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qǔgāohèguǎ difficult songs find few singers (idiom)

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        gēqǔ, song
        Qū/qū/qǔ, [麯]/[麴], surname Qu, bent/crooked/wrong, tune/song/CL:支[zhī], variant of 麴|曲[qū], yeast/A...
        qǔzi, poem for singing/tune/music/CL:支[zhī]
        niǔqū, to twist/to warp/to distort
        qūgùnqiú, field hockey
线         qūxiàn, [曲線], curve/curved line/indirect/in a roundabout way
        wānqū, [彎曲], to bend/to curve around/curved/crooked/to wind/to warp
        qǔmù, repertoire/program/song/piece of music
        zuòqǔjiā, composer/songwriter
        wǔqǔ, dance music
        chāqǔ, music played during a movie, play etc/incidental music/music played in a theatri...
        zuòqǔ, to compose (music)
        wāiqū, to distort/to misrepresent
        qūjiě, to misrepresent/to misinterpret
        qǔqí, cookie (loanword via Cantonese 曲奇 kūk kèi)
        qūzhé, winding/(fig.) complicated
        yuèqǔ, [樂曲], musical composition
        qǔdiào, [曲調], tune/melody
        yáolánqǔ, [搖籃曲], lullaby
        xiézòuqǔ, [協奏曲], concerto
        míngqǔ, famous song/well-known piece of music
        jìnxíngqǔ, [進行曲], march (musical)
        jiāoxiǎngqǔ, [交響曲], symphony
        sānbùqǔ, trilogy
        yèqǔ, nocturne (music)
        xùqǔ, overture
        xiǎoyèqǔ, serenade
        wěiqūqiúquán, to accept a compromise
        zòumíngqǔ, [奏鳴曲], sonata
        juǎnqū, [捲曲], to curl (hair)/to crimp/to roll up/curly
        xiǎoqǔ, popular song/folk tune/ballad
        kuángxiǎngqǔ, rhapsody (music)
        Nǎqū, Nagchu town and prefecture in central Tibet
        qūbǐng, crank handle
        cuīmiánqǔ, lullaby
        pǔqǔ, [譜曲], to compose a piece of music
        wānwānqūqū, [彎彎曲曲], curved/meandering/zigzagging
        quánqū, twisted/coiled/curled
线         shuāngqūxiàn, [雙曲線], hyperbola
        zǔqǔ, [組曲], suite (music)
        yuánwǔqǔ, [圓舞曲], waltz
        qūbiézhēn, [曲別針], paper clip
        shìfēiqūzhí, lit. right and wrong, crooked and straight (idiom); fig. merits and demerits/pro...
        Shénqǔ/shénqū, The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri 但丁, medicated leaven (used in TCM to treat ...
        qūzhóu, [曲軸], crankshaft
        Héqǔ/héqū, Hequ county in Xinzhou 忻州[Xīn zhōu], Shanxi, bend (of a river)/meander
线         qūxiàntú, [曲線圖], line graph/line diagram
        biànzòuqǔ, [變奏曲], variation (music)
        Mǎsàiqǔ, [馬賽曲], La Marseillaise
        qūlǜ, curvature
        qiánzòuqǔ, prelude (music)
        qūzhí, lit. crooked and straight/fig. right and wrong, good and evil
        qǔgāohèguǎ, difficult songs find few singers (idiom)/highbrow
        xìqǔ, [戲曲], Chinese opera
        Qǔjìng, Qujing prefecture level city in Yunnan
        huángqūméijūn, [黃曲霉菌], Aspergillus flavus (fungus typically found on crops)

        gāoxìng, [高興], happy/glad/willing (to do sth)/in a cheerful mood
        Gāo/gāo, surname Gao, high/tall/above average/loud/your (honorific)
        gāozhōng/gāozhòng, senior high school/abbr. for 高級中學|高级中学[gāo jí zhōng xué], to pass brilliantly (u...
