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退 Word: freq index 15055
[退伍軍人] tuìwǔjūnrén veteran

Character Composition


Character Compounds


Word Compounds

退         tuì, to retreat/to decline/to move back/to withdraw
退         tuìchū, to withdraw/to abort/to quit/to log out (computing)
退         tuìxiū, to retire/retirement (from work)
退         hòutuì, [後退], to recoil/to draw back/to fall back/to retreat
退         chètuì, to retreat
退         tuìsuō, [退縮], to shrink back/to cower
退         tuìyì, to retire from the military, sport etc/to demobilize/to decommission/retired fro...
退         tuìxué, [退學], to quit school
退         tuìwǔ, to be discharged from military service
退         tuìhuí, to return (an item)/to send back/to go back
退         tuìxiūjīn, retirement pay/pension
退         tuìlù, a way out/a way to retreat/leeway
退         tuìhuà, to degenerate/atrophy
退         dàotuì, to fall back/to go in reverse
退         shuāituì, to decline/to fall/to drop/to falter/a decline/recession (in economics)
退         jìntuìliǎngnán, [進退兩難], no room to advance or to retreat (idiom); without any way out of a dilemma/trapp...
退         tuìkuǎn, to refund/refund
退         tuìwǔjūnrén, [退伍軍人], veteran
退         cítuì, [辭退], to dismiss/to discharge/to fire
退         jītuì, [擊退], to beat back/to repel
退         tuìbù, to do less well than before/to make a concession/setback/backward step/leeway/ro...
退         tuìchǎng, [退場], to leave a place where some event is taking place/(of an actor) to exit/(sports)...
退         tuìhuò, [退貨], to return merchandise/to withdraw a product
退         xiāotuì, to wane/to vanish gradually
退         tuìtíng, to retire from the courtroom/to adjourn
退         tuìhuán, [退還], to return (sth borrowed etc)/to send back/to refund/to rebate
退         jìntuì, [進退], to advance or retreat/knowing when to come and when to leave/a sense of propriet...
退         tuìràng, [退讓], to move aside/to get out of the way/to back down/to concede
退         dǎtuìtánggǔ, lit. to beat the return drum (idiom)/fig. to give up/to turn tail
退         jiǎntuì, [減退], to ebb/to go down/to decline
退         tuìquè, [退卻], to retreat/to shrink back
退         yǐntuì, [隱退], to retire (from society, esp. from politics)/to vanish
退         tuìpiào, to bounce (a check)/to return a ticket/ticket refund
退         gàotuì, to petition for retirement (old)/to ask for leave to withdraw/to ask to be excus...
退         tuìwèi, to abdicate
退         zǎotuì, to leave early (before the stipulated finishing time)/to retire early (from one'...
退         tuìshāo, [退燒], to reduce fever
退         tuìshuì, [退稅], tax rebate or refund
退         yǐntuì, to retire from office/to resign
退         tuìxí, to absent oneself from a meeting/to decline to attend
退         jìntuìwéigǔ, [進退維谷], no room to advance or to retreat (idiom); without any way out of a dilemma/trapp...
退         tuìbìsānshè, [退避三捨], lit. to retreat three day's march (idiom); fig. to give way in the face of super...
退         tuìcháo, (of a tide) to ebb or go out
退线         tuìjūèrxiàn, [退居二線], to withdraw to the second line of duty/to resign from a leading post (and assume...
退         tuìbì, to withdraw
退         tuìsè, variant of 褪色[tuì sè]/also pr. [tuì shǎi]
退         tuìshāoyào, [退燒藥], antipyretic (drug to reduce fever, such as sulfanilamide)
退         zhīnánértuì, [知難而退], to sound out the difficulties and retreat to avoid defeat (idiom); fig. to back ...
