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Zhōngshānshì Zhongshan prefecture-level city in Guangdong province 廣東省
>广东省[Guǎng dōng shěng] in south China, close to Dr Sun Yat-sen's birthplace

Character Composition

Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        Zhōng/zhōng/zhòng, China/Chinese/surname Zhong, within/among/in/middle/center/while (doing sth)/dur...
        qízhōng, among/in/included among these
        zhōngxīn, center/heart/core/CL:個|个[gè]
        gāozhōng/gāozhòng, senior high school/abbr. for 高級中學|高级中学[gāo jí zhōng xué], to pass brilliantly (u...
        Zhōngguó, [中國], China
        jízhōng, to concentrate/to centralize/to focus/centralized/concentrated/to put together
        zhōngjiān, [中間], between/intermediate/mid/middle
        zhīzhōng, inside/among/in the midst of (doing sth)/during
        dāngzhōng, [當中], among/in the middle/in the center
        zhōngwèi, lieutenant (navy)/first lieutenant (army)/subaltern
        xīnzhōng, central point/in one's thoughts/in one's heart
        zhōngyāng, central/middle/center/central authorities (of a state)
        kōngzhōng, in the sky/in the air
        jīzhòng, [擊中], to hit (a target etc)/to strike
        zhōngwǔ, noon/midday/CL:個|个[gè]
        zhōngxué, [中學], middle school/CL:個|个[gè]
        yǎnzhōng, in one's eyes
        shìzhōngxīn, city center/downtown
        zhòngdú, to be poisoned/poisoning
        zhōngxiào, middle ranking officer in Chinese army/lieutenant colonel/commander
        xuǎnzhòng, [選中], to choose/to pick/to settle upon/to decide upon a candidate/to be selected for s...
        mìngzhòng, to hit (a target)
        túzhōng, en route
        zhōngduàn, [中斷], to cut short/to break off/to discontinue/to interrupt
        cóngzhōng, [從中], from within/therefrom
        zhòngdàn, [中彈], hit by a bullet/shot
        zhōngtú, midway
        zhōngzhǐ, to cease/to suspend/to break off/to stop/to discontinue
        zhòngfēng, [中風], to suffer a paralyzing stroke
        zhōngjiānrén, [中間人], intermediary/mediator
        zhōngbù, middle part/central section
        dǎzhòng, to hit (a target)
        gāozhōngshēng, senior high school student
        zhōngzhuǎnzhàn, [中轉站], hub (network equipment)
        zhōngnián, middle age
        Zhōngdōng, [中東], Middle East
        jízhōngyíng, [集中營], concentration camp
        ànzhōng, in the dark/in secret/on the sly/surreptitiously
        zhèngzhōng, middle/center/right in the middle or center/nub
        Zhōngwén, Chinese language
        zhōngshìjì, [中世紀], medieval/Middle Ages
        zhōngchǎng, [中場], middle period of a tripartite provincial exam (in former times)/midfield/mid-cou...
        chūzhōng, junior high school/abbr. for 初級中學|初级中学[chū jí zhōng xué]
        zhòngjiǎng, [中獎], to win a prize/a successful gamble
        zhōnglì, neutral/neutrality
        zhōngděng, medium
        Zhōngcān, Chinese meal/Chinese food/CL:份[fèn],頓|顿[dùn]
        zhōngjiè, to act as intermediary/to link/intermediate/inter-/agency/agent
        zhōngchǎnjiējí, [中產階級], middle class
        kànzhòng, to have a preference for/to fancy/to choose after consideration/to settle on
西         zhōngxībù, midwest
        shíwùzhòngdú, food poisoning
        ZhōngYì/zhòngyì, Sino-Italian, to take one's fancy/to be to one's liking
        DìzhōngHǎi, Mediterranean Sea
        zhōngqī, middle (of a period of time)/medium-term (plan, forecast etc)
        zhōngfàn, [中飯], lunch
        Zhōngcūn, Nakamura (Japanese surname)
        cāizhòng, to guess correctly/to figure out the right answer
        zhòngshāng, [中傷], to slander/to smear
        zhōngshū, [中樞], center/backbone/hub (e.g. of transport network)/the central administration
        qīzhōng, interim/midterm
        zhōngxuéshēng, [中學生], middle-school student/high school student
        zhōngzhǐ, middle finger
        cìzhòng, to hit with a piercing blow
        yìliàozhīzhōng, to come as no surprise/as expected
        zhōngjìzhàn, [中繼站], relay station
        piànzhōng, in the movie
        wúzhōngshēngyǒu, [無中生有], to create something from nothing (idiom)
        yǎnzhōngdīng, [眼中釘], a thorn in one's side
        Zhōngcānguǎn, [中餐館], Chinese restaurant
        zhōngtíqín, viola
        gèzhōng, [個中], therein/in this
        Tiánzhōng, Tienchung town in Changhua county 彰化縣|彰化县[Zhāng huà xiàn], Taiwan/Tanaka (Japane...