        zuìgāo, tallest/highest/supreme (court etc)
        gāojí, [高級], high level/high grade/advanced/high-ranking
        tígāo, to raise/to increase/to improve
        gāodù, height/altitude/elevation/high degree/highly/CL:個|个[gè]
        gāoěrfū, [高爾夫], golf (loanword)
        gāoshǒu, expert/past master/dab hand
        gāocháo, high tide/high water/upsurge/climax/orgasm/chorus (part of a song)
        gāosù, high speed
        gāoshàng, noble/lofty/refined/exquisite
        gāogēnxié, high-heeled shoes
        gāoguì, [高貴], grandeur/noble
        gāocéng, [高層], high level/high class
        shēngāo, (a person's) height
        gāoěrfūqiú, [高爾夫球], golf/golf ball
        gāosùgōnglù, expressway/highway/freeway
        gāozhōngshēng, senior high school student
        gāodàng, [高檔], superior quality/high grade/top grade
        Gāomíng/gāomíng, Gaoming district of Foshan city 佛山市[Fó shān shì], Guangdong, brilliant/superior/...
        gāosùlù, highway/expressway/same as 高速公路[gāo sù gōng lù]
        táigāo, to raise (price etc)
        gāodà, tall/lofty
        shēnggāo, [昇高], to raise/to ascend
        chónggāo, majestic/sublime
        gāoyīn, high pitch/soprano/treble
        gāokōng, high altitude
        gāofēng, peak/summit/height
        gāoyǎ, dainty/elegance/elegant
        gāoxiào, universities and colleges/abbr. for 高等學校|高等学校
        gāoyú, [高於], greater than/to exceed
        gāoào, arrogant/haughty/proud
        gāodì, highland/upland
        gāowēn, [高溫], high temperature
        gāozhǎng, [高漲], to surge up/to rise/(of tensions etc) to run high
        gāochāo, excellent/superlative
        gāolìdài, [高利貸], loan shark/high-interest loan/usury
        gāochù, [高處], high place/elevation
        gāoyā, [高壓], high pressure/high-handed
        yuǎnzǒugāofēi, [遠走高飛], to go far/to escape to faraway places
        gāogāozàishàng, set up on high (idiom); not in touch with reality/aloof and remote
        gāohū, to shout loudly
        gāoěrfūqiúchǎng, [高爾夫球場], golf course
        gāoshān, high mountain/alpine
        gāoxiào, efficient/highly effective
        gāoděng, high-level/higher (animals, education etc)/advanced (math etc)
        gāoyuán, plateau/CL:片[piàn]
        gāoáng, to hold (one's head) high/expensive/high (spirits etc)
        gāoshāo, [高燒], fever/high temperature
        gāojià, [高價], high price
        gāoguān, high official
        zhìgāowúshàng, [至高無上], supreme/paramount/unsurpassed
        gāoxuèyā, [高血壓], high blood pressure/hypertension
        zuìgāofǎyuàn, supreme court
        gāoxià, relative superiority (better or worse, stronger or weaker, above or below etc)
        gāogū, to overestimate/to overrate
        gāokǎo, college entrance exam (especially as abbr. for 普通高等學校招生全國統一考試|普通高等学校招生全国统一考试[Pǔ ...
        gāorényīděng, a cut above others/superior
        gāoé, [高額], high quota/large amount
        gāodī, height/altitude (aviation)/pitch (music)/ups and downs (success or failure)/whet...
        gāoxīn, high salary
        qīnggāo, noble and virtuous/aloof from politics and material pursuits
        gāojiàn, [高見], wise opinion/brilliant idea (honorific)
        xìnggāocǎiliè, [興高采烈], happy and excited (idiom)/in high spirits/in great delight
        xìnggāocháo, orgasm/climax
        gāolì, high interest rate/usurious
        gāojǔ, [高舉], to lift up/to hold high
        Gāojiāsuǒ, Caucasus/Caucasian
        gāofēngqī, peak period/rush hour
        gāoshēng, [高聲], aloud/loud/loudly
        zhǐgāoqìyáng, [趾高氣揚], high and mighty (idiom); arrogant
        gāozhěnwúyōu, [高枕無憂], to sleep peacefully (idiom)/(fig.) to rest easy/to be free of worries
        FánGāo, Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890), Dutch post-Impressionist painter
        nǚgāoyīn, soprano
        gāoděngjiàoyù, higher education
        gāonéng, high energy
        Gāotián, Takada (Japanese surname)
        zēnggāo, to heighten/to raise/to increase/to rise
        gāoshēn, profound
        gāocáishēng, student of great ability
        DàiGāolè, [戴高樂], Charles De Gaulle (1890-1970), French general and politician, leader of the Free...
