之 ⇒
之 zhī, (possessive particle, literary equivalent of 的[de])/him/her/it
之前 zhīqián, before/prior to/ago/previously/beforehand
之后 zhīhòu, [之後], afterwards/following/later/after
之间 zhījiān, [之間], between/among/inter-
之一 zhīyī, one of (sth)/one out of a multitude/one (third, quarter, percent etc)
之类 zhīlèi, [之類], and so on/and such
之中 zhīzhōng, inside/among/in the midst of (doing sth)/during
总之 zǒngzhī, [總之], in a word/in short/in brief
之外 zhīwài, outside/excluding
之内 zhīnèi, [之內], inside/within
之下 zhīxià, under/beneath/less than
之所以 zhīsuǒyǐ, the reason why
称之为 chēngzhīwéi, [稱之為], to call it.../known as...
除此之外 chúcǐzhīwài, apart from this/in addition to this
之上 zhīshàng, above
百分之百 bǎifēnzhībǎi, a hundred percent/out and out/absolutely
四分之一 sìfēnzhīyī, one-quarter
三分之一 sānfēnzhīyī, one third
之际 zhījì, [之際], during/at the time of
一席之地 yīxízhīdì, (acknowledged) place/a role to play/niche
绳之以法 shéngzhīyǐfǎ, [繩之以法], to punish according to the law/to bring to justice
置之不理 zhìzhībùlǐ, to pay no heed to (idiom)/to ignore/to brush aside
无稽之谈 wújīzhītán, [無稽之談], complete nonsense (idiom)
总而言之 zǒngéryánzhī, [總而言之], in short/in a word/in brief
一臂之力 取而代之 qǔérdàizhī, to substitute for sb/to remove and replace
随之 suízhī, [隨之], thereupon/subsequently/accordingly
求之不得 qiúzhībùdé, lit. seek but fail to get (idiom); fig. exactly what one’s been looking for
拒之门外 jùzhīménwài, [拒之門外], to lock one's door and refuse to see sb
从那之后 不速之客 bùsùzhīkè, uninvited or unexpected guest
有生之年 当务之急 dāngwùzhījí, [當務之急], top priority job/matter of vital importance
逃之夭夭 táozhīyāoyāo, to escape without trace (idiom); to make one's getaway (from the scene of a crim...
当之无愧 dāngzhīwúkuì, [當之無愧], fully deserving, without any reservations (idiom); entirely worthy (of a title, ...
无价之宝 wújiàzhībǎo, [無價之寶], priceless treasure
简而言之 jiǎnéryánzhī, [簡而言之], in a nutshell/to put it briefly
百分之十 意料之中 yìliàozhīzhōng, to come as no surprise/as expected
三分之二 明智之举 míngzhìzhījǔ, [明智之舉], sensible act
操之过急 cāozhīguòjí, [操之過急], to act with undue haste (idiom); eager and impatient/overhasty
随之而来 恨之入骨 hènzhīrùgǔ, to hate sb to the bone (idiom)
人之常情 rénzhīchángqíng, human nature (idiom)/a behavior that is only natural
四分之三 众矢之的 zhòngshǐzhīdì, [眾矢之的], lit. target of a multitude of arrows (idiom); the butt of public criticism/attac...
乌合之众 wūhézhīzhòng, [烏合之眾], mob
百分之 bǎifēnzhī, percent
相比之下 xiāngbǐzhīxià, by comparison
自知之明 zìzhīzhīmíng, knowing oneself (idiom)/self-knowledge
十分之一 shífēnzhīyī, one tenth
杀身之祸 不了了之 bùliǎoliǎozhī, to settle a matter by leaving it unsettled/to end up with nothing definite
五分之一 wǔfēnzhīyī, one fifth
后起之秀 hòuqǐzhīxiù, [後起之秀], an up-and-coming youngster/new talent/a brilliant younger generation
用武之地 yòngwǔzhīdì, ample scope for abilities/favorable position for the use of one's skills (idiom)
所到之处 suǒdàozhīchù, [所到之處], wherever one goes
听之任之 tīngzhīrènzhī, [聽之任之], to take a laissez-faire attitude
害群之马 hàiqúnzhīmǎ, [害群之馬], lit. a horse that brings trouble to its herd (idiom)/fig. troublemaker/black she...