        zhézhōng, to compromise/to take the middle road/a trade-off/eclectic
        zhōngcéng, [中層], middle-ranking
        yìzhōngrén, sweetheart/one's true love/the person of one's thoughts
        zhōngfēng, [中鋒], midfielder/center (basketball)/center forward (hockey, football)
        zhòngshǔ, sunstroke/heatstroke
        zhòngjì, [中計], to fall into a trap/taken in by a stratagem/cheated/ripped off
        zhòngxié, to be possessed/to be bewitched
        ZhōngMěizhōu, Central America
        Zhōngshì/zhòngshì, Chinese style, to pass an exam (or the imperial exam)/to qualify
        ZhōngYà, [中亞], Central Asia
        xiōngzhōng, one's mind
        mùzhōngwúrén, [目中無人], to consider everyone else beneath one (idiom); so arrogant that no-one else matt...
        zhōngxìng, neutral
        zhōngzhuǎn, [中轉], to change (train or plane)/transfer/correspondence
        Zhōngchuān, Nakagawa (Japanese surname and place name)
        zhōngxún, middle third of a month
        zhōngjiān, [中堅], core/nucleus/backbone
        zhōngzǐ, neutron
        zhōngxíng, medium sized
        Zhōnghé/zhōnghé, Zhonghe or Chungho city in New Taipei City 新北市[Xīn běi shì], Taiwan, to neutrali...
        chūzhōngshēng, junior high student
        bǎifābǎizhòng, [百發百中], lit. one hundred shots, one hundred hits/to carry out a task with great precisio...
        fāzhǎnzhōngguójiā, [發展中國家], developing country
        zhòngcǎi, to win a lottery
        zhōngliúdǐzhù, mainstay/cornerstone/tower of strength
        kōngzhōngxiǎojiě, stewardess/air hostess
        Zhōngwèi, [中衛], Zhongwei prefecture level city in Ningxia
        ròuzhōngcì, a thorn in one's flesh
        zhòngbiāo, [中標], to win a tender/successful bidder
        zhōngjí, [中級], middle level (in a hierarchy)
        mìngzhònglǜ, hit rate/scoring rate
        zhòngzhōngzhīzhòng, of the utmost importance/of highest priority
        xiāngzhòng, to find to one's taste/to pick (after looking at)/Taiwan pr. [xiàng zhòng]
        zhōngrén, go-between/mediator/intermediary
        Zhōngyōng/zhōngyōng, the Doctrine of the Mean, one of the Four Books 四書|四书[Sì shū], golden mean (Conf...
        Zhōngdǎo, [中島], Nakajima or Nakashima (Japanese surname and place name)
        zhōngwài, Sino-foreign/Chinese-foreign/home and abroad
        Zhōngyī, [中醫], traditional Chinese medical science/a doctor trained in Chinese medicine
        zhōngyóu, the middle stretches of a river/middle level/middle echelon/midstream
        zhōngkōng, hollow/empty interior
        zhōngzǐxīng, neutron star
        měizhōngbùzú, everything is fine except for one small defect (idiom); the fly in the ointment
        zhōngbǎosīnáng, [中飽私囊], to stuff one's pockets/to take bribes
线         zhōngxiàn, [中線], half-way line/median line
        zhòngkěn, pertinent/apropos
        shìzhōng, [適中], moderate/reasonable/conveniently situated
        lángzhōng, doctor (Chinese medicine)/ancient official title/companions (respectful)
        rúrìzhōngtiān, lit. like the sun at noon (idiom)/fig. to be at the peak of one's power, career ...
        xīnzhōngyǒushù, [心中有數], to know what's going on
        qièzhòng, to hit the target (esp. in argument)/to strike home
        zhōngnánbù, south central region
        zhōngjiàng, [中將], lieutenant general/vice admiral/air marshal
        ZhōngFēi, China-Africa (relations)/Central Africa/Central African Republic
        xuězhōngsòngtàn, lit. to send charcoal in snowy weather (idiom)/fig. to provide help in sb's hour...
