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èrliú second-rate

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Word Compounds

        dìèr, second/number two/next/secondary
        èr, two/2/(Beijing dialect) stupid
        èrshí, twenty/20
        shíèr, twelve/12
        Zhōuèr, [週二], Tuesday
        dúyīwúèr, [獨一無二], unique and unmatched (idiom); unrivalled/nothing compares with it
        lǎoèr, second-eldest child in a family/(euphemism) penis
        Xīngqīèr, Tuesday
        èrjí, [二級], grade 2/second class/category B
        Èrzhàn, [二戰], World War II
        yīqīngèrchǔ, to be very clear about sth (idiom)
        èryǎnghuàtàn, carbon dioxide CÓ
        èrshǒu, indirectly acquired/second-hand (information, equipment etc)/assistant
        Èryuè, February/second month (of the lunar year)
        yīgānèrjìng, [一乾二淨], thoroughly (idiom)/completely/one and all/very clean
        èrděng, second class/second-rate
        èrliú, second-rate/second-tier
        yīèr, one or two/a few
        èrzhě, both/both of them/neither
        Shíèryuè, December/twelfth month (of the lunar year)
        èrchóngchàng, duet
        èrshǒuhuò, [二手貨], second-hand goods/used goods
        èrshǒuchē, [二手車], second-hand car
        èrbǎiwǔ, idiot/stupid person/a dope
        jiēèrliánsān, [接二連三], one after another (idiom)/in quick succession
        èrbǎshǒu, deputy leader/the second-in-command
        shǔyīshǔèr, [數一數二], reckoned to be first or second best (idiom)/one of the very best/to list one by ...
        èrjìnzhì, [二進制], binary system (math.)
        lüèzhīyīèr, slight knowledge of sth/to know very little about a subject/a smattering
        Lǐbàièr, [禮拜二], Tuesday
        qíèr, secondly/the other (usu. of two)/the second
        èryuán, duality/dual/bipolar/binary
        èrhuàbùshuō, [二話不說], not saying anything further (idiom); not raising any objection/without demur
        shíèrfēn, exceedingly/hundred percent/everything and more
        èryuèfèn, February
        èrshíyīdiǎn, [二十一點], blackjack (card game)
        èrchóngzòu, duet (in music)
        sānqīèrshíyī, three sevens are twenty-one (idiom)/the facts of the matter/the actual situation
        Èrláng, see 二郎神[Èr láng shén]
        shíèrzhǐcháng, [十二指腸], duodenum
        èrliúzi, loafer/idler/bum
退线         tuìjūèrxiàn, [退居二線], to withdraw to the second line of duty/to resign from a leading post (and assume...
        ÈrcìDàzhàn, [二次大戰], World War Two
        èrlángtuǐ, one leg over the other (legs crossed)
        èrjìngōng, [二進宮], name of a famous opera/(slang) to go to jail for a second offense
        yīqióngèrbái, [一窮二白], impoverished/backward both economically and culturally
        èrfēn, second part/the equinox
        èrjiānbàn, mitral valve (physiology)
        shuōyībùèr, [說一不二], to say one and mean just that (idiom); to keep one's word
        èryǎnghuàguī, silicon dioxide (SiÓ)
        èryǎnghuàliú, sulfur dioxide SÓ
        èrfáng, second branch of an extended family/concubine
        èrbā, 16/sixteen
        chūèr, 2nd year in junior middle school/2nd day of a lunar month/2nd day of lunar New Y...
        shíèryuèfèn, December
        èrxīn, disloyalty/half-heartedness/duplicity
        èrfēnzhīyī, one half
        èrjíguǎn, [二極管], diode/vacuum tube
        èrlǎo, mother and father/parents
        MùwèiÈr, [木衛二], Europa (moon of Jupiter), aka Jupiter II
        dīngèrxī, butadiene CH6/biethylene
        èrbǎdāo, inexpert/a botcher
        èrhuàméishuō, [二話沒說], see 二話不說|二话不说[èr huà bù shuō]
        èrlái, [二來], secondly, ...
        diànxiǎoèr, (old) (in a tavern or inn etc) waiter/attendant
        èrchóngxìng, dualism/two sided/double nature
        èrhuà, [二話], objection/differing opinion
        èrfángdōng, [二房東], sublandlord/tenant who sublets
        bùguǎnsānqīèrshíyī, regardless of the consequences/recklessly relying on a hopelessly optimistic for...
        èrfù, second officer (of ship)/second mate
        èrshì, the Second (of numbered kings)/second generation (e.g. Chinese Americans)
        èrlèngzi, stupid person/dolt/rash (slang)
        èrwéi, [二維], two-dimensional
        yīláièrqù, [一來二去], gradually/little by little/in the course of time
        èrxiàngshì, [二項式], two items/binomial (math.)
