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Word: freq index 13869
[小聰明] xiǎocōngming clever-clever
clever in trivial matters
sharp but petty-minded

Character Composition

Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        xiǎo, small/tiny/few/young
        xiǎoshí, [小時], hour/CL:個|个[gè]
        xiǎojie, young lady/miss/(slang) prostitute/CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi]
        xiǎoxīn, to be careful/to take care
        xiǎozǐ/xiǎozi, (literary) youngster/(old) young fellow (term of address used by the older gener...
        xiǎohái, child/CL:個|个[gè]
        xiǎohuǒzi, young man/young guy/lad/youngster/CL:個|个[gè]
        xiǎozǔ, [小組], group
        xiǎoshíhou, [小時候], in one's childhood
        xiǎochǒu, clown
        xiǎoshuō, [小說], novel/fiction/CL:本[běn],部[bù]
        xiǎozhèn, [小鎮], small town/village
        xiǎoháizi, child
        xiǎotōu, thief
        xiǎoshì, trifle/trivial matter/CL:點|点[diǎn]
        dǎnxiǎoguǐ, [膽小鬼], coward
        xiǎopéngyǒu, child/CL:個|个[gè]
        xiǎowū, cabin/lodge/cottage/chalet/hut/shed
        xiǎoshēng, [小聲], in a low voice/(speak) in whispers
        xiǎofèi, [小費], tip/gratuity
        xiǎoxiǎo, very small/very few/very minor
        dàxiǎo, dimension/magnitude/size/measurement/large and small/at any rate/adults and chil...
        xiǎoguǐ, little demon (term of endearment for a child)/mischievous child/imp
        cóngxiǎo, [從小], from childhood/from a young age
        xiǎoxué, [小學], elementary school/primary school/CL:個|个[gè]
        suōxiǎo, [縮小], to reduce/to decrease/to shrink
        xiǎoxíng, small scale/small size
        xiǎoniǎo, [小鳥], penis (kiddie term)
        xiǎohuǒ, young guy/lad/youngster/CL:個|个[gè]
        xiǎopǐn, short, simple literary or artistic creation/essay/skit
        xiǎodì, little brother/I, your little brother (humble)
        dàjīngxiǎoguài, [大驚小怪], to make a fuss about nothing (idiom)
        dǎnxiǎo, [膽小], cowardice/timid
便         xiǎobiàn, to urinate/to pass water/urine
        xiǎotíqín, fiddle/violin
        xiǎoxiàng, alley
        xiǎorén, person of low social status (old)/I, me (used to refer humbly to oneself)/nasty ...
        xiǎolù, minor road/lane/pathway/trail
        xiǎocài, appetizer/small side dish/easy job/piece of cake/see also 小菜一碟[xiǎo cài yī dié]
        ruòxiǎo, small and weak/puny/the small and weak/children/women and children
        xiǎoqì, [小氣], stingy/miserly/narrow-minded/petty
        xiǎojī, [小雞], chick
        xiǎoxī, brook/streamlet
        miǎoxiǎo, minute/tiny/negligible/insignificant
        wēixiǎo, minute (i.e. extremely small)/infinitesimal
        xiǎocèzi, [小冊子], booklet/pamphlet/leaflet/information sheet/menu/CL:本[běn]
        xiǎotídàzuò, [小題大做], to make a big fuss over a minor issue (idiom)
        xiǎokàn, to look down on/to underestimate
        xiǎoxīnyìyì, cautious and solemn (idiom); very carefully/prudent/gently and cautiously
        xiǎomài, [小麥], wheat/CL:粒[lì]
        xiǎodāo, knife/CL:把[bǎ]
        xiǎochī, snack/refreshments/CL:家[jiā]
        xiǎoqū, [小區], neighborhood/district
        xiǎoyìsi, small token/mere trifle (used of one's gifts)
        Xiǎoshuōjiā/xiǎoshuōjiā, [小說家], School of Minor-talks, one of the Hundred Schools of Thought 諸子百家|诸子百家[zhū zǐ bǎ...
