialize
        fēnhuà, to split apart/differentiation
        nǚxìnghuà, to feminize/feminization
        shíhuà, to petrify/petrochemical industry
        jiǎndānhuà, [簡單化], simplification/to simplify
        qīngyǎnghuànà, [氫氧化鈉], caustic soda/sodium hydroxide NaOH
        huàgōngchǎng, [化工廠], chemical factory
        gǎnhuà, corrective influence/to reform (a criminal)/redemption (of a sinner)/to influenc...
        quánqiúhuà, globalization
        jìnhuàlùn, [進化論], Darwin's theory of evolution
        huàgōng, chemical industry, abbr. of 化學工業|化学工业[huà xué gōng yè]/chemical engineering, abb...
        huàzuò, to change into/to turn into/to become
        shùzìhuà, [數字化], to digitalize/digital
        nánxìnghuà, to masculinize/masculinization
        yèhuà, to liquefy
        qìhuàqì, carburetor/vaporizer
        duōyuánhuà, diversification/pluralism/to diversify
        huàwéiwūyǒu, [化為烏有], to go up in smoke/to vanish
        huàfènchí, [化糞池], septic tank
        kāihuà, [開化], to become civilized/to be open-minded/(of ice) to thaw
        lǐxiǎnghuà, to idealize
        yōuhuà, [優化], optimization/to optimize/to make superior
        huàxiǎnwéiyí, [化險為夷], to turn peril into safety (idiom); to avert disaster
        zàohuà, good luck/Nature (as the mother of all things)
        hélǐhuà, to rationalize/to make compatible/to streamline/rationalization
        yǎnhuà, to evolve/evolution
        fēnghuà, [風化], decency/public morals/to weather (rocks)/wind erosion
        xiāohuàxìtǒng, [消化系統], digestive system/gastrointestinal tract
        biāozhǔnhuà, [標準化], standardization
        fùzáhuà, [複雜化], to complicate/to become complicated
        lǜhuàjiǎ, [氯化鉀], potassium chloride
        zìdònghuà, [自動化], automation
        huàzhuāngshì, [化妝室], dressing room/powder room/(Tw) toilets
        géshìhuà, to format
        fénhuà, to cremate
        gānyìnghuà, cirrhosis
        báihuàbìng, albinism
        huàféi, fertilizer
        dànhuà, to water down/to play down/to trivialize/to weaken/to become dull with time/to d...
        zuìdàhuà, to maximize
        xiāohuàdào, digestive tract
        chūshénrùhuà, to reach perfection (idiom); a superb artistic achievement
        dàzhònghuà, [大眾化], mass-oriented/to cater for the masses/popularized
        sīyǒuhuà, privatization/to privatize
        yǎnghuàjì, [氧化劑], oxidant/oxidizing agent
        lǜhuàwù, chloride
        xùnhuà, [馴化], to tame/to domesticate
        guójìhuà, [國際化], to internationalize/internationalization
        liànghuà, to quantize/quantization/quantitative
        huàyóuqì, carburetor
        chǒuhuà, [醜化], to defame/to libel/to defile/to smear/to vilify
        gèxìnghuà, [個性化], to personalize/to customize/customization
        wùhuà, to objectify/(literary) to die
        shuǐhuà, to hydrate
        lǜhuànà, [氯化鈉], sodium chloride NaCl/common salt
        shénhuà, to make divine/apotheosis
        huàxuéyuánsù, [化學元素], chemical element
        huàxuéxì, [化學系], department of chemistry
        fūhuàqì, incubator/apparatus for incubating eggs
        cuīhuà, catalysis/to catalyze (a reaction)
        gōngkāihuà, [公開化], to publicize/openness (of government, PRC equivalent of "glasnost")
        yǒujīhuàxué, [有機化學], organic chemistry
        zhèngzhìhuà, to politicize
        ruòhuà, weaken/make weaker
        jiānghuà, to become rigid
        gùhuà, to solidify/solidification (chemistry)
绿         lǜhuà, [綠化], to make green with plants/to reforest/(Internet slang) Islamization
        qìhuà, to boil/to vaporize
        kuòdàhuà, [擴大化], to extend the scope/to exaggerate
        qiányímòhuà, [潛移默化], imperceptible influence/to influence secretly
        liúhuàqīng, [硫化氫], hydrogen sulfide HS/sulfureted hydrogen
        huànóng, [化膿], to fester/to suppurate/to be infected
        qiānbiànwànhuà, [千變萬化], countless changes/constant permutation
        yàwénhuà, [亞文化], subculture
        dòngmàiyìnghuà, [動脈硬化], hardening of the arteries/arteriosclerosis
        huàxuéjiàn, [化學鍵], chemical bond
        cíhuà, to magnetize
        yǎnghuàlǚ, [氧化鋁], aluminum oxide
        gǎnhuàyuàn, reformatory/reform school
        jūnshìhuà, [軍事化], militarization
        féngxiōnghuàjí, misfortune turns to blessing (idiom); to turn an inauspicious start to good acco...