知之甚少 百万分之一 百分之一 不治之症 bùzhìzhīzhèng, incurable disease
反之 fǎnzhī, on the other hand.../conversely...
权宜之计 quányízhījì, [權宜之計], plan of convenience (idiom); stop-gap measure/makeshift stratagem/interim step
亡命之徒 wángmìngzhītú, runaway (idiom); desperate criminal/fugitive
来之不易 天壤之别 tiānrǎngzhībié, [天壤之別], lit. as different as sky and earth (idiom)/fig. night and day difference/opposit...
反之亦然 fǎnzhīyìrán, vice versa
失之交臂 shīzhījiāobì, to miss narrowly/to let a great opportunity slip
百分之五 八分之一 bāfēnzhīyī, one eighth
不毛之地 bùmáozhīdì, barren land/desert
溜之大吉 liūzhīdàjí, to steal away/to beat it
付之一炬 fùzhīyījù, to put to the torch (idiom)/to commit to the flames/to burn sth down deliberatel...
行之有效 xíngzhīyǒuxiào, to be effective (idiom)
既来之 百分之五十 灭顶之灾 前车之鉴 qiánchēzhījiàn, [前車之鑒], to learn a lesson from the mistakes of one's predecessor (idiom)
无耻之徒 加之 jiāzhī, moreover/in addition to that
一怒之下 立足之地 难言之隐 nányánzhīyǐn, [難言之隱], a hidden trouble hard to mention (idiom)/sth too embarrassing to mention/an emba...
言外之意 yánwàizhīyì, unspoken implication (idiom)/the actual meaning of what was said
非分之想 千分之一 出头之日 手足之情 shǒuzúzhīqíng, brotherly affection
溢美之词 yìměizhīcí, [溢美之詞], flattering words/inflated praise
天伦之乐 tiānlúnzhīlè, [天倫之樂], family love and joy/domestic bliss
重中之重 zhòngzhōngzhīzhòng, of the utmost importance/of highest priority
星星之火 xīngxingzhīhuǒ, a single spark (idiom); an insignificant cause can have a massive effect
万分之一 简言之 jiǎnyánzhī, [簡言之], in simple terms/to put things simply/briefly
在天之灵 zàitiānzhīlíng, [在天之靈], soul and spirit of the deceased
十之八九 shízhībājiǔ, most likely/mostly (in 8 or 9 cases out of 10)/vast majority
先见之明 xiānjiànzhīmíng, [先見之明], foresight
置之脑后 zhìzhīnǎohòu, [置之腦後], to banish from one's thoughts/to ignore/to take no notice
百分之八十 换言之 huànyánzhī, [換言之], in other words
后顾之忧 hòugùzhīyōu, [後顧之憂], fears of trouble in the rear (idiom); family worries (obstructing freedom of act...
不义之财 bùyìzhīcái, [不義之財], ill-gotten wealth or gains
敬而远之 jìngéryuǎnzhī, [敬而遠之], to show respect from a distance (idiom)/to remain at a respectful distance
有过之而无不及 yǒuguòzhīérwúbùjí, [有過之而無不及], not to be inferior in any aspects (idiom)/to surpass/to outdo/(derog.) to be eve...
六分之一 liùfēnzhīyī, one sixth
经典之作 百分之三十 付之东流 fùzhīdōngliú, [付之東流], to commit to the waters (idiom); to lose sth irrevocably
嗤之以鼻 chīzhīyǐbí, to snort disdainfully/to scoff at/to turn up one's nose
久而久之 jiǔérjiǔzhī, over time/as time passes/in the fullness of time
百分之九十 泰然处之 tàiránchǔzhī, [泰然處之], to handle the situation calmly (idiom)/unruffled/to treat the situation lightly
百分之四十 不得已而为之 bùdéyǐérwéizhī, [不得已而為之], to have no other choice/to be the last resort
反其道而行之 fǎnqídàoérxíngzhī, to do the very opposite/to act in a diametrically opposite way
传家之宝 置之度外 zhìzhīdùwài, to give no thought to/to have no regard for/to disregard
百分之十五 雷之心 救命之恩 堂而皇之 tángérhuángzhī, overt/to make no secret (of one's presence)/grandiose/with great scope
井底之蛙 jǐngdǐzhīwā, the frog at the bottom of the well (idiom)/fig. a person of limited outlook and ...