        xiǎorénwù, nonentity/a nobody
        xiǎochuán, boat
        wúmíngxiǎozú, [無名小卒], insignificant soldier (idiom)/a nobody/nonentity
        xiǎobào, [小報], tabloid newspaper
        xiǎodòngzuò, [小動作], bad habit (e.g. nose-picking)/petty maneuver/dirty trick/gamesmanship
        xiǎochē, [小車], small model car/mini-car/small horse-cart/barrow/wheelbarrow/type of folk dance
        xiǎocōngming, [小聰明], clever-clever/clever in trivial matters/sharp but petty-minded
        Xiǎotáoqì/xiǎotáoqì, [小淘氣], Rogue, Marvel Comics superhero, rascal
        xiǎoérkē, [小兒科], pediatrics/pediatric (department)/sth of little importance/trifle/a child's play...
        xiǎodào, bypath/trail/bribery as a means of achieving a goal/minor arts (Confucian refere...
        xiǎoxīnjǐnshèn, [小心謹慎], cautious and timid (idiom); prudent/careful
        xìxiǎo, [細小], tiny/fine/minute
        xiǎohào, [小號], trumpet/small size (clothes etc)/(coll.) number one/to urinate/(humble) our stor...
        jiāoxiǎo, [嬌小], petite/delicate/dainty
        xiǎofàn, [小販], peddler/hawker
        xiǎodàoxiāoxi, hearsay/gossip
        xiǎoqiǎo, small and exquisite/delicate/fine (features)/compact/nifty
        xiǎoyàng, [小樣], galley proof (printing)/unimpressive/(coll.) little guy (mild insult also used a...
        xiǎoxuéshēng, [小學生], primary school student/schoolchild/CL:個|个[gè],名[míng]/(fig.) beginner
        xiǎotuǐ, lower leg (from knee to ankle)/shank
        xiǎoér/xiǎor, [小兒], young child/(humble) my son, (coll.) early childhood/baby boy
        ǎixiǎo, short and small/low and small/undersized
        LǐXiǎolóng, [李小龍], Bruce Lee (1940-1973), Hong Kong actor and martial arts expert
        xiǎodiào, [小調], xiaodiao, a Chinese folk song genre/minor key (in music)
        xiǎonǚ, my daughter (humble)
        xiáxiǎo, [狹小], narrow
        shòuxiǎo, slightly-built/petite
        xiǎomǎ, [小馬], colt/pony
        xiǎoqìguǐ, [小氣鬼], miser/penny-pincher
        xiǎojié, [小節], a minor matter/trivia/bar (music)
        xiǎohé, brook
        xiǎoxíngxīng, asteroid/minor planet
        xiǎoniú, calf/(coll.) lower-priced model of Lamborghini
        xiǎogǒu, pup/puppy
        xiǎomèi, little sister/girl/(Tw) young female employee working in a low-level role dealin...
        xiǎojìng, [小徑], alley
        Xiǎoxuě, Xiaoxue or Lesser Snow, 20th of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 22nd November-6th...
便         dàxiǎobiàn, using the toilet/urination and defecation
        xiǎomàibù, [小賣部], kiosk/snack counter/retail department or section inside a larger business
        xiǎodǎxiǎonào, [小打小鬧], small-scale
        xiǎobái, (slang) novice/greenhorn/fool/idiot/abbr. for 小白臉|小白脸[xiǎo bái liǎn], pretty boy
        xiǎobiànzi, [小辮子], pigtail/(fig.) a shortcoming or evidence of wrongdoing that can be seized upon b...