        gāozhāo, wise move/masterstroke/bright ideas
        gāolóu, [高樓], high building/multistory building/skyscraper/CL:座[zuò]
        gāoyādiàn, [高壓電], high voltage
        gāoshèpào, anti-aircraft gun
        gāogāoxìngxìng, [高高興興], cheerful and optimistic/in a good mood/gaily
        gāochàng, to sing loudly/fig. to mouth slogans
        jūgāolínxià, [居高臨下], to live high and look down (idiom)/to overlook/to tower above/to occupy the high...
        gāodiào, [高調], high-sounding speech/bombast/high-profile
        gāolíng, [高齡], elderly
        Gāomù, Takagi (Japanese surname)
        gāorè, [高熱], a fever
        Gāomián, Cambodia/Kampuchea/Khmer
        gāowèi, high position/eminent status/top job/raised position/upper (limbs)/a high (i.e. ...
        gāojià, overhead/elevated (walkway, highway etc)/elevated road
        gāosǒng, [高聳], erect/towering/to stand tall
        gāoyuàn, high court
        gāoqiāo, [高蹺], stilts/walking on stilts as component of folk dance
        nángāoyīn, tenor
        Gāolí, [高麗], Korean Goryeo dynasty, 918-1392/Korea, esp. in context of art and culture
        cǎigāoqiāo, [踩高蹺], to walk on stilts
        dégāowàngzhòng, a person of virtue and prestige/a person of good moral standing and reputation
        gāolóudàshà, [高樓大廈], tall building
        gāopān, social climbing/to claim connections with people in higher social class
        gāopín, [高頻], high frequency
        gāotánkuòlùn, [高談闊論], to harangue/loud arrogant talk/to spout
        yīngāo, pitch (music)/tone
        tiàogāo, high jump (athletics)
        Gāoqiáo, [高橋], Takahashi (Japanese surname)
        gāoshēng, to get a promotion
        jùgāozhèng, [懼高症], acrophobia
        gāozhānyuǎnzhǔ, [高瞻遠矚], to stand tall and see far (idiom); taking the long and broad view/acute foresigh...
        gāojiǎobēi, [高腳杯], goblet
        gāohǎn, to shout loudly/to raise a cry/to yell
        gāogē, to sing loudly/to lift one's voice in song
        gāocháodiéqǐ, each new high point replaced by another/(of a movie etc) one climax after anothe...
        gāorén, very able person
        zhàitáigāozhù, [債臺高築], lit. build a high desk of debt (idiom); heavily in debt
        gāobùkěpān, too high to reach (idiom); eminent and unapproachable
        gāojiàqiáo, [高架橋], high trestle bridge/viaduct/flyover
        gāokàng, high-pitched and penetrating (musical instrument, voice etc)/high-spirited/fever...
        gāoyāyǎng, [高壓氧], hyperbaric oxygen/hyperbaric oxygenation/also abbr. for 高壓氧治療|高压氧治疗[gāo yā yǎng ...
        gāoxìngnéng, high performance
        shùzhīgāogé, [束之高閣], tied up in a bundle on a high shelf/to put sth on the back burner/no longer a hi...
        bágāo, to raise (one's voice)/to overrate/to build up/to stand out/outstanding
        gāochǎn, [高產], high yielding
        gāofā, [高發], (of diseases, accidents) to occur with a high incidence/(old) to score highly in...
        gāonán, [高難], extremely difficult/hard and dangerous/challenging
        zìgāozìdà, to think of oneself as terrific (idiom); arrogant
        Gāotái, Gaotai county in Zhangye 張掖|张掖[Zhāng yè], Gansu
        gāotú, brilliant student
        gāoyuǎn, [高遠], lofty
        gāocáishēng, student of great ability/talented student
        gāotáiguìshǒu, [高抬貴手], to be generous (idiom)/to be magnanimous/Give me a break!
        hàogāowùyuǎn, [好高騖遠], to bite off more than one can chew (idiom)/to aim too high
        gāosǒngrùyún, [高聳入雲], tall and erect, reaching through the clouds (idiom); used to describe tall mount...
