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xiǎodòu see 紅豆
>红豆[hóng dòu]

Character Composition

Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        xiǎo, small/tiny/few/young
        xiǎoshí, [小時], hour/CL:個|个[gè]
        xiǎojie, young lady/miss/(slang) prostitute/CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi]
        xiǎoxīn, to be careful/to take care
        xiǎozǐ/xiǎozi, (literary) youngster/(old) young fellow (term of address used by the older gener...
        xiǎohái, child/CL:個|个[gè]
        xiǎohuǒzi, young man/young guy/lad/youngster/CL:個|个[gè]
        xiǎozǔ, [小組], group
        xiǎoshíhou, [小時候], in one's childhood
        xiǎochǒu, clown
        xiǎoshuō, [小說], novel/fiction/CL:本[běn],部[bù]
        xiǎozhèn, [小鎮], small town/village
        xiǎoháizi, child
        xiǎotōu, thief
        xiǎoshì, trifle/trivial matter/CL:點|点[diǎn]
        dǎnxiǎoguǐ, [膽小鬼], coward
        xiǎopéngyǒu, child/CL:個|个[gè]
        xiǎowū, cabin/lodge/cottage/chalet/hut/shed
        xiǎoshēng, [小聲], in a low voice/(speak) in whispers
        xiǎofèi, [小費], tip/gratuity
        xiǎoxiǎo, very small/very few/very minor
        dàxiǎo, dimension/magnitude/size/measurement/large and small/at any rate/adults and chil...
        xiǎoguǐ, little demon (term of endearment for a child)/mischievous child/imp
        cóngxiǎo, [從小], from childhood/from a young age
        xiǎoxué, [小學], elementary school/primary school/CL:個|个[gè]
        suōxiǎo, [縮小], to reduce/to decrease/to shrink
        xiǎoxíng, small scale/small size
        xiǎoniǎo, [小鳥], penis (kiddie term)
        xiǎohuǒ, young guy/lad/youngster/CL:個|个[gè]
        xiǎopǐn, short, simple literary or artistic creation/essay/skit
        xiǎodì, little brother/I, your little brother (humble)
        dàjīngxiǎoguài, [大驚小怪], to make a fuss about nothing (idiom)
        dǎnxiǎo, [膽小], cowardice/timid
便         xiǎobiàn, to urinate/to pass water/urine
        xiǎotíqín, fiddle/violin
        xiǎoxiàng, alley
        xiǎorén, person of low social status (old)/I, me (used to refer humbly to oneself)/nasty ...
        xiǎolù, minor road/lane/pathway/trail
        xiǎocài, appetizer/small side dish/easy job/piece of cake/see also 小菜一碟[xiǎo cài yī dié]
        ruòxiǎo, small and weak/puny/the small and weak/children/women and children
        xiǎoqì, [小氣], stingy/miserly/narrow-minded/petty
        xiǎojī, [小雞], chick
        xiǎoxī, brook/streamlet
        miǎoxiǎo, minute/tiny/negligible/insignificant
        wēixiǎo, minute (i.e. extremely small)/infinitesimal
        xiǎocèzi, [小冊子], booklet/pamphlet/leaflet/information sheet/menu/CL:本[běn]
        xiǎotídàzuò, [小題大做], to make a big fuss over a minor issue (idiom)
        xiǎokàn, to look down on/to underestimate
        xiǎoxīnyìyì, cautious and solemn (idiom); very carefully/prudent/gently and cautiously
        xiǎomài, [小麥], wheat/CL:粒[lì]
        xiǎodāo, knife/CL:把[bǎ]
        xiǎochī, snack/refreshments/CL:家[jiā]
        xiǎoqū, [小區], neighborhood/district
        xiǎoyìsi, small token/mere trifle (used of one's gifts)
        Xiǎoshuōjiā/xiǎoshuōjiā, [小說家], School of Minor-talks, one of the Hundred Schools of Thought 諸子百家|诸子百家[zhū zǐ bǎ...
        xiǎorénwù, nonentity/a nobody
        xiǎochuán, boat
        wúmíngxiǎozú, [無名小卒], insignificant soldier (idiom)/a nobody/nonentity
        xiǎobào, [小報], tabloid newspaper
        xiǎodòngzuò, [小動作], bad habit (e.g. nose-picking)/petty maneuver/dirty trick/gamesmanship
        xiǎochē, [小車], small model car/mini-car/small horse-cart/barrow/wheelbarrow/type of folk dance
        xiǎocōngming, [小聰明], clever-clever/clever in trivial matters/sharp but petty-minded
        Xiǎotáoqì/xiǎotáoqì, [小淘氣], Rogue, Marvel Comics superhero, rascal
        xiǎoérkē, [小兒科], pediatrics/pediatric (department)/sth of little importance/trifle/a child's play...
