混 ⇒
混蛋 húndàn, scoundrel/bastard/hoodlum/wretch
混 hún/hùn, confused/dirty/to mix/muddy/variant of 渾|浑[hún], to mix/to mingle/muddled/to dri...
混乱 hùnluàn, [混亂], confusion/chaos/disorder
混合 hùnhé, to mix/to blend/hybrid/composite
鬼混 guǐhùn, to hang around/to fool around/to live aimlessly
混账 hùnzhàng, [混賬], shameful/absolutely disgraceful!
混进 hùnjìn, [混進], to infiltrate/to sneak into
混淆 hùnxiáo, to obscure/to confuse/to mix up/to blur/to mislead
混凝土 hùnníngtǔ, concrete
混沌 hùndùn, primal chaos/formless mass before creation in Chinese mythology/muddled/innocent...
混入 hùnrù, to sneak into
混合物 hùnhéwù, mixture/composite
混战 hùnzhàn, [混戰], chaotic warfare/confused fighting/melee/to join in such fighting
混为一谈 hùnwéiyītán, [混為一談], to confuse one thing with another (idiom); to muddle
厮混 sīhùn, [廝混], to hang out together with (derog.)/to mix with
混血儿 hùnxuèér, [混血兒], person of mixed blood/half-breed/mulatto
混杂 hùnzá, [混雜], to mix/to mingle
蒙混过关 ménghùnguòguān, [矇混過關], to get away with it/to slip through/to bluff one's way out/Taiwan pr. [mēng hùn ...
混日子 hùnrìzi, to idle/to waste time
混迹 hùnjì, [混跡], mixed in as part of a community/hiding one's identity/occupying a position while...
蒙混 ménghùn, [矇混], to deceive/to hoodwink/Taiwan pr. [mēng hùn]
混饭 hùnfàn, [混飯], to work for a living
含混 hánhùn, vague/unclear/ambiguous
混淆视听 hùnxiáoshìtīng, [混淆視聽], to obscure the facts (idiom); to mislead the public with prevarication and delib...
混纺 hùnfǎng, [混紡], mixed fabric/blended fabric
混浊 hùnzhuó, [混濁], turbid/muddy/dirty
混合型 混事 hùnshì, to work half-heartedly/to get by in a job with the minimum effort
混合器 搅混 jiǎohun, [攪混], to mix/to blend
鱼龙混杂 yúlónghùnzá, [魚龍混雜], lit. fish and dragons mixed in together (idiom); fig. crooks mixed in with the h...
混血种 混居 鱼目混珠 yúmùhùnzhū, [魚目混珠], to pass off fish eyes for pearls/to pass off fake products as genuine (idiom)
混水摸鱼 húnshuǐmōyú, [混水摸魚], to fish in troubled water (idiom); to take advantage of a crisis for personal ga...
混淆是非 hùnxiáoshìfēi, to confuse right and wrong (idiom)
混淆黑白 hùnxiáohēibái, to confuse black and white/to say that black is white/fig. not to distinguish ri...
混世魔王 hùnshìmówáng, devil incarnate (idiom)/fiend in human form
混双 一混混 混合色 混合泳 hùnhéyǒng, medley (swimming)
土 ⇒
土地 tǔdì/tǔdi, land/soil/territory/CL:片[piàn],塊|块[kuài], local god/genius loci
土 Tǔ/tǔ, Tu (ethnic group)/surname Tu, earth/dust/clay/local/indigenous/crude opium/unsop...
土豆 tǔdòu, potato/CL:個|个[gè]/(Tw) peanut/CL:顆|颗[kē]
国土 guótǔ, [國土], country's territory/national land
土耳其 Tǔěrqí, Turkey
泥土 nítǔ, earth/soil/mud/clay
领土 lǐngtǔ, [領土], territory
本土 běntǔ, one's native country/native/local/metropolitan territory
尘土 chéntǔ, [塵土], dust
土著 tǔzhù, aboriginal
混凝土 hùnníngtǔ, concrete
土壤 tǔrǎng, soil
土豆泥 tǔdòuní, mashed potato
土司 tǔsī, sliced bread (loanword from "toast")/government-appointed hereditary tribal head...
土匪 tǔfěi, bandit
入土 rùtǔ, to bury/buried/interred
卷土重来 juǎntǔchónglái, [卷土重來], lit. to return in a swirl of dust (idiom)/fig. to regroup and come back even str...
推土机 tuītǔjī, [推土機], bulldozer
土拨鼠 tǔbōshǔ, [土撥鼠], groundhog
土生土长 tǔshēngtǔzhǎng, [土生土長], locally born and bred/indigenous/home-grown
粘土 乐土 lètǔ, [樂土], happy place/paradise/haven
土著人 tǔzhùrén, indigenous person/aboriginal
土包子 tǔbāozi, country bumpkin/boor/unsophisticated country person (humble, applied to oneself)...