退         bàituì, [敗退], to retreat in defeat
退         tuìhuàn, [退換], to replace a purchase/to exchange a purchase
退         quàntuì, [勸退], to try to persuade sb to give up (their job, plans etc)
退         tuìshǒu, to retreat and defend/to withdraw and maintain one's guard
退         tuìdǎng, [退黨], to withdraw from a political party
退         tuìbīng, to thaw (frozen food)/to bring to room temperature

        duìwǔ, [隊伍], ranks/troops/queue/line/procession/CL:個|个[gè],支[zhī],條|条[tiáo]
        rùwǔ, to enter the army/to enlist
退         tuìwǔ, to be discharged from military service
        Wǔ/wǔ, surname Wu, squad of five soldiers/to associate with/five (banker's anti-fraud n...
        luòwǔ, to fall behind the ranks/to be outdated
退         tuìwǔjūnrén, [退伍軍人], veteran
        wéiwǔ, [為伍], to associate with/to keep company with
·         Tàigé·Wǔzī, [泰格·伍茲], Eldrick "Tiger" Woods (1975-), American golfer
        Wǔdéháosī, Woodhouse or Wodehouse (name)

        Jiāngjūn/jiāngjūn, [將軍], Chiangchun township in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tái nán xiàn], Taiwan, general/high...
        guànjūn, [冠軍], champion/CL:個|个[gè]
        jūnduì, [軍隊], army/troops/CL:支[zhī],個|个[gè]
        hǎijūn, [海軍], navy
        jūn, [軍], army/military/arms/CL:個|个[gè]
        jūnshì, [軍事], military affairs/military matters/military
        jūnrén, [軍人], serviceman/soldier/military personnel
        kōngjūn, [空軍], air force
        jūnguān, [軍官], officer (military)
        Tóngzǐjūn/tóngzǐjūn, [童子軍], Scout (youth organization), child soldiers/juvenile militia
        jūnfāng, [軍方], military
        jūnshì, [軍士], soldier/noncommssioned officer (NCO)
        jūntuán, [軍團], corps/legion
        lùjūn, [陸軍], army/ground forces
        Měijūn, [美軍], US army/US armed forces
        jūnhuǒ, [軍火], weapons and ammunition/munitions/arms
        cānjūn, [參軍], to join the army
        jūnyòng, [軍用], (for) military use/military application
        pànjūn, [叛軍], rebel army
        díjūn, [敵軍], enemy troops/hostile forces/CL:股[gǔ]
        jìnjūn, [進軍], to march/to advance
        jūnqíng, [軍情], military situation/military intelligence
        jūnxiào, [軍校], military school/military academy
        dàjūn, [大軍], army/main forces
        jūnshìjīdì, [軍事基地], military base
        jūnyíng, [軍營], barracks/army camp
        xíngjūn, [行軍], a march (army)/to march
        jūnzhuāng, [軍裝], military uniform
退         tuìwǔjūnrén, [退伍軍人], veteran
        jūnshìfǎtíng, [軍事法庭], court-martial/military tribunal
        guànjūnsài, [冠軍賽], championship
        shízìjūn, [十字軍], crusaders/army of crusaders/the Crusades
        tóngméngjūn, [同盟軍], ally/allied forces
        méngjūn, [盟軍], allied forces
        Rìjūn, [日軍], Japanese army/Japanese troops
        chèjūn, [撤軍], to withdraw troops/to retreat
        gūjūnfènzhàn, [孤軍奮戰], lit. lone army putting up a brave fight (idiom)/fig. (of a person or group of pe...
        jūnjiàn, [軍艦], warship/military naval vessel/CL:艘[sōu]
        yàjūn, [亞軍], second place (in a sports contest)/runner-up
        jūnxián, [軍銜], army rank/military rank
        yǒujūn, [友軍], friendly forces/allies
        Yīngjūn, [英軍], British army
        jūnyī, [軍醫], military doctor
        cóngjūn, [從軍], to enlist/to serve in the army
        jūnhuǒkù, [軍火庫], arsenal
        jūnfá, [軍閥], military clique/junta/warlord
        jūnlǚ, [軍旅], army
        jūnxū, [軍需], military supplies
        jūnbèi, [軍備], (military) arms/armaments
        Jiěfàngjūn, [解放軍], People's Liberation Army (PRC armed forces)
        Hóngjūn, [紅軍], Red Army (1928-1937), predecessor of the PLA/(Soviet) Red Army (1917-1946)
        jūndāo, [軍刀], military knife/saber
        quánjūnfùmò, [全軍覆沒], total defeat of an army (idiom); fig. a complete wipeout
        quánjūn, [全軍], all-army/all-military
        sānjūn, [三軍], (in former times) upper, middle and lower army/army of right, center and left/(i...