        Xiǎoyě, Ono (Japanese surname and place name)
        yòuxiǎo, young/immature
        xiǎoyú, [小於], less than, <
        Xiǎoquán, Koizumi (name)/KOIZUMI Jun'ichirō, Japanese LDP politician, prime minister 2001-...
        xiǎoxīnyǎn, narrow-minded/petty
        xiǎojiùzi, (coll.) wife's younger brother
        dàjiēxiǎoxiàng, great streets and small alleys (idiom); everywhere in the city
        xiǎojīnglíng, [小精靈], elf
        xiǎocháng, [小腸], small intestine
        xiǎoqì, to rest for a bit/to take a breather
        dàhūxiǎojiào, to shout and quarrel/to make a big fuss
        duǎnpiānxiǎoshuō, [短篇小說], short story
        xiǎotíqínshǒu, violinist/fiddler
        xiǎotān, [小攤], vendor's stall
        xiǎohuǒr, [小伙兒], erhua variant of 小伙[xiǎo huǒ]
        xiǎofù, underbelly/lower abdomen
        xiǎoqìchē, [小汽車], compact car
        xuèxiǎobǎn, blood platelet
        XiǎoXūn, Xiao Xun (1989-), Taiwan actress
        kāixiǎochāi, [開小差], to be absent-minded/to desert/to abscond from the army/absent without leave (AWO...
        xiǎowūjiàndàwū, [小巫見大巫], lit. minor magician in the presence of a great one (idiom)/fig. to pale into ins...
        xiǎoyízi, see 小姨[xiǎo yí]
        xiǎoqīngnián, young person/youngster
        xiǎojiǎo, [小腳], bound feet (traditional)
        yīxiǎocuō, handful (of)
        fēitóngxiǎokě, extremely important/no small matter
        xiǎoliǎngkǒu, [小兩口], (coll.) young married couple
        jiǎnxiǎo, [減小], to reduce/to decrease/to diminish
        xiǎozhǐ, little finger
        Xiǎolín, Kobayashi (Japanese surname)
        xiǎoyǔ, light rain/drizzle
        xiǎoyèqǔ, serenade
        xiǎosuànpán, [小算盤], lit. small abacus/fig. selfish calculations/bean-counting
        kōngzhōngxiǎojiě, stewardess/air hostess
        xiǎochīdiàn, snack bar/lunch room/CL:家[jiā]
        diāochóngxiǎojì, [雕蟲小技], insignificant talent/skill of no high order/minor accomplishment
        xiǎozú, foot soldier/minor figure/a nobody/(chess) pawn
        xiǎoqǔ, popular song/folk tune/ballad
        xiǎoérmábìzhèng, [小兒麻痺症], poliomyelitis/infantile paralysis
        xiǎonǎo, [小腦], cerebellum (part of the brain)
        dàtóngxiǎoyì, [大同小異], virtually the same/differing only on small points
        xiǎobèi, [小輩], the younger generation
        Xiǎomǐ/xiǎomǐ, Xiaomi, Chinese electronics company founded in 2010, millet
        xiǎofěn, (wheat) starch/amylum
        dàdàxiǎoxiǎo, large and small/of all sizes
        Xiǎodǎo/xiǎodǎo, [小島], Kojima (Japanese surname and place name), isle
        xiǎomǔzhǐ, little finger/pinkie
        yánqíngxiǎoshuō, [言情小說], romantic fiction
        xiǎodòu, see 紅豆|红豆[hóng dòu]
        xiǎoyǎ, one of the three main divisions of the Book of Songs 詩經|诗经
        xiǎosūdá, [小蘇打], baking soda/sodium bicarbonate
轿         xiǎojiàochē, [小轎車], (automobile) sedan/car
        xiǎojiě, to urinate/to empty one's bladder
        xiǎoshì, [小視], to belittle/to look down upon/to despise
        xiǎoxióngmāo, [小熊貓], lesser panda/red panda/firefox
        xiǎoliàng, a small quantity
        xiǎomíng, pet name for a child/childhood name
        xiǎoshùdiǎn, [小數點], decimal point
        xiǎolǎopó, concubine/mistress/(dialect) woman
        xiǎoqù, [小覷], to despise/to have contempt for
        duǎnxiǎojīnghàn, (of a person) short but plucky (idiom)/(of an article) concise and forceful
        xiǎoxiě, [小寫], lowercase
        xiǎobàn, a portion smaller than a half/the lesser part/the smaller part
        xiǎojiāziqì, [小家子氣], petty/small-minded
        xiǎoshìniúdāo, [小試牛刀], to give a small demonstration of one's impressive skills (idiom)
        xiǎorìzi, simple life
        xiǎohuáng, [小黃], (coll.) taxicab (Tw)
        xiǎogū, husband's younger sister/sister-in-law
        xiǎowǒ, the self/the individual
        xiǎoshù, [小數], small figure/small amount/the part of a number to the right of the decimal point...