相互之间 百分之二 兼而有之 jiānéryǒuzhī, to have both (at the same time)
瓮中之鳖 wèngzhōngzhībiē, [甕中之鱉], lit. like a turtle in a jar/to be trapped (idiom)
乔迁之喜 qiáoqiānzhīxǐ, [喬遷之喜], congratulations on house-moving or promotion (idiom); Best wishes for your new h...
持之以恒 chízhīyǐhéng, [持之以恆], to pursue unremittingly (idiom); to persevere
九又四分之三 神来之笔 为之一振 一气之下 yīqìzhīxià, [一氣之下], in a fit of pique/in a fury
之和 惊人之举 jīngrénzhījǔ, [驚人之舉], to astonish people (with a miraculous feat)
王中之 无名之辈 容身之地 等闲之辈 děngxiánzhībèi, [等閒之輩], (in the negative) (not) to be trifled with
百分之一百 bǎifēnzhīyībǎi, one hundred percent/totally (effective)
阳刚之气 犬马之劳 挥之即去 一技之长 yījìzhīcháng, [一技之長], proficiency in a particular field (idiom)/skill in a specialized area (idiom)
肺腑之言 fèifǔzhīyán, words from the bottom of one's heart
束之高阁 shùzhīgāogé, [束之高閣], tied up in a bundle on a high shelf/to put sth on the back burner/no longer a hi...
可乘之机 隆之 百分之二十 一笑置之 yīxiàozhìzhī, to dismiss with a laugh/to make light of
慎之又慎 情理之中 丧家之犬 sàngjiāzhīquǎn, [喪家之犬], stray dog (idiom)
不法之徒 分之 fēnzhī, (indicating a fraction)
不白之冤 bùbáizhīyuān, unrighted wrong/unredressed injustice
百分之六十 十亿分之一 惊弓之鸟 jīnggōngzhīniǎo, [驚弓之鳥], lit. a bird startled by the mere twang of a bow (idiom)/fig. sb who frightens ea...
一念之差 yīniànzhīchā, momentary slip/false step/ill-considered action
百分之七 趋之若鹜 qūzhīruòwù, [趨之若鶩], to rush like ducks (idiom); the mob scrabbles madly for sth unobtainable/an unru...
百分之九十九 万王之王 普天之下 无用武之地 呼之欲出 hūzhīyùchū, lit. ready to appear at the call (idiom)/fig. on the verge of coming out into th...
百分之二十五 恻隐之心 cèyǐnzhīxīn, [惻隱之心], compassion
百分之四 叁分之一 七分之一 qīfēnzhīyī, one seventh
不解之缘 处之泰然 chǔzhītàirán, [處之泰然], see 泰然處之|泰然处之[tài rán chǔ zhī]
安之若素 ānzhīruòsù, bear hardship with equanimity/regard wrongdoing with equanimity
十分之九 万全之策 夏之日 切肤之痛 qièfūzhītòng, [切膚之痛], keenly felt pain/bitter anguish
二分之 天之骄子 百分之一千 而立之年 érlìzhīnián, aged thirty (see 三十而立)
百分之二百 一墙之隔 方便之门 有用之才 养生之道 yǎngshēngzhīdào, [養生之道], the way of maintaining good health
十分之 独到之处 千里之行始于足下 无米之炊 百万分之二 二十分之一 英雄无用武之地 yīngxióngwúyòngwǔzhīdì, [英雄無用武之地], a hero with no chance of using his might/to have no opportunity to display one's...
亿分之亿 广而告之 海选之 时习之 五分之四 乔罗之子 有识之士 yǒushízhīshì, [有識之士], a person with knowledge and experience (idiom)
取之不尽 十分之四 清道之 百分之六十五 百万分之 身外之物 shēnwàizhīwù, mere worldly possessions
二分之一 èrfēnzhīyī, one half
云雨之 燃眉之急 ránméizhījí, lit. the fire burns one's eyebrows (idiom); fig. desperate situation/extreme eme...