        èrrénzhuàn, [二人轉], genre of song-and-dance duet popular in northeast China
宿         Xīnxiùèr, Antares, the brightest star in Scorpio 天蠍座|天蝎座[Tiān xiē zuò]
        sìyīèr, 12th April/refers to Chiang Kai-shek's coup of 12th April 1927 against the commu...
        èrguōtóu, [二鍋頭], erguotou (sorghum liquor)

        liú, to flow/to disseminate/to circulate or spread/to move or drift/to degenerate/to ...
        jiāoliú, to exchange/exchange/communication/interaction/to have social contact (with sb)
        liúxuè, to bleed/to shed blood
        liúxíng, (of a contagious disease etc) to spread/to propagate/(of a style of clothing, so...
        liúmáng, rogue/hoodlum/gangster/immoral behavior
        liúfàng, to exile/to banish/to deport/to float (logs) downstream
        yīliú, top quality/front ranking
        liúlànghàn, [流浪漢], tramp/wanderer
        liúlàng, to drift about/to wander/to roam/nomadic/homeless/unsettled (e.g. population)/va...
        liúgǎn, flu/influenza
        liúdòng, [流動], to flow/to circulate/to go from place to place/to be mobile/(of assets) liquid
        liúlèi, [流淚], to shed tears
        diànliú, [電流], electric current
        liúshì, (of time) to pass/to elapse
        liúchuán, [流傳], to spread/to circulate/to hand down
        xiàliú, lower course of a river/low-class/mean and lowly/vulgar/obscene
        cháoliú, tide/current/trend
        héliú, river/CL:條|条[tiáo]
        fēngliú, [風流], distinguished and accomplished/outstanding/talented in letters and unconventiona...
        liúchǎn, [流產], to have a miscarriage/miscarriage/to fail/to fall through
        liúyán, rumor/gossip/to spread rumors
        lúnliú, [輪流], to alternate/to take turns
        liúlàngzhě, rover/vagabond/vagrant/wanderer
        liúchàng, [流暢], flowing (of speech, writing)/fluent/smooth and easy
        shuǐliú, river/stream
        liúlù, to reveal (indirectly, implicitly)/to show (interest, contempt etc) by means of ...
        liúshuǐ, running water/(business) turnover
        liúxīng, meteor/shooting star
        shàngliú, upper class
        liútǎng, to flow
        qìliú, [氣流], stream of air/airflow/slipstream/draft/breath/turbulence (of aircraft)
        liúchéng, course/stream/sequence of processes/work flow in manufacturing
        míngliú, gentry/celebrities
        piāoliú, to float on the current/to drift along or about/rafting
        liúhàn, to sweat
        zhǔliú, main stream (of a river)/fig. the essential point/main viewpoint of a matter/mai...
        liúchū, to flow out/to disgorge/to effuse
        xuèliú, blood flow
        liúyánfēiyǔ, [流言蜚語], rumors and slanders (idiom); gossip/lies and slanders
        dàoliú, to flow backwards/reverse flow
        liúwáng, to force into exile/to be exiled/in exile
        èrliú, second-rate/second-tier
        liúshī, (of soil etc) to wash away/to be eroded/(fig.) (of talented staff, followers of ...
        liútōng, to circulate/to distribute/circulation/distribution
        liúxīngyǔ, meteor shower
        sānliú, third-rate/inferior
        liúlì, fluent
        liúluò, to wander about destitute/to be stranded
        liúrù, to flow into/to drift into/influx/inflow
        liúliàng, flow rate/rate/throughput/site traffic (Internet)
        jīliú, torrent/torrential current/whitewater
        rénliú, stream of people/abortion/abbr. for 人工流產|人工流产[rén gōng liú chǎn]
        dìyīliú, first-class
        chēliú, [車流], traffic/rate of traffic flow
        qínliúgǎn, bird flu/avian influenza
        shèhuìmíngliú, [社會名流], celebrity/public figure
        tóngliúhéwū, to wallow in the mire with sb (idiom); to follow the bad example of others
        hànliújiābèi, [汗流浹背], to sweat profusely (idiom)/drenched in sweat
        liúxíngbìng, epidemic disease
        nìliú, against the stream/adverse current/a countercurrent/fig. reactionary tendency/to...
        liúsū, [流蘇], tassels
        liúpài, tributary (stream)/(fig.) school (of thought)/genre/style
        liúlián, [流連], to loiter (i.e. reluctant to leave)/to linger on
        suídàliú, [隨大流], to follow the crowd/going with the tide
        shùjùliú, [數據流], data stream/data flow
线         liúshuǐxiàn, [流水線], assembly line/(computing) pipeline
        tóupòxuèliú, [頭破血流], lit. head broken and blood flowing/fig. badly bruised
        liúdàn, [流彈], stray bullet
        zhíliú, to flow steadily/direct current (DC)
        tuānliú, turbulence
        suíbōzhúliú, [隨波逐流], to drift with the waves and go with the flow (idiom); to follow the crowd blindl...