土星 Tǔxīng, Saturn (planet)
土耳其人 Tǔěrqírén, a Turk/Turkish person
土人 tǔrén, native/aborigine/clay figure
土崩瓦解 tǔbēngwǎjiě, to collapse/to fall apart
净土 Jìngtǔ, [淨土], (Buddhism) Pure Land, usually refers to Amitabha Buddha's Western Pure Land of U...
破土动工 沙土 shātǔ, sandy soil
粪土 fèntǔ, [糞土], dirty soil/dung/muck
陶土 táotǔ, potter's clay/kaolin
土路 tǔlù, dirt road
土窑 tǔyáo, [土窯], earthen kiln/loess cave
土豆片 故土 gùtǔ, native country/one's homeland
动土 dòngtǔ, [動土], to break ground (prior to building sth)/to start building
土气 tǔqì, [土氣], rustic/uncouth/unsophisticated
黏土 niántǔ, clay
疆土 jiāngtǔ, territory
乡土 xiāngtǔ, [鄉土], native soil/one's native land/one's hometown/local (to an area)
水土不服 shuǐtǔbùfú, not acclimatized
焦土 jiāotǔ, scorched earth
红土 hóngtǔ, [紅土], red soil/laterite
挥金如土 huījīnrútǔ, [揮金如土], lit. to squander money like dirt (idiom)/fig. to spend money like water/extravag...
冻土 dòngtǔ, [凍土], frozen earth/permafrost/tundra
土语 tǔyǔ, [土語], dialect/patois
土豚 tǔtún, aardvark
土质 土堆 tǔduī, mound
沃土 wòtǔ, fertile land
土特产 tǔtèchǎn, [土特產], local specialty
土木 tǔmù, building/construction/civil engineering
中土 zhōngtǔ, Sino-Turkish
土葬 tǔzàng, burial (in earth)
风土人情 fēngtǔrénqíng, [風土人情], local conditions and customs (idiom)
土层 tǔcéng, [土層], layer of soil/ground level
土里土气 tǔlǐtǔqì, [土裡土氣], unsophisticated/rustic/uncouth
出土 chūtǔ, to dig up/to appear in an excavation/unearthed/to come up out of the ground
铝土 lǚtǔ, [鋁土], bauxite/aluminum ore
黄土 huángtǔ, [黃土], loess (yellow sandy soil typical of north China)
挖土 水土 shuǐtǔ, water and soil/surface water/natural environment (extended meaning)/climate
土包 土墩 土屋 土产 tǔchǎn, [土產], produced locally/local product (with distinctive native features)
土丘 tǔqiū, mound/hillock/barrow
灰土 Huītǔ/huītǔ, Spodosols (Chinese Soil Taxonomy), dust
昆土斯 土色 土话 tǔhuà, [土話], vernacular/slang/dialect/patois
土著居民 热土 rètǔ, [熱土], homeland/hot piece of real estate
稀土 xītǔ, rare earth (chemistry)
砂土 出土文物 铲土机 chǎntǔjī, [鏟土機], earth-moving machine/mechanical digger
土库曼斯坦 Tǔkùmànsītǎn, [土庫曼斯坦], Turkmenistan
喀土穆 Kātǔmù, Khartoum, capital of Sudan
挡土墙 铝土矿 土克姆卡 土墙 本土化 běntǔhuà, to localize/localization
土地改革 tǔdìgǎigé, land reform
乡土气息 破土 pòtǔ, to break ground/to start digging/to plough/to break through the ground (of seedl...
土方 tǔfāng, cubic meter of earth (unit of measurement)/excavated soil/earthwork (abbr. for 土...
土法 tǔfǎ, traditional method
土块 土布 tǔbù, homespun cloth
土风舞 土伦 Tǔlún, [土倫], Toulon (city in France)
挖土机 wātǔjī, [挖土機], excavator/backhoe
土皇帝 tǔhuángdì, local tyrant
黑土 土石流 tǔshíliú, (Tw) debris flow/mudslide
韦士·曼土斯 岩质土 土尔曼 杰克土特曼 渣土 仙土 土腥味 土克姆卡日市 帕土内 玛土撒 土地税 土尔其 寸土寸金 cùntǔcùnjīn, land is extremely expensive (in that area) (idiom)
无土栽培 大兴土木 dàxīngtǔmù, [大興土木], to carry out large scale construction
高岭土 gāolǐngtǔ, [高嶺土], kaolin (clay)/china clay
黑石土 阿塔土克 土岗 tǔgǎng, [土崗], mound/hillock
土音 土鲁 土鳖 tǔbiē, [土鱉], ground beetle/(coll.) professional or entrepreneur who, unlike a 海歸|海归[hǎi guī],...
土货 tǔhuò, [土貨], local produce
土炮 土族 Tǔzú, Tu or White Mongol ethnic group of Qinghai
土改 tǔgǎi, land reform/same as 土地改革[tǔ dì gǎi gé]
土温 tǔwēn, [土溫], temperature of the soil
土浦 土坑 土坡