八又二分之一 置之死地而后生 zhìzhīsǐdìérhòushēng, [置之死地而後生], place sb on a field of death and he will fight to live (idiom based on Sunzi's "...
百分之七十 多事之秋 duōshìzhīqiū, troubled times/eventful period
亿万分之一 不惑之年 百分之八 非一日之寒 不祥之兆 bùxiángzhīzhào, bad omen
强弩之末 qiángnǔzhīmò, [強弩之末], lit. an arrow at the end of its flight (idiom)/fig. spent force
三分之 由衷之言 乔丹之 纪之 九分之一 jiǔfēnzhīyī, one ninth
之子民 较之 亿分之一 六又八分之一 嗟来之食 之谊 成人之美 金之心 崔之子 垂暮之年 chuímùzhīnián, old age
百分之四十五 百分之一百一 八分之五 推而广之 百分之九 十万分之一 熊之家 必由之路 bìyóuzhīlù, the road one must follow or take/the only way
燎原之势 一万亿分之一 二分之三 二百分之一 百分之两百 百分之三 五千万分之一 艾柏之 立于不败之地 二又二分之一 百分之一万 五分之二 五分之三 十六分之一 百分之八十五 必争之地 龙之子 吾之 差之毫厘 千里之行 万国之 百分之六 屈人之 言之有物 yánzhīyǒuwù, (of one's words) to have substance
八又四分之三 有过之无不及 用之不竭 风中之烛 fēngzhōngzhīzhú, [風中之燭], lit. candle in the wind (idiom)/fig. (of sb's life) feeble/hanging on a thread
爱隆之 次之 cìzhī, second (in a competition)/occupying second place
古稀之年 一亿七千五百万分之一 五十分之一 百分之十三 百分之十九 狗狗之爱 十分之八 大雅之堂 等闲视之 万邦之 周之星 久之 jiǔzhī, for a long time
乘人之危 chéngrénzhīwēi, to take advantage of sb's precarious position
百分之九十九点九 海天之 八分之一又十四分之三 七又四分之三 相形之下 五万分之一 百分之一百四十五 先天下之忧而忧 百分之三十五 永存之 四百分之一 春之雪 三亿四千八百万分之一 海之 召之 古已有之 雷之谷 百分之三点七 春之谷 九泉之下 玄之又玄 xuánzhīyòuxuán, mystery within a mystery/the mysteries of the Dao according to Laozi 老子[Lǎo zǐ]
漠然置之 mòránzhìzhī, to set to one side and ignore (idiom); quite indifferent/cold and uncaring
百分之九十八 百分之一亿万 百分之九十七 云之 星之 敬之 冬之湖 阳之王 门户之见 ménhùzhījiàn, [門戶之見], sectarian bias/parochialism
百分之八百 之路 七又八分之一 千分之千 黑鬼之友 之音 千分之五 美国之音 MěiguóZhīYīn, [美國之音], Voice of America (VOA)
百分之五百 一国之 忘年之交 之明 之星 汝之 之水 山之宝 之树 鹰之岩 之焰 齐利之 不忠之 百分之五十五 惠子之 八分之二 八分之三 之佑 四分之 百分之四十一 之介 冒天下之大不韪 màotiānxiàzhīdàbùwěi, [冒天下之大不韙], see 冒大不韙|冒大不韪[mào dà bù wěi]
三又二分之一 之城 十分之七 饕餮之徒 tāotièzhītú, glutton/gourmand/by extension, person who is greedy for power, money, sex etc
放之四海而皆准 fàngzhīsìhǎiérjiēzhǔn, [放之四海而皆準], appropriate to any place and any time (idiom); universally applicable/a panacea,...