        bùjūxiǎojié, [不拘小節], to not bother about trifles (idiom)
        xiǎobiàn, [小辮], pigtail
        Xiǎojīn, Xiaojin county (Tibetan: btsan lha rdzong) in Ngawa Tibetan and Qiang autonomous...
        xiǎochǎn, [小產], to miscarry/a miscarriage/an abortion
        xiǎobāo, packet
        xiǎochéng, small town
        Xiǎokāng/xiǎokāng, Xiaokang, a Confucian near-ideal state of society, second only to Datong 大同[Dà t...
        xiǎoshù, [小樹], shrub/small tree/sapling/CL:棵[kē]
        xiǎoqiǎolínglóng, [小巧玲瓏], dainty and delicate/exquisite
        lǎoxiǎo, the old and the young/the youngest member of the family
        zhōngxiǎoxué, [中小學], middle and elementary school
穿         chuānxiǎoxié, lit. to make sb wear tight shoes (idiom)/to make life difficult for sb
        chángpiānxiǎoshuō, [長篇小說], novel
        xiǎoshāngfàn, [小商販], small trader/peddler
        Xiǎoxióngzuò, Ursa Minor (constellation)
        yángchángxiǎodào, [羊腸小道], road as twisty as sheep's intestine (idiom); narrow and winding road/fig. compli...
        kāixiǎozào, [開小灶], to give preferential treatment/to give special attention
        xiǎoshé, uvula
        xiǎojīnkù, [小金庫], supplementary cash reserve/private fund/private hoard/slush fund
        xiǎolixiǎoqì, [小裡小氣], stingy/petty
        XiǎoQiáng, [小強], cockroach (slang)
        xiǎochūn, 10th month of the lunar calendar/Indian summer/crops sown in late autumn
        xiǎomín, ordinary people/commoner/civilian
        xiǎoqiú, sports such as ping-pong and badminton that use small balls/see also 大球[dà qiú]
        yīnxiǎoshīdà, to save a little only to lose a lot (idiom)
        zhōngpiānxiǎoshuō, [中篇小說], novella
        xiǎoyáng, lamb
        diànxiǎoèr, (old) (in a tavern or inn etc) waiter/attendant
        Xiǎobèi, [小貝], "Becks", nickname of British footballer David Beckham (see 貝克漢姆|贝克汉姆[Bèi kè hàn ...
        DèngXiǎopíng, [鄧小平], Deng Xiaoping (1904-1997), Chinese communist leader, de facto leader of PRC 1978...
        xiǎoguà, close-fitting (Chinese-style) upper garment
        wúqióngxiǎo, [無窮小], infinitesimal (in calculus)/infinitely small
        xiǎozhuàn, [小傳], sketch biography/profile
        xiǎoqiū, hill/knoll
        xiǎojiàng, [小將], (in classical literature) young military officer of high rank for his age/(durin...
        xiǎozào, mess hall for high-ranking cadres/(fig.) special treatment/cf. 大灶[dà zào]
        xiǎojié, [小結], summary/short/brief/wrap-up
        xiānxiǎo, [纖小], fine/delicate
        xiǎojítuán, [小集團], faction/clique
        xiǎobā, minibus
        Xiǎoyàxìyà, [小亞細亞], Asia minor/Anatolia
        xiǎobiāotí, [小標題], subheading
        dàxiǎoxiě, [大小寫], capitals and lowercase letters
        xiǎohuíxiāng, fennel/fennel seed
        xiǎobáicài, bok choy/Chinese cabbage/Brassica chinensis/CL:棵[kē]
        xiǎoxífu, [小媳婦], young married woman/mistress/(fig.) punching bag/(old) child bride
        Xiǎotiāné/xiǎotiāné, [小天鵝], Little Swan (PRC appliance brand), (bird species of China) tundra swan (Cygnus c...