        gāojié, [高潔], noble and clean-living/lofty and unsullied
        gāoliáng, sorghum/common sorghum (Sorghum vulgare)
        Gāozōng, Gaozong Emperor, Temple name of the tenth Song Emperor Zhao Gou 趙構|赵构[Zhào Gòu] ...
        gāokējì, high tech/high technology
        gāofēnzǐ, macromolecule/polymer
        réngāomǎdà, [人高馬大], tall and strong
        Shànggāo, Shanggao county in Yichun 宜春, Jiangxi
        Gāolíshēn, [高麗參], Koryo ginseng
        gāosēng, a senior monk
        gāolùn, [高論], enlightening remarks (honorific)/brilliant views
        gāodīgàng, [高低槓], uneven bars (gymnastics)
        gūgāo, arrogant
        shuǐzhǎngchuángāo, [水漲船高], the tide rises, the boat floats (idiom); fig. to change with the overall trend/t...
线         gāoyāxiàn, [高壓線], high tension power line
        gāopéngmǎnzuò, [高朋滿座], surrounded by distinguished friends (idiom); in company
        gāoyāguō, [高壓鍋], pressure cooker
        shèngāopín, [甚高頻], very high frequency (VHF)
        Gāolúyǔ, [高盧語], Gaulish or Gallic (language)
        niánshìyǐgāo, old in years
        gāomàozi, tall conical paper hat worn as a public humiliation/dunce cap/(fig.) flattery
        yǐnhánggāogē, to sing at the top of one's voice (idiom)
        yǎngāoshǒudī, to have high standards but little ability/to be fastidious but incompetent (idio...
寿         gāoshòu, [高壽], longevity/venerable age/your venerable age?
        gāoyáng, [高揚], held high/elevated/uplift/soaring
        Gāosī/gāosī, Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855), German mathematician, gauss, unit of magnetic ...
        gāotāng, [高湯], clear soup/soup stock
        gāoqiáng, [高強], excellent/outstanding
        Gāolùjié, [高露潔], Colgate (brand)
        gāojízhōngxué, [高級中學], senior high school/abbr. to 高中[gāo zhōng]
        gāojùwù, polymer
        zhòngrénshícháihuǒyàngāo, [眾人拾柴火焰高], when everybody gathers fuel, the flames are higher (idiom)/the more people, the ...
        gāofēngliàngjié, [高風亮節], of noble character and unquestionable integrity (idiom)
        gāoshēnmòcè, [高深莫測], profound mystery
        qiūgāoqìshuǎng, [秋高氣爽], clear and refreshing autumn weather
        gāogēměngjìn, [高歌猛進], to advance singing loudly (idiom); triumphant progress
        biāogāo, [標高], elevation/level
        chànggāodiào, [唱高調], to sing the high part/to speak fine sounding but empty words (idiom)
        Gāomì/gāomì, Gaomi county level city in Weifang 濰坊|潍坊[Wéi fāng], Shandong, high density
        gāolú, [高爐], blast furnace
        Gāoshèng, Goldman Sachs
        gāozhí, [高職], professional/advanced/senior
        GāoYáng/Gāoyáng, [高陽], Gao Yang (1926-1992), Taiwanese historical novelist, Gaoyang county in Baoding 保...
        Gāofēi/gāofēi, [高飛], Goofy (friend of Mickey Mouse), to soar
        Lègāo, [樂高], Lego (toys)
        gāobǎozhēn, high fidelity/hi-fi
        mòcègāoshēn, [莫測高深], enigmatic/beyond one's depth/unfathomable
        gāoměngsuānjiǎ, [高錳酸鉀], potassium permanganate
        Gāoěrjī, [高爾基], Gorkii (name)/Maxim Gorkii (1868-1936), Russian proletarian writer and propagand...