        xiǎodào, bypath/trail/bribery as a means of achieving a goal/minor arts (Confucian refere...
        xiǎoxīnjǐnshèn, [小心謹慎], cautious and timid (idiom); prudent/careful
        xìxiǎo, [細小], tiny/fine/minute
        xiǎohào, [小號], trumpet/small size (clothes etc)/(coll.) number one/to urinate/(humble) our stor...
        jiāoxiǎo, [嬌小], petite/delicate/dainty
        xiǎofàn, [小販], peddler/hawker
        xiǎodàoxiāoxi, hearsay/gossip
        xiǎoqiǎo, small and exquisite/delicate/fine (features)/compact/nifty
        xiǎoyàng, [小樣], galley proof (printing)/unimpressive/(coll.) little guy (mild insult also used a...
        xiǎoxuéshēng, [小學生], primary school student/schoolchild/CL:個|个[gè],名[míng]/(fig.) beginner
        xiǎotuǐ, lower leg (from knee to ankle)/shank
        xiǎoér/xiǎor, [小兒], young child/(humble) my son, (coll.) early childhood/baby boy
        ǎixiǎo, short and small/low and small/undersized
        LǐXiǎolóng, [李小龍], Bruce Lee (1940-1973), Hong Kong actor and martial arts expert
        xiǎodiào, [小調], xiaodiao, a Chinese folk song genre/minor key (in music)
        xiǎonǚ, my daughter (humble)
        xiáxiǎo, [狹小], narrow
        shòuxiǎo, slightly-built/petite
        xiǎomǎ, [小馬], colt/pony
        xiǎoqìguǐ, [小氣鬼], miser/penny-pincher
        xiǎojié, [小節], a minor matter/trivia/bar (music)
        xiǎohé, brook
        xiǎoxíngxīng, asteroid/minor planet
        xiǎoniú, calf/(coll.) lower-priced model of Lamborghini
        xiǎogǒu, pup/puppy
        xiǎomèi, little sister/girl/(Tw) young female employee working in a low-level role dealin...
        xiǎojìng, [小徑], alley
        Xiǎoxuě, Xiaoxue or Lesser Snow, 20th of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 22nd November-6th...
便         dàxiǎobiàn, using the toilet/urination and defecation
        xiǎomàibù, [小賣部], kiosk/snack counter/retail department or section inside a larger business
        xiǎodǎxiǎonào, [小打小鬧], small-scale
        xiǎobái, (slang) novice/greenhorn/fool/idiot/abbr. for 小白臉|小白脸[xiǎo bái liǎn], pretty boy
        xiǎobiànzi, [小辮子], pigtail/(fig.) a shortcoming or evidence of wrongdoing that can be seized upon b...
        Xiǎoyě, Ono (Japanese surname and place name)
        yòuxiǎo, young/immature
        xiǎoyú, [小於], less than, <
        Xiǎoquán, Koizumi (name)/KOIZUMI Jun'ichirō, Japanese LDP politician, prime minister 2001-...
        xiǎoxīnyǎn, narrow-minded/petty
        xiǎojiùzi, (coll.) wife's younger brother
        dàjiēxiǎoxiàng, great streets and small alleys (idiom); everywhere in the city
        xiǎojīnglíng, [小精靈], elf
        xiǎocháng, [小腸], small intestine
        xiǎoqì, to rest for a bit/to take a breather
        dàhūxiǎojiào, to shout and quarrel/to make a big fuss
        duǎnpiānxiǎoshuō, [短篇小說], short story
        xiǎotíqínshǒu, violinist/fiddler
        xiǎotān, [小攤], vendor's stall
        xiǎohuǒr, [小伙兒], erhua variant of 小伙[xiǎo huǒ]
        xiǎofù, underbelly/lower abdomen
        xiǎoqìchē, [小汽車], compact car
        xuèxiǎobǎn, blood platelet
        XiǎoXūn, Xiao Xun (1989-), Taiwan actress
        kāixiǎochāi, [開小差], to be absent-minded/to desert/to abscond from the army/absent without leave (AWO...
        xiǎowūjiàndàwū, [小巫見大巫], lit. minor magician in the presence of a great one (idiom)/fig. to pale into ins...