        wèngzhōngzhībiē, [甕中之鱉], lit. like a turtle in a jar/to be trapped (idiom)
        zhōnghào, [中號], medium-sized
        zhòngxuǎn, [中選], to win an election/to get a position by passing the imperial exam
        zhōngjiānshāng, [中間商], middleman/broker
        Zhōnghuá, [中華], China (alternate formal name)
        ZhōngGǔ/zhōnggǔ, Sino-Cuban/China-Cuba, medieval/Middle Ages/Chinese middle antiquity, 3rd to 9th...
        zhōngjì, [中繼], to relay/to repeat
        rénzhōng, philtrum/infranasal depression/the "human center" acupuncture point
        nánzhōngyīn, baritone
        zhōnglù, midway/mediocre (quality)/midfield (soccer)
        jūzhōng, positioned between (two parties)/to mediate between
        huàzhōngyǒuhuà, [話中有話], overtones in conversation/things indirectly implied from what is said
        zhōngtǔ, Sino-Turkish
        zhōngyè, [中葉], mid- (e.g. mid-century)/middle period
        Zhōngyuán, Central Plain, the middle and lower regions of the Yellow river, including Henan...
        shìzhōngqū, [市中區], central city district
        Zhōngguóshì, [中國式], Chinese style/à la chinoise
        Táizhōng, [臺中], Taizhong or Taichung city and county in central Taiwan, Taizhong or Taichung cit...
        tóuzhòng, to hit the target with one's throw/(basketball) to score
        Zhōngyào, [中藥], (traditional) Chinese medicine/CL:服[fù],種|种[zhǒng]
        zhōngtīng, [中聽], pleasant to hear (i.e. agreeable news)/to one's liking/music to one's ears/Taiwa...
        ZhōnghuáRénmínGònghéguó, [中華人民共和國], People's Republic of China
        zhènzhōng, earthquake epicenter
        Zhōngshān, refers to Dr Sun Yat-sen/Zhongshan, prefecture-level city in Guangdong, close to...
        nángzhōngxiūsè, [囊中羞澀], to be embarrassingly short of money
        zhōngtiān, culmination (astronomy)
        zhōngduàn, middle section/middle period/middle area/mid-
        zhōngkàn, pleasant to the eye/Taiwan pr. [zhòng kàn]
        kōngzhōnglóugé, [空中樓閣], pavilion in the air (idiom); unrealistic Utopian construction/castles in Spain/i...
        Zhōngguóhuà, [中國話], (spoken) Chinese language
        wàiqiángzhōnggān, [外強中乾], strong in appearance but weak in reality (idiom)
        jízhōngshēngzhì, quick witted in an emergency/able to react resourcefully
        zhōngcǎoyào, [中草藥], Chinese herbal medicine
        zhōngxiǎoxué, [中小學], middle and elementary school
        ZhōngGòng, abbr. for 中國共產黨|中国共产党[Zhōng guó Gòng chǎn dǎng], Chinese Communist Party
        zhōngliú, midstream
        zhōngěr, middle ear
        zhōngjiānpài, [中間派], moderate faction/party of compromise/middle ground
        zhōnglìguó, [中立國], neutral country
        zhōngjìqì, [中繼器], repeater
        JīnDàzhōng, Kim Dae-jung (1926-2009), South Korea politician, president 1998-2003, Nobel pea...
        zhōngzǐdàn, [中子彈], neutron bomb
        Zhōngfāng, the Chinese side (in an international venture)
        zhōngyāngjíquán, [中央集權], centralized state power
        Zhōngqiū, the Mid-autumn festival, the traditional moon-viewing festival on the 15th of th...
        gāojízhōngxué, [高級中學], senior high school/abbr. to 高中[gāo zhōng]
        zhōnglǎonián, middle and old age
        zhōnglǎoniánrén, middle-aged and elderly people
        yuèzhōng, middle of month
        zhōngpiānxiǎoshuō, [中篇小說], novella
        Zhōngguórén, [中國人], Chinese person
        zhōngchángpǎo, [中長跑], middle distance race
        wúxíngzhōng, [無形中], imperceptibly/virtually
        mèngzhōng, [夢中], in a dream
        zhōngdiǎn, [中點], midpoint/half-way point
        rèzhōng, [熱中], variant of 熱衷|热衷[rè zhōng]
        zhōngěryán, inflammation of middle ear/otitis media
        zhèngdāngzhōng, [正當中], right in the midpoint/a bull's eye/to hit the nail on the head
        fēngzhōngzhīzhú, [風中之燭], lit. candle in the wind (idiom)/fig. (of sb's life) feeble/hanging on a thread
        zhōngzhuān, [中專], vocational secondary school/technical secondary school/trade school/abbr. for 中等...
