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[領口] lǐngkǒu collar
the place where the two ends of a collar meet

Character Composition

Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        lǐngdǎo, [領導], lead/leading/to lead/leadership/leader/CL:位[wèi],個|个[gè]
        lǐng, [領], neck/collar/to lead/to receive/classifier for clothes, mats, screens etc
        lǐngxiān, [領先], to lead/to be in front
        lǐngxiù, [領袖], leader/CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi],名[míng]
        lǐngyù, [領域], domain/sphere/field/territory/area
        lǐngdài, [領帶], necktie/CL:條|条[tiáo]
        lǐngyǎng, [領養], adoption/to adopt (a child)
        dàilǐng, [帶領], to guide/to lead
        zhànlǐng, [佔領], to occupy (a territory)/to hold
        shǒulǐng, [首領], head/boss/chief
        lǐngdì, [領地], territory/domain/estate/(old) fief
        lǐngdǎozhě, [領導者], leader
        lǐngzhǔ, [領主], feudal lord/suzerain/overlord
        lǐngdǎorén, [領導人], leader
        lǐngtǔ, [領土], territory
        lǐngshìguǎn, [領事館], consulate
        lǐngduì, [領隊], to lead a group/leader of a group/captain (of sports squad)
        běnlǐng, [本領], skill/ability/capability/CL:項|项[xiàng],個|个[gè]
        lǐngwù, [領悟], to understand/to comprehend
        lǐngtóu, [領頭], to take the lead/to be first to start
        lǐnghuì, [領會], to understand/to comprehend/to grasp
        rènlǐng, [認領], to claim (as one's property)/to adopt (a child)/to accept (an illegitimate child...
        lǐngjié, [領結], bow tie/loop of a necktie/lavaliere
        tóulǐng, [頭領], head person/leader
        báilǐng, [白領], white-collar/white-collar worker
        shuàilǐng, [率領], to lead/to command/to head
        lǐngdào, [領到], to receive
        lǐngshì, [領事], consul
        lǐngqǔ, [領取], to receive/to draw/to get
        yīlǐng, [衣領], collar/neck
        lǐngjiào, [領教], much obliged/thank you/to ask advice/(ironically or humorously) to experience/to...
        lǐngzi, [領子], shirt collar
        lǐngjiǎng, [領獎], to accept a prize/a prize-winner
        lǐngkōng, [領空], territorial air space
        yáoyáolǐngxiān, [遙遙領先], a long way in front/to lead by a wide margin
        lǐngbān, [領班], supervisor/foreman/head waiter or waitress
        tǒnglǐng, [統領], to lead/to command/commander/officer
        zhāolǐng, [招領], to advertise for the owner of lost property
        lǐnglüè, [領略], to have a taste of/to realize/to appreciate
        lǐnghángyuán, [領航員], navigator
        lánlǐng, [藍領], blue-collar/blue-collar worker
        lǐnglù, [領路], to lead the way
        lǐngqíng, [領情], to feel grateful to sb/to appreciate the kindness
        jiànglǐng, [將領], high-ranking military officer
        lǐngchàng, [領唱], to lead a chorus/choirmaster/leading singer
        lǐngháng, [領航], navigation/navigator/to navigate
        yàolǐng, [要領], main aspects/essentials/gist
        lǐngkǒu, [領口], collar/neckband/neckline/the place where the two ends of a collar meet
        lǐngdǎocéng, [領導層], ruling class/leaders (of society)/oligarchy
        lǐngtóuyáng, [領頭羊], bellwether
        fānlǐng, [翻領], turndown collar/lapel
        lǐngdǎoquán, [領導權], leadership authority
        lǐnghǎi, [領海], territorial waters
        lǐngxián, [領銜], leading (role)/heading list of signatories/leading actors (in a show)/starring
        lǐngjiǎngtái, [領獎臺], (winner's) podium
        lǐngshòu, [領受], to accept/to receive
        yuánlǐng, [圓領], crew neck/round neck (of pull-over garment, e.g. T-shirt)
        bùdéyàolǐng, [不得要領], to fail to grasp the main points
        gānglǐng, [綱領], program (i.e. plan of action)/guiding principle
        zǒnglǐngshì, [總領事], consul general
        xīnlǐngshénhuì, [心領神會], to understand tacitly (idiom)/to know intuitively/to understand thoroughly
        lǐngjīn, [領巾], neckcloth/neckerchief
使         shǐlǐngguǎn, [使領館], embassy and consulate
        zǒnglǐngshìguǎn, [總領事館], consulate general
        dúlǐngfēngsāo, [獨領風騷], most outstanding/par excellence
        tígāngqièlǐng, [提綱挈領], to concentrate on the main points (idiom); to bring out the essentials
        lǐngyǒu, [領有], to possess/to own
        lǐngzhāng, [領章], collar insignia
        jīnlǐng, [金領], gold collar/high-level senior executive/highly-skilled worker
        hónglǐngjīn, [紅領巾], red neckscarf/by extension, a member of the Young Pioneers

        kǒu, mouth/classifier for things with mouths (people, domestic animals, cannons, well...