        xiǎoyízi, see 小姨[xiǎo yí]
        xiǎoqīngnián, young person/youngster
        xiǎojiǎo, [小腳], bound feet (traditional)
        yīxiǎocuō, handful (of)
        fēitóngxiǎokě, extremely important/no small matter
        xiǎoliǎngkǒu, [小兩口], (coll.) young married couple
        jiǎnxiǎo, [減小], to reduce/to decrease/to diminish
        xiǎozhǐ, little finger
        Xiǎolín, Kobayashi (Japanese surname)
        xiǎoyǔ, light rain/drizzle
        xiǎoyèqǔ, serenade
        xiǎosuànpán, [小算盤], lit. small abacus/fig. selfish calculations/bean-counting
        kōngzhōngxiǎojiě, stewardess/air hostess
        xiǎochīdiàn, snack bar/lunch room/CL:家[jiā]
        diāochóngxiǎojì, [雕蟲小技], insignificant talent/skill of no high order/minor accomplishment
        xiǎozú, foot soldier/minor figure/a nobody/(chess) pawn
        xiǎoqǔ, popular song/folk tune/ballad
        xiǎoérmábìzhèng, [小兒麻痺症], poliomyelitis/infantile paralysis
        xiǎonǎo, [小腦], cerebellum (part of the brain)
        dàtóngxiǎoyì, [大同小異], virtually the same/differing only on small points
        xiǎobèi, [小輩], the younger generation
        Xiǎomǐ/xiǎomǐ, Xiaomi, Chinese electronics company founded in 2010, millet
        xiǎofěn, (wheat) starch/amylum
        dàdàxiǎoxiǎo, large and small/of all sizes
        Xiǎodǎo/xiǎodǎo, [小島], Kojima (Japanese surname and place name), isle
        xiǎomǔzhǐ, little finger/pinkie
        yánqíngxiǎoshuō, [言情小說], romantic fiction
        xiǎodòu, see 紅豆|红豆[hóng dòu]
        xiǎoyǎ, one of the three main divisions of the Book of Songs 詩經|诗经
        xiǎosūdá, [小蘇打], baking soda/sodium bicarbonate
轿         xiǎojiàochē, [小轎車], (automobile) sedan/car
        xiǎojiě, to urinate/to empty one's bladder
        xiǎoshì, [小視], to belittle/to look down upon/to despise
        xiǎoxióngmāo, [小熊貓], lesser panda/red panda/firefox
        xiǎoliàng, a small quantity
        xiǎomíng, pet name for a child/childhood name
        xiǎoshùdiǎn, [小數點], decimal point
        xiǎolǎopó, concubine/mistress/(dialect) woman
        xiǎoqù, [小覷], to despise/to have contempt for
        duǎnxiǎojīnghàn, (of a person) short but plucky (idiom)/(of an article) concise and forceful
        xiǎoxiě, [小寫], lowercase
        xiǎobàn, a portion smaller than a half/the lesser part/the smaller part
        xiǎojiāziqì, [小家子氣], petty/small-minded
        xiǎoshìniúdāo, [小試牛刀], to give a small demonstration of one's impressive skills (idiom)
        xiǎorìzi, simple life
        xiǎohuáng, [小黃], (coll.) taxicab (Tw)
        xiǎogū, husband's younger sister/sister-in-law
        xiǎowǒ, the self/the individual
        xiǎoshù, [小數], small figure/small amount/the part of a number to the right of the decimal point...
        bùjūxiǎojié, [不拘小節], to not bother about trifles (idiom)
        xiǎobiàn, [小辮], pigtail
        Xiǎojīn, Xiaojin county (Tibetan: btsan lha rdzong) in Ngawa Tibetan and Qiang autonomous...
        xiǎochǎn, [小產], to miscarry/a miscarriage/an abortion
        xiǎobāo, packet
        xiǎochéng, small town
        Xiǎokāng/xiǎokāng, Xiaokang, a Confucian near-ideal state of society, second only to Datong 大同[Dà t...
        xiǎoshù, [小樹], shrub/small tree/sapling/CL:棵[kē]
        xiǎoqiǎolínglóng, [小巧玲瓏], dainty and delicate/exquisite
        lǎoxiǎo, the old and the young/the youngest member of the family
        zhōngxiǎoxué, [中小學], middle and elementary school
穿         chuānxiǎoxié, lit. to make sb wear tight shoes (idiom)/to make life difficult for sb
        chángpiānxiǎoshuō, [長篇小說], novel
        xiǎoshāngfàn, [小商販], small trader/peddler
        Xiǎoxióngzuò, Ursa Minor (constellation)
        yángchángxiǎodào, [羊腸小道], road as twisty as sheep's intestine (idiom); narrow and winding road/fig. compli...
        kāixiǎozào, [開小灶], to give preferential treatment/to give special attention
        xiǎoshé, uvula
        xiǎojīnkù, [小金庫], supplementary cash reserve/private fund/private hoard/slush fund
        xiǎolixiǎoqì, [小裡小氣], stingy/petty
        XiǎoQiáng, [小強], cockroach (slang)
        xiǎochūn, 10th month of the lunar calendar/Indian summer/crops sown in late autumn
        xiǎomín, ordinary people/commoner/civilian
        xiǎoqiú, sports such as ping-pong and badminton that use small balls/see also 大球[dà qiú]
        yīnxiǎoshīdà, to save a little only to lose a lot (idiom)
        zhōngpiānxiǎoshuō, [中篇小說], novella
        xiǎoyáng, lamb
        diànxiǎoèr, (old) (in a tavern or inn etc) waiter/attendant
        Xiǎobèi, [小貝], "Becks", nickname of British footballer David Beckham (see 貝克漢姆|贝克汉姆[Bèi kè hàn ...