        zhōngtíng, courtyard
        Qióngzhōng, [瓊中], Qiongzhong Li and Miao autonomous county, Hainan
        ZhōnghuáMínguó, [中華民國], Republic of China
        zhōngfèng, [中縫], vertical space in a newspaper between two attached pages/vertical line on the ba...
        zhōngchéng, medium-range
        zhōngpán, [中盤], middle game (in go or chess)/(share trading) mid-session/(abbr. for 中盤商|中盘商[zhōn...
        zhōngzhuāng, [中裝], Chinese dress
        ZhōngguóRénmínJiěfàngjūn, [中國人民解放軍], Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA)
        Zhōngháng, abbr. for 中國銀行|中国银行[Zhōng guó Yín háng]
        TiánzhōngJiǎoróng, [田中角榮], Tanaka Kakuei (1918-1993), Japanese politician, prime minister 1972-1974
        Chéngzhōngqū, [城中區], city central district/Chengzhong district of Liuzhou city 柳州市[Liǔ zhōu shì], Gua...
        guǎnzhōngkuībào, [管中窺豹], lit. to see a leopard through a narrow tube (idiom); fig. to miss the big pictur...
        ZhōngyāngWěiyuánhuì, [中央委員會], Central Committee
        ZhōngyuánQū, [中原區], Zhongyuan District of Zhengzhou City 鄭州市|郑州市[Zhèng zhōu Shì], Henan
        dǎngzhōngyāng, [黨中央], party central committee
        Zhōnghuán, [中環], Central, Hong Kong Island
        Zhōngshānshì, Zhongshan prefecture-level city in Guangdong province 廣東省|广东省[Guǎng dōng shěng] ...
西         ZhōngXī, China and the West/Chinese-Western
        Zhōngqiūjié, [中秋節], the Mid-Autumn Festival on 15th of 8th lunar month
        chūjízhōngxué, [初級中學], junior high school/junior middle school
        ZhōngtúDǎo, [中途島], Midway Islands

        Shān/shān, surname Shan, mountain/hill/anything that resembles a mountain/CL:座[zuò]/bundled...
        Jiùjīnshān, [舊金山], San Francisco, California
        Shānshàng, Shanshang township in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tái nán xiàn], Taiwan
        shānyáng, goat/(gymnastics) small-sized vaulting horse
        huǒshān, volcano
        Yàlìshāndà, [亞歷山大], Alexander (name)/Alexandria (town name)
        shāngǔ, valley/ravine
        shāndǐng, [山頂], hilltop
        shāndòng, cavern/cave
        shānmài, [山脈], mountain range/CL:條|条[tiáo]
        bīngshān, iceberg/CL:座[zuò]
        dēngshān, to climb a mountain/climbing/mountaineering
        shānjǐ, mountain ridge
        kāiménjiànshān, [開門見山], lit. to open the door and see the mountain; fig. to get right to the point (idio...
        shānzhuāng, [山莊], manor house/villa/(used in hotel names)
        páshān, to climb a mountain/to mountaineer/hiking/mountaineering
        shàngshān, to go uphill/to spin cocoon (silkworms)/to pass away
        Fǔshān, Busan Metropolitan City in South Gyeongsang Province 慶尚南道|庆尚南道[Qìng shàng nán dà...
        gāoshān, high mountain/alpine
        shānpō, hillside
        shāndì, mountainous region/hilly area/hilly country
        shānqū, [山區], mountain area/CL:個|个[gè]
        shānqiū, hill
        Shānxià, Yamashita (Japanese surname)
        dōngshānzàiqǐ, [東山再起], lit. to return to office after living as a hermit on Mount Dongshan (idiom); fig...
        qúnshān, mountains/a range of hills
        TàiShān/Tàishān, Mt Tai in Shandong, eastern mountain of the Five Sacred Mountains 五嶽|五岳[Wǔ yuè],...
        Dàshān, Dashan, stage name of Canadian Mark Henry Rowswell (1965-), actor and well-known...
        shānfēng, (mountain) peak
        shānyù, sweet potato
        shānlù, mountain road
        huǒshānkǒu, volcanic crater
        shēnshān, deep in the mountains
        Hēishān, Montenegro, former Yugoslavia/Heishan county in Jinzhou 錦州|锦州, Liaoning
        xiàshān, (of the sun) to set
        Shānběn, Yamamoto (Japanese surname)
        shāntóu, [山頭], mountain top
        Qīngshān/qīngshān, Qingshan district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武汉市[Wǔ hàn shì], Hubei/Qingshan district of ...
        kuàngshān, [礦山], mine
        Jiāngshān/jiāngshān, Jiangshan county level city in Quzhou 衢州[Qú zhōu], Zhejiang, rivers and mountain...