        gāoděngxuéxiào, [高等學校], colleges and universities
        qǔgāohèguǎ, difficult songs find few singers (idiom)/highbrow
        gāolǐngtǔ, [高嶺土], kaolin (clay)/china clay
        gāowěidù, [高緯度], high latitude (i.e. near the poles)
        jūgāobùxià, (of prices, rates etc) to remain high
        GāojiāsuǒShānmài, [高加索山脈], Caucasus Mountains
        Gāopíng, Gaoping, city in 山西[Shān xī]/Cao Bang, Vietnam
        gāojū, to stand above/to occupy an important position/to rank (among the top few)
        gāoduān, high-end
        gāowéi, [高維], (math.) higher dimensional
        gāozú, honorific: Your distinguished disciple/Your most brilliant pupil
        Gāoyì, Gaoyi county in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石家庄[Shí jiā zhuāng], Hebei

        hé/Hé/hè/hú/huó/huò, [咊]/[龢], old variant of 和[hé], surname He/Japanese (food, clothes etc), and/together with...
        Hépíng/hépíng, Heping district of Shenyang city 瀋陽市|沈阳市, Liaoning/Hoping township in Taichung c...
        héjiě, to settle (a dispute out of court)/to reconcile/settlement/conciliation/to becom...
        Gònghédǎng, [共和黨], Republican Party
        héxié, [和諧], harmonious/harmony/(euphemism) to censor
        nuǎnhuo, warm/nice and warm
        gònghéguó, [共和國], republic
        wēnhé/wēnhuo, [溫和], mild/gentle/moderate, lukewarm
        héshang, Buddhist monk
        jiǎohuo, [攪和], to mix/to blend/(fig.) to spoil/to mess up things/to run around with (sb)/to get...
        héshàn, good-natured
        héǎi, [和藹], kindly/nice/amiable
        Pínghé/pínghé, Pinghe county in Zhangzhou 漳州[Zhāng zhōu], Fujian, gentle/mild/moderate/placid
        róuhé, gentle/soft
        Yēhéhuá, [耶和華], Jehovah (biblical name for God, Hebrew: YHWH)/compare Yahweh 雅威[Yǎ wēi] and God ...
        hémù, peaceful relations/harmonious
        héfú, kimono/Japanese: traditional national clothing, as opposed to Western clothing 洋...
        huǎnhé, [緩和], to ease (tension)/to alleviate/to moderate/to allay/to make more mild
        gònghé, republic/republicanism
        xīnpíngqìhé, [心平氣和], tranquil and even-tempered (idiom); calmly and without stress
        wéihé, [維和], peacekeeping
        suíhé, [隨和], amiable/easy-going
        zǒnghé, [總和], sum
        xiánghé, auspicious and peaceful
        héshēng, [和聲], harmony (music)
        héqi, [和氣], friendly/polite/amiable
        hépínggòngchǔ, [和平共處], peaceful coexistence of nations, societies etc
        héxián, chord (music)
        hétán, [和談], peace talks
        hémùxiāngchǔ, [和睦相處], to live in harmony/to get along with each other
        chānhuo, [攙和], to mix/to mingle/to interfere/to meddle
        tiáohé, [調和], harmonious/to mediate/to reconcile/to compromise/mediation/to mix/to blend/blend...
        bùhé, not to get along well/to be on bad terms/to be at odds/discord
        héhǎo, to become reconciled/on good terms with each other
        Héměi/héměi, Homei town in Changhua county 彰化縣|彰化县[Zhāng huà xiàn], Taiwan, harmonious/in per...
        héǎikěqīn, [和藹可親], affable/genial
        héyuē, [和約], peace treaty
        hépántuōchū, [和盤托出], lit. to put everything out including the tray/to reveal everything/to make a cle...
        Hélóng, [和龍], Helong county level city in Yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture 延邊朝鮮族自治州|延边朝鲜族自...
        bǎohé, [飽和], saturation
        Zhōnghé/zhōnghé, Zhonghe or Chungho city in New Taipei City 新北市[Xīn běi shì], Taiwan, to neutrali...
        Héfēng/héfēng, [和風], (Tw) Japanese-style (cooking etc), breeze
        fùhè, to agree/to go along with/to echo (what sb says)
        Zhāohé, Shōwa, Japanese era name, corresponding to the reign (1925-1989) of emperor Hiro...
        qīnhélì, [親和力], (personal) warmth/approachability/accessibility/(in a product) user friendliness...