草之海 之孙 百分之一百万 百分之一百五 九十九万零七千分之一 患难之交 huànnànzhījiāo, [患難之交], a friend in times of tribulations (idiom); a friend in need is a friend indeed
十分之六 四又四分之三 仁淑之 百分之六百 从霞之 佐之助 通灵之 安怀之 方寸之地 海之剑 丝绸之路 SīchóuzhīLù, [絲綢之路], the Silk Road
礼仪之邦 伏见之 江牧之 五又二分之一 言之成理 石之剑 心腹之患 xīnfùzhīhuàn, lit. calamity within one's bosom (idiom); major trouble hidden within
火之谷 神佑之 书亚之 龙帝之 万选之 莫逆之交 mònìzhījiāo, intimate friendship/bosom buddies
百鸟之王 五十六又三分之一 百分之八五十 达之弟 一百分之一 百分之三百 盖世之 贾登之 火之仆 慧知之 之桑榆 弹丸之地 龙之心 象牙之塔 百亿亿分之一 五又四分之一 公海之 火之星 王之星 四百万分之一 一分之 卞之琳 甘之如饴 gānzhīrúyí, [甘之如飴], lit. as sweet as syrup (idiom, from Book of Songs); to endure hardship gladly/a ...
十亿分之 九分之三 四郎绳之 淳之 千万分之一 马之密 百分之两百一 动之以情 百分之一亿 之博斗 一又八分之一 周之久 百万分之四 四分之二 超模之 百万分之六 百万分之五 禅静之 麦克之 十六分之五 姑妄听之 汤之山 欲之 吉列之孙 百分之七十五 方丁之子 三十分之一 六分之五 六分之二 百分之千 七天之 七子之 万民之 武之人 一又四分之一 赤子之心 chìzǐzhīxīn, pure and innocent like the heart of a newborn/sincere
四万分之一 女之子 安身之地 十分之一千 向善之 靡靡之音 mǐmǐzhīyīn, decadent or obscene music
后事之师 一又三分之一 五分之 晓之以理 夏秋之
外 ⇒
外面 wàimiàn, outside (also pr. [wài mian] for this sense)/surface/exterior/external appearanc...
另外 lìngwài, additional/in addition/besides/separate/other/moreover/furthermore
外 wài, outside/in addition/foreign/external
意外 yìwài, unexpected/accident/mishap/CL:個|个[gè]
之外 zhīwài, outside/excluding
外套 wàitào, coat/jacket/CL:件[jiàn]
以外 yǐwài, apart from/other than/except for/external/outside of/on the other side of/beyond
外星人 wàixīngrén, space alien/extraterrestrial
外科 wàikē, surgery (branch of medicine)
外表 wàibiǎo, external/outside/outward appearance
额外 éwài, [額外], extra/added/additional
外婆 wàipó, (coll.) mother's mother/maternal grandmother
外遇 wàiyù, extramarital affair
例外 lìwài, exception/to be an exception
除此之外 chúcǐzhīwài, apart from this/in addition to this
逍遥法外 xiāoyáofǎwài, [逍遙法外], unfettered and beyond the law (idiom); evading retribution/getting away with it ...
外国 wàiguó, [外國], foreign (country)/CL:個|个[gè]
窗外 门外 ménwài, [門外], outside the door
此外 cǐwài, besides/in addition/moreover/furthermore
国外 guówài, [國外], abroad/external (affairs)/overseas/foreign
外出 wàichū, to go out/to go away (on a trip etc)
外界 wàijiè, the outside world/external
外交 wàijiāo, diplomacy/diplomatic/foreign affairs/CL:個|个[gè]
外加 wàijiā, in addition/extra
外公 wàigōng, (coll.) mother's father/maternal grandfather
海外 hǎiwài, overseas/abroad
外头 wàitou, [外頭], outside/out
户外 hùwài, [戶外], outdoor
外部 wàibù, external part/external
外边 wàibian, [外邊], outside/outer surface/abroad/place other than one's home
野外 yěwài, countryside/areas outside the city
外国人 wàiguórén, [外國人], foreigner
外衣 wàiyī, outer clothing/semblance/appearance
外号 wàihào, [外號], nickname
外勤 wàiqín, field work/field personnel/any occupation that involves a great deal of field wo...