        Tánxiāngshān, Honolulu, capital of Hawaii/also transliterated as 火奴魯魯|火奴鲁鲁
        Shāntián, Yamada (Japanese surname)
        shānmāo, [山貓], lynx/bobcat/leopard cat
        FùshìShān, Mt. Fuji, Japan
        shāncūn, mountain village
        Shānkǒu/shānkǒu, Yamaguchi (Japanese surname and place name)/Yamaguchi prefecture in southwest of...
        Xǐmǎlāyǎshān, [喜馬拉雅山], Himalayas
        duījīrúshān, [堆積如山], to pile up like a mountain (idiom)/a mountain of (paperwork etc)/a large number ...
        shānyá, cliff
        shānzhài, fortified hill village/mountain stronghold (esp. of bandits)/(fig.) knockoff (go...
        shānluán, [山巒], mountain range/unbroken chain of peaks
        shānbēng, landslide/landslip
        shānjiǎo, [山腳], foot of a mountain
        Lúshān, [廬山], Lushan district of Jiujiang city 九江市, Jiangxi/Mt Lushan in Jiujiang, famous as s...
        Táishān, Taishan county level city in Jiangmen 江門|江门, Guangdong
        shānyao, [山藥], Dioscorea polystachya/yam
        shānmáojǔ, [山毛櫸], beech
        shānhétao, hickory
        rénshānrénhǎi, multitude/vast crowd
        shānhé, mountains and rivers/the whole country
        fānshānyuèlǐng, [翻山越嶺], to pass over mountains ridges (idiom); fig. hardships of the journey
        Wǔzhǐshān, Wuzhi or Mount Five Finger, Hainan/Wuzhishan City, Hainan
        Shānshuǐ/shānshuǐ, Sansui, Japanese company, water from a mountain/mountains and rivers/scenery/lan...
        Lánshān, [藍山], Lanshan county in Yongzhou 永州[Yǒng zhōu], Hunan
        Shānchéng, Shancheng district of Hebi city 鶴壁市|鹤壁市[Hè bì shì], Henan
        shānqióngshuǐjìn, [山窮水盡], mountain and river exhausted (idiom); at the end of the line/nowhere to go
        WūShān/Wūshān, Mt Wu on the Changjiang River (Yangtze) by the Three Gorges, Wushan county in Wa...
        chēdàoshānqiánbìyǒulù, [車到山前必有路], lit. When we get to the mountain, there'll be a way through. (idiom)/fig. Everyt...
        Qǐlìmǎzhāluóshān, [乞力馬扎羅山], Mt Kilimanjaro in Tanzania
        Kèshān, Keshan county in Qiqihar 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔[Qí qí hā ěr], Heilongjiang
        Jīnshān, Jinshan suburban district of Shanghai/Jinshan or Chinshan township in New Taipei...
        tiězhèngrúshān, [鐵證如山], irrefutable evidence
        Píngshān, Pingshan county in Yibin 宜賓|宜宾[Yí bīn], Sichuan
        Nánshān, Nanshan or Namsan, common place name/Nanshan district of Shenzhen City 深圳市, Guan...
        kàoshān, patron/supporter/close to a mountain
        shāngōu, [山溝], valley/gully/mountain region
        chūshān, to leave the mountain (of a hermit)/to come out of obscurity to a government job...
        Mǎshān, [馬山], Mashan county in Nanning 南寧|南宁[Nán níng], Guangxi
        báshānshèshuǐ, to travel over land and water (idiom)
        huǒshānhuī, volcanic ash
        Shāndōng, [山東], Shandong, province in northeast China, short name 魯|鲁[Lǔ], capital Jinan 濟南|济南[J...
        shānlǐng, [山嶺], mountain ridge
        Píngshān, Pingshan county in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石家庄[Shí jiā zhuāng], Hebei/Pingshan district...
        Shāndájī, [山達基], Scientology
        huǒshānyán, volcanic rock
        KāěrbāqiānShānmài, [喀爾巴阡山脈], Carpathian Mountains, 1500-km mountain range in Central and Eastern Europe
        huóhuǒshān, active volcano
        shānhóng, mountain flash flood/mountain torrent
        Míngshān, famous mountain/Mingshan county in Ya'an 雅安[Yǎ ān], Sichuan
        shānyāo, halfway up a mountain/lit. waist of mountain
        shānyě, mountain and fields
        shānquè, tit
        shānjī, [山雞], Reeves's pheasant (Syrmaticus reevesii)/(dialect) pheasant
        Méngshān, Mengshan county in Wuzhou 梧州[Wú zhōu], Guangxi
        huǒshānxué, [火山學], volcanology
        jiǎshān, rock garden/rockery
        huǒyànshān, Mountain of Flames of legend/fig. insurmountable obstacle/Mountain of Flames in ...