        xīliú, stream
        liúzhuǎn, [流轉], to be on the move/to roam or wander/to circulate (of goods or capital)
        fàngrènzìliú, to let sb do whatever they want/to indulge/to give free reins to/to let things s...
        lèiliúmǎnmiàn, [淚流滿面], cheeks streaming with tears (idiom)
        liúxíngyǔ, [流行語], popular jargon/catchword
        níshíliú, landslide/torrent of mud and stones/mudslide
        liúshā, quicksand
        nuǎnliú, warm current/(fig.) warm feeling
        fēnliú, bypass
        bēnliú, to flow at great speed/to pour/racing current
        tòngkūliútì, weeping bitter tears
        fùzhūdōngliú, [付諸東流], wasted effort
        liútǐ, [流體], fluid
        zhōngliúdǐzhù, mainstay/cornerstone/tower of strength
        héliú, to converge/to flow together/fig. to act alike/to evolve together
        liúfāngbǎishì, (of one's name, reputation etc) to be immortalized (idiom)/to leave a mark for g...
        jíliú, torrent
        yángliú, ocean current
        liúlíshīsuǒ, [流離失所], destitute and homeless (idiom); forced from one's home and wandering about/displ...
        liúxíngxìng, (of a disease) epidemic/qualities that make sth popular or fashionable
        zhīliú, tributary (river)
        wàiliú, outflow/to flow out/to drain
        liúcuàn, [流竄], to roam all over the place/to go into every nook and corner/to infiltrate/(of cr...
        liúyù, river basin/valley/drainage area
        hóngliú, a powerful current/a flood (often fig., e.g. a flood of ideas)
        wùliú, distribution (business)/logistics
        fùzhīdōngliú, [付之東流], to commit to the waters (idiom); to lose sth irrevocably
        xíngyúnliúshuǐ, [行雲流水], lit. moving clouds and flowing water (idiom)/fig. very natural and flowing style...
        héngliú, [橫流], to overflow/transverse flow/to flow over/cross flow
        yǐnliú, to drain/(medicine) drainage
        liúdòngzījīn, [流動資金], money in circulation/fluid funds
        huíliú, to flow back/reflux/circumfluence/refluence/backward flow/returning flow (e.g. o...
        liúdòngxìng, [流動性], flowing/shifting/fluidity/mobility/liquidity (of funds)
        duìliú, [對流], convection
        yìshíliú, [意識流], stream of consciousness (in literature)
        èrliúzi, loafer/idler/bum
线         liúxiànxíng, [流線型], sleek/streamlined
        nǚliú, (derog.) woman
        hánliú, cold air current/cold ocean current/cold stream
        chuānliúbùxī, the stream flows without stopping (idiom); unending flow
        sānjiàojiǔliú, the Three Religions (Daoism, Confucianism, Buddhism) and Nine Schools (Confucian...
        liúsù, flow speed/rate of flow
        shèliú, jet (math.)
        liúliánwàngfǎn, [流連忘返], to linger/to remain enjoying oneself and forget to go home
        ànliú, undercurrent
        diānpèiliúlí, [顛沛流離], homeless and miserable (idiom); to wander about in a desperate plight/to drift
        zhíliúdiàn, [直流電], direct current
        liúguāngyìcǎi, lit. flowing light and overflowing color/brilliant lights and vibrant colors (id...
        liúchéngtú, [流程圖], flow chart
        zhōngliú, midstream
        jiāoliúdiàn, [交流電], alternating current
        liúnián, fleeting time/horoscope for the year
        zhěngliúqì, rectifier (transforming alternating electric current to direct current)
        duìliúcéng, [對流層], troposphere/lower atmosphere
        xìshuǐchángliú, [細水長流], lit. thin streams flow forever/fig. economy will get you a long way/to work stea...
        zhěngliú, to rectify (alternating current to direct current)
        gànliú, [幹流], main stream (of a river)
        jiéliúfá, [節流閥], a throttle
        huìliú, [匯流], (of rivers etc) to converge/convergence
        liúdàng, [流蕩], to float/to tramp/to rove
        chàliú, branch stream
        céngliú, [層流], laminar flow
        liúdú, to spread poison/pernicious influence
        liúmín, refugee
        mángliú, (PRC) flow of people from the countryside into the cities/rural migrant without ...
        piāoliú, [飄流], variant of 漂流[piāo liú]
        dàbùliúxīng, at a stride/taking large steps (while walking)
        tǔshíliú, (Tw) debris flow/mudslide
        liúfāng, to leave a good reputation
        diànliúbiǎo, [電流表], ammeter
        biànliúqì, [變流器], converter
        liútǐlìxué, [流體力學], fluid mechanics/hydrodynamics
        jiéliú, [節流], to control flow/to choke/weir valve/a throttle/a choke
        Zìliújǐng, Ziliujing district of Zigong city 自貢市|自贡市[Zì gòng shì], Sichuan
        Běiliú, Beiliu county level city in Yulin 玉林[Yù lín], Guangxi

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