        DuōmǐníjiāGònghéguó, [多米尼加共和國], Dominican Republic
        Hétián, Hotan, city and prefecture in Xinjiang/Wada (Japanese surname and place name)
        jiǎnghé, [講和], to make peace/to reconcile
        Dàhé, Yamato, an ancient Japanese province, a period of Japanese history, a place name...
        qīnhé, [親和], to connect intimately (with)/amiable/affable
        Héshùn/héshùn, [和順], Heshun county in Jinzhong 晉中|晋中[Jìn zhōng], Shanxi, sweet-tempered/acquiescent
        hélè, [和樂], harmonious and happy
        fēnghérìlì, [風和日麗], moderate wind, beautiful sun (idiom); fine sunny weather, esp. in springtime
        qiúhé, to sue for peace/to look for a draw (chess)/summation (math.)
        huómiàn, [和麵], to knead dough
        qiānhé, [謙和], meek/modest/amiable
        xiéhé, [協和], to harmonize/harmony/cooperation/(music) consonant
        Tàihé, Taihe County in Fuyang 阜陽|阜阳[Fù yáng], Anhui/Taihe district of Jinzhou city 錦州市|...
        gònghépài, Republican faction
        wēnhépài, [溫和派], moderate faction
        hépíngtánpàn, [和平談判], peace negotiations
        JiékèGònghéguó, [捷克共和國], Czech Republic
        ÀiěrlánGònghéguó, [愛爾蘭共和國], Republic of Ireland
        ZhōnghuáRénmínGònghéguó, [中華人民共和國], People's Republic of China
        héxù, warm/genial
        yīchàngyīhè, to echo one another (idiom)
        héjú, draw/tied game
        héhéqìqì, [和和氣氣], polite and amiable
        Tàihé/tàihé, see 泰和縣|泰和县[Tài hé xiàn], calm and peaceful
        héyányuèsè, [和顏悅色], amiable manner/pleasant countenance
        dàishùhé, [代數和], algebraic sum
        Hépíngxiāng, [和平鄉], Hoping township in Taichung county 臺中縣|台中县[Tái zhōng xiàn], Taiwan
        héhuì, [和會], peace conference
        héshù, [和數], sum (math.)
        héhuǎn, [和緩], mild/gentle/to ease up/to relax
        TèlìnídáhéDuōbāgē, [特立尼達和多巴哥], Trinidad and Tobago
        Yìhétuán, [義和團], the Righteous and Harmonious Fists/the Boxers (history)
        bīhé, to force a draw (in chess, competition etc)
        suíshēngfùhè, [隨聲附和], to parrot other people's words (idiom); to chime in with others
        gòuhé, to make peace/to copulate
        cíhé, kindly/amiable
        shīhé, disharmony/to become estranged
        huòxīní, to try to smooth things over/to paper over the issues/to gloss things over
        héyīn, harmony (pleasing combination of sounds)
        Héxiàn, [和縣], He county in Chaohu 巢湖[Cháo hú], Anhui
        qǔgāohèguǎ, difficult songs find few singers (idiom)/highbrow
        GāngguǒMínzhǔGònghéguó, [剛果民主共和國], Democratic Republic of Congo
        hépínggē, [和平鴿], dove of peace
        yìhé, [議和], to negotiate peace
        shùnhé, [順和], gentle/affable

        guǎfu, [寡婦], widow
        guǎ, few/scant/widowed
        yōuróuguǎduàn, [優柔寡斷], indecisive/irresolute
        chénmòguǎyán, habitually silent (idiom)/reticent/uncommunicative
        guǎrén, I (first person pronoun used by royalty or nobility)
        shǒuguǎ, to live as widow/to observe widowhood
        gūlòuguǎwén, [孤陋寡聞], ignorant and inexperienced/ill-informed and narrow-minded
        guǎyán, taciturn/reticent
        guǎbùdízhòng, [寡不敵眾], the few are no match for the many/heavily outnumbered/facing impossible odds (id...
        guǎtóu, [寡頭], oligarch
        guǎjū, to live as a widow
        guānguǎgūdú, [鰥寡孤獨], lit. widowers, widows, orphans and the childless/fig. people with no one left to...
        qǔgāohèguǎ, difficult songs find few singers (idiom)/highbrow

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