        Zhōngshān, refers to Dr Sun Yat-sen/Zhongshan, prefecture-level city in Guangdong, close to...
        Xiàngshān, Xiangshan district of Guilin city 桂林市[Guì lín shì], Guangxi/Xiangshan county in ...
        shāndiān, [山巔], summit
        Xǐmǎlāyǎshānmài, [喜馬拉雅山脈], Himalayas
        kāishān, [開山], to cut into a mountain (to open a mine)/to open a monastery
        zhòngyúTàiShān, [重於泰山], heavier than Mt Tai (idiom); fig. extremely serious matter
        dìdòngshānyáo, [地動山搖], the earth quaked, the mountains shook (idiom); a tremendous battle
        Hóngshān, [紅山], Hongshan district of Chifeng city 赤峰市, Inner Mongolia
        Lóngshān, [龍山], Dragon mountain/Longshan district of Liaoyuan city 遼源市|辽源市, Jilin/Longshan count...
        BǐfólìShān, Beverly Hills
        shānzhēnhǎiwèi, exotic delicacies/luxury foodstuff from distant locations
        Huángshān, [黃山], Mt Huang/Yellow mountains/Huangshan prefecture-level city centered around Huangs...
        shānkuí, wasabi
        Báishān, Baishan prefecture-level city in Jilin province 吉林省 in northeast China
        xiǎnshānlùshuǐ, [顯山露水], to reveal one's talent (idiom)
        HuāguǒShān, Mount Huaguo in Jiangsu, featured in 西遊記|西游记[Xī yóu Jì], tourist destination/(al...
        Yíshān, former Yishan county and town, now called Yizhou 宜州[Yí zhōu] in Hechi 河池[Hé chí]...
        shānzhā, hawthorn tree (rose family, genus Crataegus)/rose hip (hawthorn fruit)
        bīshàngliángshān, driven to join the Liangshan Mountain rebels/to drive to revolt/to force sb to d...
        shāntǐ, [山體], form of a mountain
        bànbìjiāngshān, half of the country (esp. when half the country has fallen into enemy hands)/vas...
        shānxiá, [山峽], gorge/canyon/mountain valley
        huāngshān, desert mountain/barren hill
西         Shānxī, Shanxi province (Shansi) in north China between Hebei and Shaanxi, abbr. 晋 capit...
        shānlù, foothills
        wěnrúTàiShān, [穩如泰山], steady as Mt Tai/as safe as houses
        Wèishān, Ulsan Metropolitan City in South Gyeongsang Province 慶尚南道|庆尚南道[Qìng shàng nán dà...
        huāngshānyělǐng, [荒山野嶺], wild, mountainous country
        chóngshānjùnlǐng, [崇山峻嶺], towering mountains and precipitous ridges (idiom)
        Léishān, Leishan county in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous prefecture 黔東南州|黔东南州[Qián...
        Shānqí, Yamazaki or Yamasaki (Japanese surname)
        Āndìsīshānmài, [安第斯山脈], Andes mountain chain of South America
        Liángshān, Liangshan city and County in Jining 濟寧|济宁[Jǐ níng], Shandong
        shānliáng, mountain ridge
        wànshuǐqiānshān, [萬水千山], ten thousand crags and torrents (idiom); the trials and tribulations of a long j...
        shénshān, sacred mountain
        XuěyuèShān, [雪嶽山], Seoraksan, mountain near Sokcho, South Korea
        shāngē, folk song/mountain song
        shānhuǒ, wildfire/forest fire
        shānxiāng, [山鄉], mountain area
        Shīzishān, [獅子山], Sierra Leone (Tw)/Shizishan or Lion Mountain/Shizishan district of Tongling city...
        Píngdǐngshān, [平頂山], Pingdingshan prefecture level city in Henan
        yúgōngyíshān, the old man moves mountains (idiom); fig. where there's a will, there's a way
        shānyángróng, [山羊絨], cashmere
        SōngShān, Mt Song in Henan, central mountain of the Five Sacred Mountains 五嶽|五岳[Wǔ yuè]
        Héngshān, [橫山], Hengshan County in Yulin 榆林[Yú lín], Shaanxi/Hengshan township in Hsinchu County...
        Tiānshān, Tianshan mountain range between XinJiang and Mongolia and Kyrgyzstan
        Dōngshān, [東山], Dongshan county in Zhangzhou 漳州[Zhāng zhōu], Fujian/Tungshan township in Tainan ...