外甥 wàishēng, sister's son/wife's sibling's son
外来 wàilái, [外來], external/foreign/outside
外人 wàirén, outsider/foreigner/stranger
外伤 wàishāng, [外傷], injury/wound/trauma
对外 duìwài, [對外], external/foreign/pertaining to external or foreign (affairs)
外围 wàiwéi, [外圍], surrounding
城外 chéngwài, outside of a city
外貌 wàimào, profile/appearance
外形 wàixíng, figure/shape/external form/contour
格外 géwài, especially/particularly
除外 chúwài, to exclude/not including sth (when counting or listing)/except for
外壳 wàiké, [外殼], envelope/outer shell/hull/cover/case
外地 wàidì, parts of the country other than where one is
郊外 jiāowài, outskirts
外行 wàiháng, layman/amateur
局外人 红外线 hóngwàixiàn, [紅外線], infrared ray
室外 shìwài, outdoor
外孙 wàisūn, [外孫], daughter's son/grandson/descendant via the female line
置身事外 zhìshēnshìwài, not to get involved/to stay out of it
外交官 wàijiāoguān, diplomat
除此以外 拒之门外 jùzhīménwài, [拒之門外], to lock one's door and refuse to see sb
外语 wàiyǔ, [外語], foreign language/CL:門|门[mén]
红外 hóngwài, [紅外], infrared (ray)
课外 kèwài, [課外], extracurricular
外快 wàikuài, extra income
紫外线 zǐwàixiàn, [紫外線], ultraviolet ray
外孙女 wàisūnnǚ, [外孫女], daughter's daughter/granddaughter
外祖母 wàizǔmǔ, mother's mother/maternal grandmother
外带 wàidài, [外帶], take-out (fast food)/(outer part of) tire/as well/besides/into the bargain/outer...
外在 wàizài, external/extrinsic
外传 wàichuán/wàizhuàn, [外傳], to tell others (a secret)/to divulge to an outsider/to be rumored, unofficial bi...
外观 wàiguān, [外觀], exterior appearance/to view sth from the outside/exterior condition
外交部 Wàijiāobù, Ministry of Foreign Affairs/foreign office/Dept. of State
外祖父 wàizǔfù, maternal grandfather (i.e. mother's father)
外地人 wàidìrén, stranger/outsider
号外 hàowài, [號外], (newspaper) extra/special number (of a periodical)
外泄 wàixiè, to leak (usually secret information)
外景 外线 wàixiàn, [外線], (military) line of troops encircling an enemy position/(telephony) outside line/...
世外桃源 shìwàitáoyuán, see 桃花源[táo huā yuán]
婚外恋 hūnwàiliàn, [婚外戀], see 婚外情[hūn wài qíng]
外来语 wàiláiyǔ, [外來語], loanword
见外 jiànwài, [見外], to regard sb as an outsider
外层 wàicéng, [外層], outer layer/outer shell
开外 kāiwài, [開外], over and above (some amount)/beyond (budget)
外甥女 wàishengnǚ, sister's daughter/wife's sibling's daughter
校外 xiàowài, off campus
画外音 huàwàiyīn, [畫外音], voice-over/background narration
外圈 界外球 境外 jìngwài, outside (a country's) borders
内外 nèiwài, [內外], inside and outside/domestic and foreign/approximately/about
出外 chūwài, to go out/to leave for another place
外场 wàicháng/wàichǎng, [外場], outside world/society, outer area (of a place that has an inner area)/dining are...