        shāngkǒu, [傷口], wound/cut
        jièkǒu, to use as an excuse/on the pretext/excuse/pretext
        kāikǒu, [開口], to open one's mouth/to start to talk
        chūkǒu, an exit/CL:個|个[gè]/to speak/to export/(of a ship) to leave port
        kǒudài, pocket/bag/sack/CL:個|个[gè]
        ménkǒu, [門口], doorway/gate/CL:個|个[gè]
        rénkǒu, population/people
        kǒuyīn/kǒuyin, oral speech sounds (linguistics), voice/accent
        rùkǒu, entrance/to import
        kǒuwèi, a person's preferences/tastes (in food)/flavor
        kǒuxiāngtáng, chewing gum
        kǒujìng, [口徑], caliber/diameter of opening
        wèikǒu, appetite/liking
        xiōngkǒu, pit of the stomach
        gǎngkǒu, port/harbor
        kǒuxìn, oral message
        chuāngkǒu, window/opening providing restricted access (e.g. customer service window)/comput...
        kǒugòng, oral confession (as opposed to 筆供|笔供[bǐ gòng])/statement/deposition
        kǒuhóng, [口紅], lipstick
        zhùkǒu, shut up/shut your mouth/stop talking
        qīnkǒu, [親口], one's own mouth/fig. in one's own words/to say sth personally
        lùkǒu, crossing/intersection (of roads)
        kǒuqì, [口氣], tone of voice/the way one speaks/manner of expression/tone
        kǒushuǐ, saliva
        kǒushào, whistle
        jìnkǒu, [進口], to import/imported/entrance/inlet (for the intake of air, water etc)
        kǒukě, thirsty
        qiāngkǒu, [槍口], muzzle of a gun
        kǒuhào, [口號], slogan/catchphrase/CL:個|个[gè]
        mièkǒu, [滅口], to kill sb to prevent them from divulging a secret/to silence sb
        kǒulìng, oral command/a word of command (used in drilling troops or gymnasts)/password (u...
        tōngfēngkǒu, [通風口], air vent/opening for ventilation
        kěkǒu, tasty/to taste good
        shǒukǒurúpíng, lit. to guard one's mouth like a closed bottle (idiom); tight-lipped/reticent/no...
        shízìlùkǒu, crossroads/intersection
        kǒutóu, [口頭], oral/verbal
        qiēkǒu/qièkǒu, incision/notch/slit/gash/margin of a page/trimmed edge (of a page in a book), sl...
        shēngkou, animals used for their physical strength (mules, oxen etc)/beast of burden
        kǒuzi, hole/opening/cut/gap/gash/my husband or wife/classifier for people (used for ind...
        húkǒu, [餬口], to scrape a meager living/to get by with difficulty, variant of 糊口[hú kǒu]
        kǒuqiāng, oral cavity
        shùkǒu, to rinse one's mouth/to gargle
        kǒujì, beat boxing/vocal mimicry/ventriloquism
        jiēkǒu, interface/port/connector
        kǒutóuchán, [口頭禪], Zen saying repeated as cant/(fig.) catchphrase/mantra/favorite expression/stock ...