        ĀsūShān, [阿蘇山], Mount Aso, active volcano in Kyushu, Japan
        Kūnlúnshān, [崑崙山], Kunlun Mountain range
        mànshānbiànyě, lit. covering the mountains and the plains (idiom)/fig. as far as the eye can se...
        páishāndǎohǎi, lit. to topple the mountains and overturn the seas (idiom); earth-shattering/fig...
        ZǐjīnShān, Purple Mountain in suburbs of Nanjing, with Ming tombs and Sun Yat-sen's mausole...
        Běishān, northern mountain/refers to Mt Mang 邙山 at Luoyang in Henan
        Luóshān, [羅山], Luoshan county in Xinyang 信陽|信阳, Henan
穿         chuānshānjiǎ, pangolin (Manis pentadactylata)/scaly ant-eater
        duōshān, mountainous
        Máshān, Mashan district of Jixi city 雞西|鸡西[Jī xī], Heilongjiang
        Mìshān, Mishan county level city in Jixi 雞西|鸡西[Jī xī], Heilongjiang
        Yàlìshāndàlǐyà, [亞歷山大里亞], Alexandria
        LāshímòěrShān, [拉什莫爾山], Mt Rushmore National Memorial, South Dakota
        shāncháhuā, camellia
        TàibáiShān, Mt Taibai in Shaanxi
        zhífǎrúshān, [執法如山], to maintain the law as firm as a mountain (idiom); to enforce the law strictly
        Yuánshān, Wonsan city in Kangweon province 江原道 of North Korea
        Píshān, Pishan County in Hotan Prefecture 和田地區|和田地区[Hé tián Dì qū], Xinjiang
        Nánshānqū, [南山區], Nanshan district of Shenzhen City 深圳市, Guangdong/Nanshan district of Hegang city...
        shānjiàn, [山澗], mountain stream
        shāngāng, [山岡], mound/small hill
        Yīnshān, [陰山], Yin mountains in Inner Mongolia
        Bǎoshān, [寶山], Baoshang District of Shanghai/Baoshan District of Shuangyashan city 雙鴨山|双鸭山[Shuā...
        Shānnán, Lhokha prefecture of Tibet, Tibetan: Lho kha
        Huòshān, Huoshan county in Lu'an 六安[Lù ān], Anhui
        shānbāo, (dialect) hill
        Tiěshān, [鐵山], Tieshan district of Huangshi city 黃石市|黄石市[Huáng shí shì], Hubei
        HéngShān, Mt Heng in Hunan, southern mountain of the Five Sacred Mountains 五嶽|五岳[Wǔ yuè]/H...
        míngluòSūnShān, [名落孫山], lit. to fall behind Sun Shan 孫山|孙山[Sūn Shān] (who came last in the imperial exam...
        Gāngshān, [岡山], Kangshan town in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县[Gāo xióng xiàn], southwest Taiwan/Okay...
西         Shānxīshěng, Shanxi province (Shansi) in north China between Hebei and Shaanxi, abbr. 晋 capit...
        Pánshān/pánshān, [盤山], Panshan county in Panjin 盤錦|盘锦, Liaoning, going around a mountain
        Jiāshān, Jiashan former county 1932-1992 in northeast Anhui, now part of Chuzhou prefectu...
        qióngshānèshuǐ, [窮山惡水], lit. barren hills and wild rivers (idiom)/fig. inhospitable natural environment
        ShānhǎiJīng, [山海經], Classic of Mountain and Sea, probably compiled c. 500 BC-200 BC, contains wide r...
        HuàShān, [華山], Mt Hua in Shaanxi, western mountain of the Five Sacred Mountains 五嶽|五岳[Wǔ yuè]
        mǎnshānbiànyě, [滿山遍野], covering the whole land/over hills and dales
        yīshānbàngshuǐ, mountains on one side and water on the other
        YùShān/Yùshān, Mount Yu, the highest mountain in Taiwan (3952 m), Yushan county in Shangrao 上饒|...
        Tángshān, Tangshan prefecture level city in Hebei
        Lǔshān, [魯山], Lushan county in Pingdingshan 平頂山|平顶山[Píng dǐng shān], Henan
        huǒshāndǎo, [火山島], volcanic island
        Zhōngshānshì, Zhongshan prefecture-level city in Guangdong province 廣東省|广东省[Guǎng dōng shěng] ...
        páshānhǔ, Boston ivy or Japanese creeper (Parthenocissus tricuspidata)
        GāojiāsuǒShānmài, [高加索山脈], Caucasus Mountains
西         XīnǎiShān, Mount Sinai
        ShāndōngShěng, [山東省], Shandong, province in northeast China, short name 魯|鲁[Lǔ], capital Jinan 濟南|济南[J...
        shānzhūyú, Cornus officinalis/sour mountain date/herb associated with longevity
        shānqiáng, [山牆], gable
        zuòchīshānkōng, lit. just sitting and eating, one can deplete even a mountain of wealth (idiom)/...