        zhèngfǔjūn, [政府軍], government army
        jūnfǎ, [軍法], martial law
        liánjūn, [聯軍], allied armies
        zhùjūn, [駐軍], to station or garrison troops/garrison
        jítuánjūn, [集團軍], army grouping/collective army
        jūnyuèduì, [軍樂隊], brass band
        jūnlì, [軍力], military power
        hǎijūnlán, [海軍藍], navy blue
        jūnhào, [軍號], bugle
        yuǎnzhēngjūn, [遠征軍], expeditionary force/army on a distant expedition
        jūnxiǎng, [軍餉], funds and provisions for the troops/(soldier's) pay
        jìnjūn, [禁軍], imperial guard
        zhèngguījūn, [正規軍], regular army/standing army
        zhìyuànjūn, [志願軍], volunteer army
        jūnxùn, [軍訓], military practice, esp. for reservists or new recruits/military training as a (s...
        dàjiāngjūn, [大將軍], important general/generalissimo
        jūnjī, [軍機], military aircraft/secret plan/Privy Council during the Qing dynasty
        jūnshìxué, [軍事學], military science
        jūnfèi, [軍費], military expenditure
        shuǐjūn, [水軍], navy (archaic)/person employed to post messages on the Internet (abbr. for 網絡水軍|...
        jūngōngzhāng, [軍功章], military medal
        Éjūn, [俄軍], Russian army
        jūnsǎo, [軍嫂], serviceman's wife/wives of military personnel
        jūnliáng, [軍糧], army provisions
        jūnshìhuà, [軍事化], militarization
        huángjūn, [皇軍], imperial army (esp. Japanese)
        Tóngjūn, [童軍], Scout (youth organization)/see also 童子軍|童子军[Tóng zǐ jūn]
        shǒujūn, [守軍], defenders
        hòubèijūn, [後備軍], rearguard
        jūnqū, [軍區], geographical area of command/(PLA) military district
        cáijūn, [裁軍], disarmament
        xíngjūnchuáng, [行軍床], camp bed/bivouac
        yìjūn, [義軍], volunteer army
        jūnzhèngfǔ, [軍政府], military government
        jìjūn, [季軍], third in a race/bronze medalist
        qīnlüèjūn, [侵略軍], invading army
        jūnchē, [軍車], military vehicle
        yǐjūn, [以軍], Israeli soldiers
        jíxíngjūn, [急行軍], rapid advance/forced march
        yìyǒngjūn, [義勇軍], volunteer army
        jūnmín, [軍民], army-civilian/military-masses/military-civilian
        jūnguózhǔyì, [軍國主義], militarism
        dūjūn, [督軍], provincial military governor during the early Republic of China era (1911-1949 A...
        qiānjūnwànmǎ, [千軍萬馬], magnificent army with thousands of men and horses (idiom); impressive display of...
        jūnwù, [軍務], military affairs
        jūngǎng, [軍港], naval port/naval base
        jūnlìngzhuàng, [軍令狀], military order
        Fǎjūn, [法軍], French army
        jūnshī, [軍師], (old) military counselor/(coll.) trusted adviser
        Xīnjūn, [新軍], New Armies (modernized Qing armies, trained and equipped according to Western st...
        BāguóLiánjūn, [八國聯軍], Eight-Nation Alliance, involved in a military intervention in northern China in ...
        ZhōngguóRénmínJiěfàngjūn, [中國人民解放軍], Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA)
        jūnshìkēxué, [軍事科學], military science
        jūntǐ, [軍體], military sports/military fitness (curriculum etc)/abbr. for 軍事體育|军事体育
        jiāngjūndù, [將軍肚], potbelly
        jūnshìjiā, [軍事家], military expert/general
        jūnzhèng, [軍政], army and government
        chōngjūn, [充軍], to banish (to an army post, as a punishment)
        héngsǎoqiānjūn, [橫掃千軍], total annihilation

        rén, man/person/people/CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi]
        nǚrén/nǚren, woman, wife
        biéren, [別人], other people/others/other person
        nánrén, a man/a male/men/CL:個|个[gè]
        yǒurén, someone/people/anyone/there is someone there/occupied (as in restroom)
        rénmen, [人們], people
        fūren, lady/madam/Mrs./CL:位[wèi]
        rénlèi, [人類], humanity/human race/mankind
        gèrén, [個人], individual/personal/oneself
        bìngrén, sick person/patient/invalid/CL:個|个[gè]
        shārén, [殺人], homicide/to murder/to kill (a person)
        jiārén, household/(one's) family
        rénshēng, life (one's time on earth)
        dàren, adult/grownup/title of respect toward superiors
        rényuán, [人員], staff/crew/personnel/CL:個|个[gè]
        zhèngrén, [證人], witness
        sīrén, private/personal/interpersonal/sb with whom one has a close personal relationshi...