        cōngming, [聰明], intelligent/clever/bright/smart/acute (of sight and hearing)
        cōng, [聰], quick at hearing/wise/clever/sharp-witted/intelligent/acute
        zìzuòcōngmíng, [自作聰明], to think oneself clever (idiom)
        xiǎocōngming, [小聰明], clever-clever/clever in trivial matters/sharp but petty-minded
        cōnghuì, [聰慧], bright/witty/intelligent
        cōngmingcáizhì, [聰明才智], intelligence and wisdom
        shīcōng, [失聰], to go deaf/to lose hearing
        cōngminglínglì, [聰明伶俐], clever and quick-witted
        cōngyǐng, [聰穎], smart/intelligent
        cōngmǐn, [聰敏], quick/bright/intelligent/clever/brilliant
        cōngmíngfǎnbèicōngmíngwù, [聰明反被聰明誤], a clever person may become the victim of his own ingenuity (idiom); cleverness m...
        ěrcōngmùmíng, [耳聰目明], sharp ears and keen eyes (idiom)/keen and alert/perceptive

        míngbai, clear/obvious/unequivocal/to understand/to realize
        míngtiān, tomorrow
        zhèngmíng, [證明], proof/certificate/identification/testimonial/CL:個|个[gè]/to prove/to testify/to c...
        cōngming, [聰明], intelligent/clever/bright/smart/acute (of sight and hearing)
        míngxiǎn, [明顯], clear/distinct/obvious
        shuōmíng, [說明], to explain/to illustrate/to indicate/to show/to prove/explanation/directions/cap...
        míngxīng, star/celebrity
        Míng/míng, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)/surname Ming/Ming (c. 2000 BC), fourth of the legendary...
        sānmíngzhì, sandwich (loanword)/CL:個|个[gè]
        biǎomíng, to make clear/to make known/to state clearly/to indicate/known
        fāmíng, [發明], to invent/an invention/CL:個|个[gè]
        míngzǎo, tomorrow morning/tomorrow
        shēngmíng, [聲明], to state/to declare/statement/declaration/CL:項|项[xiàng],份[fèn]
        míngnián, next year
        míngzhì, sensible/wise/judicious/sagacious
        míngquè, [明確], clear-cut/definite/explicit/to clarify/to specify/to make definite
        guāngmíng, light/radiance/(fig.) bright (prospects etc)/openhearted
        míngmíng, obviously/plainly/undoubtedly/definitely
        wénmíng, civilized/civilization/culture/CL:個|个[gè]
        bùmíng, not clear/unknown/to fail to understand
        límíng, dawn/daybreak
        chámíng, to investigate and find out/to ascertain
        tòumíng, transparent/open (non-secretive)
        míngxìnpiàn, postcard
        jīngmíng, astute/shrewd
        Gāomíng/gāomíng, Gaoming district of Foshan city 佛山市[Fó shān shì], Guangdong, brilliant/superior/...
        míngliǎo, [明瞭], to understand clearly/to be clear about/plain/clear/also written 明瞭|明了[míng liǎo...
        shīmíng, to lose one's eyesight/to become blind/blindness
        Běnjiémíng, [本傑明], Benjamin (person name)
        míngrì, tomorrow
        míngliàng, bright/shining/glittering/to become clear
        míngzhī, to be fully aware of/to know perfectly well
        shénmíng, deities/gods
        zhǐmíng, to show clearly/to designate/to indicate
        fēnmíng, clear/distinct/evidently/clearly
        guāngmíngzhèngdà, (of a person) honorable/not devious/(of a behavior) fair and aboveboard/without ...
        míngmèi, bright and beautiful
        shuōmíngshū, [說明書], (technical) manual/(book of) directions/synopsis (of a play or film)/specificati...