        quēkǒu, nick/jag/gap/shortfall
        suíkǒu, [隨口], (speak) without thinking the matter through
        tuōkǒuérchū, [脫口而出], to blurt out/to let slip (an indiscreet remark)
        kǒuchòu, bad breath/halitosis
        kǒujiǎo/kǒujué, corner of the mouth, altercation/wrangle/angry argument
        kǒushé, dispute or misunderstanding caused by gossip/to talk sb round
        Kěkǒukělè, [可口可樂], Coca-Cola
        Dòngkǒu/dòngkǒu, Dongkou county in Shaoyang 邵陽|邵阳[Shào yáng], Hunan, cave mouth/tunnel entrance
        chuāngkǒu, [創口], a wound/a cut
        kǒucái, eloquence
        fēngkǒu, to close up/to heal (of wound)/to keep one's lips sealed
        kǒuqín, harmonica
齿         kǒuchǐ, [口齒], mouth and teeth/enunciation/to articulate/diction/age (of cattle, horses etc)
        kǒushù, to dictate/to recount orally
        lièkǒu, breach/split/rift/vent (volcanic crater)
        jiāochākǒu, (road) intersection
        huǒshānkǒu, volcanic crater
        kǒugǎn, taste/texture (of food)/how food feels in the mouth
        jìnchūkǒu, [進出口], import and export
        kǒuzhào, mask (surgical etc)
        dēngjīkǒu, [登機口], departure gate (aviation)
        kǒuwěn, tone of voice/connotation in intonation/accent (regional etc)/snout/muzzle/lips/...
        guānkǒu, [關口], pass/gateway/(fig.) juncture
        hùkǒu, [戶口], population (counted as number of households for census or taxation)/registered r...
        xiùkǒu, cuff
        yīkǒuqì, [一口氣], one breath/in one breath/at a stretch
        hǔkǒu, tiger's den/dangerous place/the web between the thumb and forefinger of a hand
        kǒukoushēngshēng, [口口聲聲], to keep on saying (idiom); to repeat over and over again
        kǒufēng, [口風], meaning behind the words/what sb really means to say/one's intentions as reveale...
        dǎowèikǒu, to spoil one's appetite/fig. to get fed up with sth
        mùdèngkǒudāi, dumbstruck (idiom); stupefied/stunned
        sōngkǒu, [鬆口], to let go of sth held in one's mouth/(fig.) to relent/to yield
        xìnkǒukāihé, [信口開河], to speak without thinking (idiom)/to blurt sth out
        xìnkǒu, to blurt sth out/to open one's mouth without thinking
        zhāngkǒu, [張口], to open one's mouth (to eat, speak etc)/to gape/to start talking (esp. to make a...
        duānkǒu, interface/port
        zànbùjuékǒu, [讚不絕口]/[贊不絕口], to praise without cease (idiom); praise sb to high heaven, to praise without cea...
        dāokǒu, the edge of a knife/cut/incision
        kǒubēi, public praise/public reputation/commonly held opinions/current idiom
        dùkǒu, ferry crossing
        Shānkǒu/shānkǒu, Yamaguchi (Japanese surname and place name)/Yamaguchi prefecture in southwest of...
        kǒuchī, to stammer/to stutter/also pr. [kǒu jí]
        shùnkǒu, [順口], to read smoothly (of text)/to blurt out (without thinking)/to suit one's taste (...
        gǎikǒu, to change one's tune/to modify one's previous remark/to change the way one addre...
        shàngkǒu, to be able to read aloud fluently/to be suitable (easy enough) for reading aloud
        lǐngkǒu, [領口], collar/neckband/neckline/the place where the two ends of a collar meet
        xiǎoliǎngkǒu, [小兩口], (coll.) young married couple
        pòkǒudàmà, [破口大罵], to abuse roundly
        kǒuyǔ, [口語], colloquial speech/spoken language/vernacular language/slander/gossip/CL:門|门[mén]
        liǎngkǒuzi, [兩口子], husband and wife
        yìkǒutóngshēng, [異口同聲], different mouths, same voice/to speak in unison (idiom)
        lǎnglǎngshàngkǒu, to flow right off the tongue (of lyrics or poetry)/to recite with ease/catchy (o...