        hēirén, black person/an illegal
        dírén, [敵人], enemy/CL:個|个[gè]
        rénwù, person/character (in a play, novel etc)/protagonist/CL:個|个[gè]
        kèrén, visitor/guest/customer/client/CL:位[wèi]
        rénmín, the people/CL:個|个[gè]
        báirén, white man or woman/Caucasian
        niánqīngrén, [年輕人], young people/youngster
        zhǔrén, master/host/owner/CL:個|个[gè]
        shòuhàirén, victim
        jīqìrén, [機器人], mechanical person/robot/android
        mǒurén, someone/a certain person/some people/I (self-address after one's surname)
        Yóutàirén, [猶太人], Jew
        mírén, fascinating/enchanting/charming/tempting
        fànrén, convict/prisoner/criminal
        míngrén, personage/celebrity
        rénrén, everyone/every person
        rénjiā/rénjia, household/dwelling/family/sb else's house/household business/house of woman's hu...
        rénzhì, [人質], hostage
        jiànrén, [賤人], slut/cheap person
        ShèngdànLǎorén, [聖誕老人], Father Christmas/Santa Claus
        huàirén, [壞人], bad person/villain
        jīngjìrén, [經紀人], broker/middleman/agent/manager
        mòshēngrén, stranger
        tārén, another/sb else/other people
        dāngshìrén, [當事人], persons involved or implicated/party (to an affair)
        wàixīngrén, space alien/extraterrestrial
        qíngrén, lover/sweetheart
        héhuǒrén, partner/associate
        běnrén, the person himself/I (humble form used in speeches)/oneself/myself/in person/per...
        shārénfàn, [殺人犯], murderer/homicide
        piànrén, [騙人], to cheat sb/a scam
        lǎorén, old man or woman/the elderly/one's aged parents or grandparents
        Chāorén/chāorén, Superman, comic book superhero, superhuman/exceptional
        rénqún, crowd
        gōngrén, worker/CL:個|个[gè],名[míng]
        rénxuǎn, [人選], choice of person/candidate
        jīngrén, [驚人], astonishing
        rénshì, person/figure/public figure
        chéngniánrén, adult person
        rénkǒu, population/people
        xiányírén, a suspect
        wěituōrén, (law) client/trustor
        guàirén, strange person/eccentric
        qīnrén, [親人], one's close relatives
        àiren, [愛人], spouse (PRC)/lover (non-PRC)/CL:個|个[gè]
        chéngrén, adult
        réntǐ, [人體], human body
        zhǔchírén, TV or radio presenter/host/anchor
        jūnrén, [軍人], serviceman/soldier/military personnel
        rénshù, [人數], number of people
        réncái, talent/talented person/looks/attractive looks
        hòuxuǎnrén, [候選人], candidate/CL:名[míng]
        pǔtōngrén, ordinary person/private citizen/people/the person in the street
        púrén, [僕人], servant
        fánrén, [煩人], to annoy/annoying/irritating/troublesome
        diūrén, [丟人], to lose face
        fùzérén, [負責人], person in charge
        shāngrén, merchant/businessman
        jùrén, giant
        xīnrén, newcomer/fresh talent/newlywed, esp. new bride/bride and groom
        bèihàirén, victim
        rénxìng, human nature/humanity/human/the totality of human attributes
        réngé, personality/integrity/dignity
        rénjiān, [人間], the human world/the earth
        lièrén, [獵人], hunter
        shīrén, [詩人], bard/poet
        Qíngrénjié, [情人節], Valentine's Day
        sǐrén, dead person/(coll.) to die/(of a death) to happen
        zhēnrén, a real person/Daoist spiritual master
        zǒurén, (coll.) to leave/to beat it
        qióngrén, [窮人], poor people/the poor
        měirén, each person/everybody/per person
        gǎnrén, touching/moving
        guòrén, [過人], to surpass others/outstanding/(basketball, soccer etc) to get past an opponent
        rénxīn, popular feeling/the will of the people
        yòurén, [誘人], attractive/alluring/captivating/to attract/to captivate
        zhòngrén, [眾人], everyone
        shúrén, acquaintance/friend
        shìrén, people (in general)/people around the world/everyone
        zúrén, clansman/clan members/relatives/ethnic minority
        shèngrén, [聖人], saint/sage/refers to Confucius 孔子[Kǒng zǐ]/the current reigning Emperor
        liànrén, [戀人], lover/sweetheart
        zhōngjiānrén, [中間人], intermediary/mediator
        jiānhùrén, [監護人], guardian
        yìrén, [藝人], performing artist/actor
        rénqíng, human emotions/social relationship/friendship/favor/a good turn
        réngōng, artificial/manpower/manual work
        shārénkuáng, [殺人狂], homicidal maniac
        dòngrén, [動人], touching/moving
        rénshēn, person/personal/human body
        fùrén, rich person/the rich
        rénzào, man-made/artificial/synthetic
        zuìrén, sinner
        wéirén/wèirén, [為人], to conduct oneself/behavior/conduct/personal character, for sb/for others' inter...