        gōngyèhuà, [工業化], to industrialize/industrialization
        liúhuà, vulcanization (curing rubber using sulfur and heat)
        biànhuàduōduān, [變化多端], changeable/changing/varied/full of changes
        gàihuà, [鈣化], to calcify/calcification
        èryǎnghuàguī, silicon dioxide (SiÓ)
        èryǎnghuàliú, sulfur dioxide SÓ
        guòyǎnghuàqīng, [過氧化氫], hydrogen peroxide HÓ
        gānghuàbōli, [鋼化玻璃], reinforced glass
        biānyuánhuà, [邊緣化], to marginalize/marginalization
        yītǐhuà, [一體化], integration/incorporation/unification
        huàhé, chemical combination
        zhíyèhuà, [職業化], professionalization
        jùtǐhuà, [具體化], to concretize
        shēnhuà, to deepen/to intensify
        huànhuà, to be transformed/to metamorphose/transformation/metamorphosis
        biànhuàmòcè, [變化莫測], unpredictable/changeable
        zhuānyèhuà, [專業化], specialization
        shèhuìhuà, [社會化], socialization/to socialize/to fit into society/to train sb for society
        qìhuà, [氣化], to vaporize/evaporation/carburetion/氣|气[qì] transformation in TCM (i.e. transfor...
        diǎnhuàjiǎ, [碘化鉀], potassium iodide
        yǎnghuàwù, oxide
        rǔhuà, to emulsify
        gǔhuà, to ossify/ossification
        shígǔbùhuà, to swallow ancient learning without digesting it (idiom)/to be pedantic without ...
        niánqīnghuà, [年輕化], to make more youthful/to promote younger staff
        diànqìhuà, [電氣化], electrification
        zhìdùhuà, systematization
        jíhuà, [極化], polarization
        diànhuàxué, [電化學], electrochemistry
        fūhuàchǎng, [孵化場], incubator/hatchery (for poultry etc)
        lǎolínghuà, [老齡化], aging (population)
        dúhuà, to poison/to infect
        WénhuàDàgémìng, Cultural Revolution (1966-1976)
        jiàohuāzi, variant of 叫花子[jiào huā zi]
        xìhuà, [細化], to give a more granular level of detail/to elaborate/to refine/to become more di...
        guīfànhuà, [規範化], to standardize/standardization
        huàzhěngwéilíng, [化整為零], to break up the whole into pieces (idiom); dealing with things one by one/divide...
        huàxiān, [化纖], synthetic fiber
        mínzhǔhuà, to convert to democracy/democratic transformation
        huàxuézhàn, [化學戰], chemical warfare
        yīyuánhuà, integration/integrated/unified
        huàxuénéng, [化學能], chemical energy
        gōngshìhuà, to formalize/formalism in art (esp. as proscribed in USSR and PRC)
        lǜhuàqīng, [氯化氫], hydrogen chloride HCl
        guòyǎnghuàwù, [過氧化物], peroxide
        tànhuàwù, carbide
        huóhuàshí, living fossil
        běntǔhuà, to localize/localization
        qínghuàjiǎ, [氰化鉀], potassium cyanide KCN
        qínghuànà, [氰化鈉], sodium cyanide NaCN
        gàiniànhuà, conceptualization
        réngéhuà, to personalize/anthropomorphism
        xiāohuàméi, digestive enzyme
        yìhuà, [異化], alienation (philosophy)/(of speech) dissimilation
        shìchǎnghuà, [市場化], marketization
        huàdòng, [化凍], to defrost
        huàtán, to transform phlegm (TCM)
        mínyínghuà, [民營化], privatization
        Shùnhuà, [順化], Hue, city in central Vietnam and capital of Thua Thien province
        yèhuàqì, [液化氣], liquid gas/bottled gas (fuel)
        huàxuéshì, [化學式], chemical formula (e.g. water HO)
        fúhuàqīng, [氟化氫], hydrofluoric acid
        tànhuàguī, silicon carbide/carborundum
        yǔhuà, levitation (of Daoist immortal)/to become as light as a feather and ascend to he...
        zuòhuà, to die in a seated posture (Buddhism)
        shāngpǐnhuà, commodification
        guóyǒuhuà, [國有化], nationalization
        chǎnyèhuà, [產業化], to industrialize/industrialization
        wùhuàqì, [霧化器], nebulizer/spray/atomizer
        qīngyǎnghuàwù, [氫氧化物], hydroxide
        xíngshìhuà, formalization/formalized
        yǎnghuàgǒng, mercuric oxide (HgO)
        zhèngchánghuà, normalization (of diplomatic relations etc)
        liànhuà, [煉化], to refine/refining (e.g. oil, chemicals etc)
        jiāohuà, to distill
        huàxuégōngyè, [化學工業], chemical industry, abbr. to 化工[huà gōng]
        huàhéjià, [化合價], valence (chemistry)
        wùlǐhuàxué, [物理化學], physical chemistry
        dànyǎnghuàwù, nitrogen oxide
        shāmòhuà, desertification
        lǐhuà, physical and chemical
        fūhuàqī, incubation period/time for sth to develop
        wénhuàshǐ, cultural history
        rìhuà, household chemicals (cleaning products etc) and toiletries/abbr. for 日用化學製品|日用化学...
        lǔhuàwù, [鹵化物], halide (i.e. fluoride, chloride, bromide etc)
        huàwǔ, chemical weapon/abbr. for 化學武器|化学武器[huà xué wǔ qì]

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