里里外外 lǐlǐwàiwài, [裡裡外外], inside and out
外汇 wàihuì, [外匯], foreign (currency) exchange
外侧 wàicè, [外側], outer side
门外汉 ménwàihàn, [門外漢], layman
外力 wàilì, external force/pressure from outside
脑外科 外皮 wàipí, outer skin/carapace
外海 wàihǎi, offshore/open sea
喜出望外 xǐchūwàngwài, to be pleased beyond one's expectations (idiom)/overjoyed at the turn of events
编外 外援 wàiyuán, external help/foreign aid
言外之意 yánwàizhīyì, unspoken implication (idiom)/the actual meaning of what was said
而外 外来人 wàiláirén, [外來人], foreigner
局外 júwài, outside (a group etc)/not connected (with an event etc)/external
老外 lǎowài, (coll.) foreigner (esp. non Asian person)/layman/amateur
外务 wàiwù, [外務], foreign affairs
外流 wàiliú, outflow/to flow out/to drain
中外 zhōngwài, Sino-foreign/Chinese-foreign/home and abroad
出门在外 外相 wàixiàng, Foreign Minister
朝外 九霄云外 jiǔxiāoyúnwài, [九霄雲外], beyond the topmost clouds (idiom)/unimaginably far away
排外 páiwài, xenophobic/anti-foreigner
外籍 wàijí, foreign (i.e. of foreign nationality)
驻外 置之度外 zhìzhīdùwài, to give no thought to/to have no regard for/to disregard
外敌 对外开放 外骨骼 wàigǔgé, exoskeleton (the carapace of insects, crabs etc)
外交家 wàijiāojiā, diplomat
不外乎 bùwàihū, nothing else but
外道 分外 fènwài, exceptionally/not one's responsibility or job
外交辞令 紫外 zǐwài, ultraviolet (ray)
外币 wàibì, [外幣], foreign currency
外事 wàishì, foreign affairs
外用 wàiyòng, external
外文 wàiwén, foreign language (written)
外露 wàilù, exposed/appearing on the outside
国内外 guónèiwài, [國內外], domestic and international/at home and abroad
紫外光 zǐwàiguāng, ultraviolet light
外向 wàixiàng, extroverted (personality)/(economics etc) export-oriented
外交部长 wàijiāobùzhǎng, [外交部長], minister of foreign affairs
外角 不外 bùwài, not beyond the scope of/nothing more than
外屋 外罩 拍外景 节外生枝 jiéwàishēngzhī, [節外生枝], a new branch grows out of a knot (idiom); fig. side issues keep arising
外逃 wàitáo, to flee abroad/to run away/to desert/outflow
外间 wàijiān, [外間], outer room/the external world/outside
外贸 wàimào, [外貿], foreign trade
外宾 wàibīn, [外賓], foreign guest/international visitor
外缘 外挂 wàiguà, [外掛], attached externally (e.g. fuel tank)/plug-in/add-on/special software used to che...
毫无例外 里外 lǐwài, [裡外], inside and out/or so
外强中干 wàiqiángzhōnggān, [外強中乾], strong in appearance but weak in reality (idiom)
外交大臣 wàijiāodàchén, Foreign Secretary/(UK) Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs
外乡人 wàixiāngrén, [外鄉人], a stranger/out-of-towner
宫外孕 外债 wàizhài, [外債], foreign debt
吃里扒外 外族 身外之物 shēnwàizhīwù, mere worldly possessions
道外 Dàowài, Daowai district of Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Hā ěr bīn] in Heilongjiang
外包装 外侨 wàiqiáo, [外僑], foreigner
外功 外办 wàibàn, [外辦], foreign affairs office
外因 话外音 外长 wàizhǎng, [外長], foreign minister/secretary of state/minister of foreign affairs
外销 wàixiāo, [外銷], to export/to sell abroad
外财 外胎 外来词 wàiláicí, [外來詞], loanword
外调 监外 外向型 wàixiàngxíng, export-oriented (economic model)
涉外 shèwài, concerning foreigners or foreign affairs
外行星 外国语 wàiguóyǔ, [外國語], foreign language
外分泌 wàifēnmì, exocrine/external secretion (e.g. saliva)
外厂 外埠 外来户 内外线 外电 wàidiàn, [外電], reports from foreign news agencies
外患 wàihuàn, foreign aggression
外方 外敷 wàifū, to apply externally
外婆桥 棚外 侄外孙 外语课 外出血 外耳道 wàiěrdào, external auditory meatus/auditory canal, between the outer ear 外耳 and tympanum 鼓...
外孙子 wàisūnzi, [外孫子], (coll.) daughter's son/grandson
外设 wàishè, [外設], peripherals
外资 wàizī, [外資], foreign investment
外购 闻名中外 外族人 海内外 hǎinèiwài, [海內外], domestic and international/at home and abroad
外延 wàiyán, extension (semantics)
外路 wàilù, see 外地[wài dì]
外省人 外耳 wàiěr, outer ear