        zìzuòcōngmíng, [自作聰明], to think oneself clever (idiom)
        xiǎocōngming, [小聰明], clever-clever/clever in trivial matters/sharp but petty-minded
        fāmíngjiā, [發明家], inventor
        xiānmíng, [鮮明], bright/clear-cut/distinct
        zhàomíng, lighting/illumination
        xiàluòbùmíng, unaccounted/unknown whereabouts
        míngbǎizhe, [明擺著], evident/clear/undoubted
        mínglǎng, bright/clear/obvious/forthright/open-minded/bright and cheerful
        Míngnísūdá, [明尼蘇達], Minnesota, USA
        shēnmíng, to declare/to aver/to state formally
        Míngnísūdázhōu, [明尼蘇達州], Minnesota
        míngzi, see 松明[sōng míng]
        kāimíng, [開明], enlightened/open-minded/enlightenment
        yīngmíng, wise/brilliant
        cōngmingcáizhì, [聰明才智], intelligence and wisdom
        biāomíng, [標明], to mark/to indicate
        míngzhìzhījǔ, [明智之舉], sensible act
        Hǎimíngwēi, Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961), American novelist and journalist
        zhèngmíngshū, [證明書], certificate
怀         Huáiémíngzhōu, [懷俄明州], Wyoming, US state
        zhùmíng, to clearly indicate
        zìzhīzhīmíng, knowing oneself (idiom)/self-knowledge
        zhèngdàguāngmíng, just and honorable
        Bómínghàn, Birmingham
        míngyuè, bright moon/refers to 夜明珠, a legendary pearl that can glow in the dark/CL:輪|轮[lú...
        chǎnmíng, [闡明], to elucidate/to explain clearly/to expound
        ānfēitāmíng, amphetamine (loanword)
        míngmùzhāngdǎn, [明目張膽], openly and without fear/brazenly
        jiǎngmíng, [講明], to explain
        Míngníābōlìsī, Minneapolis, a nameplace in the USA, notably in Minnesota
        cōngminglínglì, [聰明伶俐], clever and quick-witted
        zhàomíngdàn, [照明彈], flare/star shell
        Míngjìng/míngjìng, [明鏡], Der Spiegel, mirror (as a metaphor for sth beautiful, bright and flat -- such as...
        bùyánzìmíng, self-evident; needing no explanation (idiom)
        guāngmínglěiluò, open and candid (idiom); straightforward and upright
        Míngzhì, Meiji, Japanese era name, corresponding to the reign (1868-1912) of the Meiji em...
        tiānmíng, dawn/daybreak
        fāmíngzhě, [發明者], inventor
        zhǎngshàngmíngzhū, lit. a pearl in the palm (idiom)/fig. beloved person (esp. daughter)
        xiānjiànzhīmíng, [先見之明], foresight
        mínghuǒ, flame/open fire
        míngxī, clear/well-defined/limpid
        Míngcháo/míngzhāo, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), tomorrow morning/the following morning
        láilìbùmíng, [來歷不明], of unknown origin
·         Běnjiémíng·Fùlánkèlín, [本傑明·富蘭克林], Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), American writer, scientist, inventor, politician ...
        míngwénguīdìng, [明文規定], expressly stipulated (in writing)
        míngxì, [明細], clear and detailed/definite/details (are as follows:)
        jiǎnmíngèyào, [簡明扼要], brief and to the point (idiom)/succinct
        liǔànhuāmíng, lit. the willow trees make the shade, the flowers give the light (idiom); at one...
        míngbiànshìfēi, to distinguish right and wrong (idiom)
        míngr, [明兒], (coll.) tomorrow/one of these days/some day
        bùmíngbùbái, obscure/dubious/shady
        yánmíng, [嚴明], strict and impartial/firm
        míngzhū, pearl/jewel (of great value)
        tànmíng, to ascertain/to verify
        cōngmíngfǎnbèicōngmíngwù, [聰明反被聰明誤], a clever person may become the victim of his own ingenuity (idiom); cleverness m...
        fāmíngrén, [發明人], inventor
        Míngsīkè, Minsk, capital of Belarus
        láilùbùmíng, [來路不明], unidentified origin/no-one knows where it comes from/of dubious background
        Míngdài, the Ming dynasty (1368-1644)
        YáoMíng, Yao Ming (1980-), retired Chinese basketball player, played for CBA Shanghai Sha...