        Jiāokǒu, Jiaokou county in Lüliang 呂梁|吕梁[Lǚ liáng], Shanxi 山西
        Zhákǒu/zhákǒu, [閘口], area in the Shangcheng district of Hangzhou, open sluice gate/(toll) station/boa...
        chàkǒu, junction/fork in road
        shǐkǒufǒurèn, [矢口否認], to deny flatly
        kǒuliáng, [口糧], ration
        kǒufú, happy knack for chancing upon fine food
        jìnkǒushāng, [進口商], importer/import business
        dānkǒuxiàngshēng, [單口相聲], comic monologue/one-person comic sketch
        duìkǒu, [對口], (of two performers) to speak or sing alternately/to be fit for the purposes of a...
        sānjiānqíkǒu, [三緘其口], (idiom) reluctant to speak about it/tight-lipped
        xīnkǒu, pit of the stomach/solar plexus/words and thoughts
        ràokǒulìng, [繞口令], tongue-twister
        shuǎngkǒu, fresh and tasty
        xīnfúkǒufú, to accept wholeheartedly/to embrace/to be won over
        kǒushì, [口試], oral examination/oral test
        kǒufú, to take medicine orally/oral (contraceptive etc)/to say that one is convinced
        kǒuruòxuánhé, [口若懸河], mouth like a torrent (idiom)/eloquent/glib/voluble/have the gift of the gab
        àikǒu, narrow mountain pass/defile
        yīkǒuyǎodìng, to arbitrarily assert/to allege/to stick to one's statement/to cling to one's vi...
        fēngkǒu, [風口], air vent/drafty place/wind gap (geology)/tuyere (furnace air nozzle)
        àokǒu, hard to pronounce/awkward-sounding
        fēngkǒulàngjiān, [風口浪尖], where the wind and the waves are the fiercest/at the heart of the struggle
        xuèkǒu, bloody mouth (from devouring freshly killed prey)
        xīnzhíkǒukuài, frank and outspoken (idiom)/straight speaking/to say what one thinks
        kuākǒu, [誇口], to boast
        rénkǒushù, [人口數], population
        Hǎikǒu/hǎikǒu, Haikou prefecture-level city and capital of Hainan Province 海南省[Hǎi nán Shěng], ...
        kǒujué, [口訣], mnemonic chant/rhyme for remembering (arithmetic tables, character stroke order ...
        hékǒu, estuary/the mouth of a river
        kǒuàn, a port for external trade/a trading or transit post on border between countries
        kǒushí, [口實], food/salary (old)/a pretext/a cause for gossip
        jǐngkǒu, entrance to mine
        kǒutóuyǔ, [口頭語], pet phrase/regularly used expression/manner of speaking
        kǒuyì, [口譯], interpreting
        Gǔkǒu, Taniguchi (Japanese surname)
        kuàizhìrénkǒu, [膾炙人口], appealing to the masses/universally appreciated (idiom)
        měiwèikěkǒu, delicious/tasty
        kǔkǒupóxīn, earnest and well-meaning advice (idiom); to persuade patiently
        kǒuchūkuángyán, to speak conceited nonsense/to come out with arrogant claptrap
        shùnkǒuliū, [順口溜], popular piece of doggerel/common phrase repeated as a jingle
        chākǒu, socket (for an electric plug)/to interrupt (sb speaking)/to butt in
        Hànkǒu, [漢口], Hankou, part of Wuhan 武漢|武汉 at the junction of Han river and Changjiang in Hubei
        jìkǒu, abstain from certain food (as when ill)/avoid certain foods/be on a diet
        chūkǒushāng, exporter/export business
        zhòngkǒuyīcí, [眾口一詞], all of one voice/unanimous
        Gǎngkǒuqū, [港口區], Gangkou district of Fangchenggang city 防城港市[Fáng chéng gǎng shì], Guangxi
        kǒuzhūbǐfá, [口誅筆伐], to condemn in speech and in writing (idiom)/to denounce by word and pen
        chūkǒué, [出口額], export amount
        liǎngkǒur, [兩口兒], husband and wife/couple
        yǒukǒujiēbēi, every voice gives praise (idiom); with an extensive public reputation
        chūqìkǒu, [出氣口], gas or air outlet/emotional outlet
        shòupiàokǒu, ticket window
        kǒuchuāng, [口瘡], mouth ulcer
        juékǒu, [決口], (of a watercourse) to breach its banks/(of a dam) to burst
        hùkǒuběn, [戶口本], household register/household registration booklet/residence certificate
        zǒngrénkǒu, [總人口], total population
        rùhǎikǒu, estuary
        Xīkǒu, Xikou or Hsikou township in Chiayi county 嘉義縣|嘉义县[Jiā yì xiàn], west Taiwan
        kǒufù, (fig.) food
        jìnshuǐkǒu, [進水口], water inlet
        kǒuchuán, [口傳], orally transmitted
簿         hùkǒubù, [戶口簿], household register

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