        DèngXiǎopíng, [鄧小平], Deng Xiaoping (1904-1997), Chinese communist leader, de facto leader of PRC 1978...
        xiǎoguà, close-fitting (Chinese-style) upper garment
        wúqióngxiǎo, [無窮小], infinitesimal (in calculus)/infinitely small
        xiǎozhuàn, [小傳], sketch biography/profile
        xiǎoqiū, hill/knoll
        xiǎojiàng, [小將], (in classical literature) young military officer of high rank for his age/(durin...
        xiǎozào, mess hall for high-ranking cadres/(fig.) special treatment/cf. 大灶[dà zào]
        xiǎojié, [小結], summary/short/brief/wrap-up
        xiānxiǎo, [纖小], fine/delicate
        xiǎojítuán, [小集團], faction/clique
        xiǎobā, minibus
        Xiǎoyàxìyà, [小亞細亞], Asia minor/Anatolia
        xiǎobiāotí, [小標題], subheading
        dàxiǎoxiě, [大小寫], capitals and lowercase letters
        xiǎohuíxiāng, fennel/fennel seed
        xiǎobáicài, bok choy/Chinese cabbage/Brassica chinensis/CL:棵[kē]
        xiǎoxífu, [小媳婦], young married woman/mistress/(fig.) punching bag/(old) child bride
        Xiǎotiāné/xiǎotiāné, [小天鵝], Little Swan (PRC appliance brand), (bird species of China) tundra swan (Cygnus c...

        dòu, [荳], variant of 豆[dòu], bean/pea/CL:棵[kē],粒[lì]/sacrificial vessel
        tǔdòu, potato/CL:個|个[gè]/(Tw) peanut/CL:顆|颗[kē]
        dòuzi, bean/pea/CL:顆|颗[kē]
        dòufu, tofu/bean curd
        wāndòu, pea (Pisum sativum)
        tǔdòuní, mashed potato
        dàdòu, soybean
        kāfēidòu, coffee beans
        dòunǎi, soy milk
绿         lǜdòu, [綠豆], mung bean
        huángdòu, [黃豆], soybean
        ròudòukòu, nutmeg (Myristica fragrans Houtt)/mace/Myristicaceae (family of plants producing...
        dòujiá, [豆莢], pod (of legumes)
        dòuyá, bean sprout
        hóngdòu, [紅豆], azuki bean/red bean
        dòujiāng, [豆漿], soy milk
        dòushā, sweetened bean paste
        dòukòu, cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum)/fig. a girl's teenage years/maidenhood/a budding...
        qīngdòu, green soybean/green peas
        biǎndòu, hyacinth bean/haricot
        xiǎodòu, see 紅豆|红豆[hóng dòu]
        nàdòu, [納豆], nattō, a type of fermented soybean, popular as a breakfast food in Japan
        dòujiǎo, string bean/snap bean/green bean
        càidòu, kidney bean
        Dòubàn/dòubàn, Douban, PRC social networking website, cotyledon of a bean (i.e. either of the h...
        dòuchǐ, black bean/black bean sauce
        dòulèi, [豆類], bean
        dòuyóu, soy bean oil/(dialect) soy sauce
        sìjìdòu, green bean/French bean/runner bean
        yúndòu, kidney bean
        dòukē, Fabaceae/Leguminosae/legume family (botany)
        dòubànjiàng, [豆瓣醬], sticky chili bean sauce/doubanjiang
        bādòu, croton (Croton tiglium), evergreen bush of Euphorbiaceae family 大戟科[dà jǐ kē]/cr...
        dòufupí, tofu skin (made by drying the skin that forms on the surface of soymilk during c...
        máodòu, immature green soy beans, either still in the pod (edamame) or removed from the ...
        dòumiáo, pea shoots/bean seedling
        dòuhuā, jellied tofu/soft bean curd
        cándòu, [蠶豆], broad bean (Vicia faba)/fava bean
        dòukòuniánhuá, [豆蔻年華], a girl's teenage years (idiom); maidenhood/a budding beauty
        dòuzhī, douzhi, fermented drink made from ground mung beans/soy milk
        dòufuzhā, okara (i.e. soy pulp, a by-product of making soymilk or tofu)
        dòuyácài, bean sprouts
        dòufurǔ, fermented bean curd

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