        tòumíngdù, transparency/(policy of) openness
        Āmíng, Al-Amin
        tòumíngjiāo, [透明膠], Scotch tape
        míngzhébǎoshēn, a wise man looks after his own hide (idiom)/to put one's own safety before matte...
        mínglǐ, sensible/reasonable/an obvious reason, truth or fact/to understand the reason or...
        mínghuǎnghuǎng, shining/bright
        xiǎnmíng, [顯明], to reveal, make known
        míngzhēngàndòu, [明爭暗鬥], to fight openly and maneuver covertly (idiom)
        pànmíng, to distinguish/to ascertain
        mínglìng, to decree
        míngzhīgùfàn, deliberate violation (idiom); intentional crime
        mòmíngqímiào, variant of 莫名其妙[mò míng qí miào]
        míngzhèng, [明證], clear proof
        shēngmíngshū, [聲明書], statement
        míngmǎ, [明碼], non-secret code (such as Morse code, Chinese telegraph code, ASCII etc)/plaintex...
        xiánmíng, [賢明], wise and capable/sagacious
        míngfán, [明礬], alum
        míngrìhuánghuā, [明日黃花], lit. chrysanthemums after the Double Ninth Festival (idiom)/fig. outdated/thing ...
        kǒngmíngdēng, [孔明燈], sky lantern (miniature hot-air balloon used during festivals)
        jiǎnmíng, [簡明], simple and clear/concise
        míngwén, to state in writing (laws, rules etc)
        tōngmíng, brightly lit
        Qīngmíng/qīngmíng, Qingming or Pure Brightness, 5th of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气[èr shí sì jié...
        Sānmíng, Sanming prefecture level city in Fujian
        JīngWèifēnmíng, [涇渭分明], as rivers Jing and Wei separate clearly (idiom)/to be entirely different
        HúZhìmíng, Ho Chi Minh (1890-1969), former Vietnamese leader/see also 胡志明市[Hú Zhì míng Shì]
        qǐmíngxīng, [啟明星], (astronomy) Venus
        shēnmíngdàyì, [深明大義], to have a high notion of one's duty/to be highly principled
        jīngmíngnénggàn, [精明能幹], able and efficient
        míngshì, to state explicitly/to clearly indicate
        míngchù, [明處], clear place/out in the open
        míngyù, simile
        HúZhìmíngShì, Ho Chi Minh City a.k.a. Saigon, Vietnam
        yànmíng, [驗明], to ascertain/to identify/to verify (sb's identity etc)
        ěrcōngmùmíng, [耳聰目明], sharp ears and keen eyes (idiom)/keen and alert/perceptive
        diǎnmíng, [點明], to point out
        yánmíng, to state clearly
        míngcháqiūháo, lit. seeing clearly the downy feathers of autumn (idiom, from Mencius)/fig. perc...
        qízhìxiānmíng, [旗幟鮮明], to show one's colors/to have a clear-cut stand (idiom)
        míngxiā, [明蝦], prawn
        míngchè, clear/limpid
        Dōngmíng, [東明], Dongming county in Heze 菏澤|菏泽[Hé zé], Shandong
        míngxìbiǎo, [明細表], schedule/subsidiary ledger/a detailed list
        Duōmíngníjiā, Dominica/Dominican Republic (Tw)
        Kūnmíng, Kunming prefecture-level city and capital of Yunnan province in southwest China
        míngyǎnrén, perspicacious person/sb with a discerning eye/sighted person (as opposed to blin...
        fèngruòshénmíng, to honor sb as a God (idiom); to revere/to worship/to deify/to make a holy cow o...
        ShèngDuōmínggè, [聖多明各], Santo Domingo, capital of the Dominican Republic
        àizēngfēnmíng, [愛憎分明], to make a clear difference between what one likes and what one hates/to have wel...
        chūnguāngmíngmèi, lovely spring sunshine
        fúlāmínggē, flamenco (loanword)
        míngjiāo, [明膠], gelatin

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