        chéngshì, city/town/CL:座[zuò]
        shì, market/city/CL:個|个[gè]
        shìchǎng, [市場], marketplace/market (also in abstract)
        shìzhǎng, [市長], mayor
        chāoshì, supermarket/abbr. for 超級市場|超级市场/CL:家[jiā]
        shìmín, city resident
        shìzhōngxīn, city center/downtown
        shìqū, [市區], urban district/downtown/city center
        dūshì, city/metropolis
        shìlǐ, li (Chinese unit of length equal to 500 meters)
        shìzhèngtīng, [市政廳], city hall
        hēishì, black market
        shàngshì, to hit the market (of a new product)/to float (a company on the stock market)
        shìzhèngfǔ, city hall/city government
        shìzhèng, municipal administration
        běnshì, this city/our city
        jíshì, market/bazaar/fair
        quánshì, whole city
        gǔshì, stock market
        dàdūshì, metropolis/large city/megacity
        shìnèi, [市內], inside the city
        shìmiàn, market (usually in the abstract sense)
        shìjiāo, outer city/suburb
        tiàozǎoshìchǎng, [跳蚤市場], flea market
        shìzhí, market capitalization/market value
        shìjǐng, marketplace/town/the street (urban milieu)/the haunts of the common people
        zhāoyáoguòshì, [招搖過市], to parade oneself ostentatiously about town (idiom)
        shìjià, [市價], market value
        chāojíshìchǎng, [超級市場], supermarket
        shìjí, fair/market (in a public place)/small town
        shìchǎngjià, [市場價], market price
        shìlì, municipal/city/city-run
        nàoshì, [鬧市], downtown area/city center
        hǎishìshènlóu, [海市蜃樓], mirage (lit. or fig.)
        càishìchǎng, [菜市場], food market
        nóngmàoshìchǎng, [農貿市場], farmer's market
        yèshì, night market
        zìyóushìchǎng, [自由市場], free market
        shìzhèn, [市鎮], small town
        xióngshì, bear market
        dàchéngshì, major city/metropolis
        shìzhōngqū, [市中區], central city district
        shìróng, appearance of a city
        shìkuài, [市儈], unscrupulous businessperson/profiteer/philistine
        shìchǎngjīngjì, [市場經濟], market economy
        shìchǎngzhànyǒulǜ, [市場佔有率], market share
        kāishì, [開市], (of a store, stock market etc) to open for trading/to make the first transaction...
        niúshì, bull market
        miànshì, to hit the market (of a new product)
        càishì, food market
        Ānyángshì, [安陽市], Anyang prefecture-level city in Henan
        Nánjīngshì, Nanjing subprovincial city on the Changjiang, capital of Jiangsu province 江蘇|江苏/...
        HúZhìmíngShì, Ho Chi Minh City a.k.a. Saigon, Vietnam
        Líshuǐshì, [麗水市], Lishui prefecture-level city in Zhejiang/Yeosu city in South Jeolla province, Ko...
        Táiběishì, [臺北市], Taibei or Taipei, capital of Taiwan, Taibei or Taipei, capital of Taiwan
        shìchǎnghuà, [市場化], marketization
        ménshìbù, [門市部], retail department/section of a retail store
        Sàdéěrshì, [薩德爾市], Sadr city (Shia township in East Bagdad)
        shìwěi, municipal committee
        zǎoshì, morning market
        Jīnshì, Jinshi county level city in Changde 常德[Cháng dé], Hunan
        lóushì, [樓市], real estate market
        shìzhì, Chinese units of measurement
        Shìběiqū, [市北區], Shibei district of Qingdao city 青島市|青岛市, Shandong
        Shāshì, Shashi district of Jingzhou city 荊州市|荆州市[Jīng zhōu shì], Hubei
        Zhōngshānshì, Zhongshan prefecture-level city in Guangdong province 廣東省|广东省[Guǎng dōng shěng] ...
        zhíxiáshì, [直轄市], municipality, namely: Beijing 北京, Tianjin 天津, Shanghai 上海 and Chongqing 重慶|重庆, t...
        Xīnyíshì, Xinyi city in Xuzhou 徐州[Xú zhōu], Jiangsu
        méntíngruòshì, [門庭若市], front yard as busy as a marketplace (idiom)/a place with many visitors

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