        bèigàorén, defendant (in legal case)
        dàilǐrén, agent
        rénmìng, human life/CL:條|条[tiáo]
        xiǎorén, person of low social status (old)/I, me (used to refer humbly to oneself)/nasty ...
        rénlì, manpower/labor power
        rénquán, [人權], human rights
        rénshǒu, manpower/staff/human hand
        rénxíngdào, sidewalk
        měirén, beauty/belle
        měirényú, [美人魚], mermaid
        wàiguórén, [外國人], foreigner
        yǐnrénzhùmù, to attract attention/eye-catching/conspicuous
        fánrén, ordinary person/mortal/earthling
        lǐngdǎorén, [領導人], leader
        shuāngrén, [雙人], two-person/double/pair/tandem
        mángrén, blind person
        huórén, living person
        èrén, [惡人], evil person/vile creature/ugly man
        réntóu, [人頭], person/number of people/(per) capita/(a person's) head/(Tw) person whose identit...
        wèichéngniánrén, minor (i.e. person under 18)
        dàiyánrén, spokesperson
        chángrén, ordinary person
        zuòrén, to conduct oneself/to behave with integrity
西         Mòxīgērén, Mexican
        rénmǎ, [人馬], men and horses/troops/group of people/troop/staff/centaur
        jiārén, beautiful woman
        wàirén, outsider/foreigner/stranger
        rénshì, the world/this world/the world of the living
        lǎorénjiā, polite term for old woman or man
        kuángrén, madman
        cánjírén, [殘疾人], disabled person
        yōngrén, [傭人], servant
        gǔrén, people from ancient times/the ancients/the late (i.e. person who has passed away...
        chuàngshǐrén, [創始人], creator/founder/initiator
        jìchéngrén, [繼承人], heir/successor
        zìqīqīrén, to deceive others and to deceive oneself/to believe one's own lies
        fāyánrén, [發言人], spokesperson
        nǚzhǔrén, hostess/mistress
        rénqì, [人氣], popularity/personality/character
        chūrényìliào, unexpected (idiom)/surprising
        shārénàn, [殺人案], murder case/homicide case
        rénshì, personnel/human resources/human affairs/ways of the world/(euphemism) sexuality/...
        dìyīfūrén, First Lady (wife of US president)
        yěrén, a savage/uncivilized person/(old) commoner
        fùrén, [婦人], married woman
        lǎoniánrén, old people/the elderly
        bùxǐngrénshì, to lose consciousness/unconscious/in a coma
        dānrén, [單人], one person/single (room, bed etc)
        bùwéirénzhī, [不為人知], not known to anyone/secret/unknown
        zhǔréngōng, hero (of a novel or film)/main protagonist
        lìngrén, to cause one (to do sth)/to make one (angry, delighted etc)
        yǐnrénzhùyì, to attract attention/eye-catching/conspicuous
        xiānrénzhǎng, cactus
        TángrénJiē, Chinatown/CL:條|条[tiáo],座[zuò]
        hàirén, to harm sb/to inflict suffering/to victimize/pernicious
        xiǎorénwù, nonentity/a nobody
        zhèngrénxí, [證人席], witness stand or box
        réndào, human sympathy/humanitarianism/humane/the "human way", one of the stages in the ...
        lùrén, passer-by/stranger
        Měiguórén, [美國人], American/American person/American people/CL:個|个[gè]
        rénzhǒng, [人種], race (of people)
        nàshuìrén, [納稅人], taxpayer
        zhíwùrén, person in a vegetative state/human vegetable
        wěirén, [偉人], great person
        rénlèixué, [人類學], anthropology
        rénwéi, [人為], artificial/man-made/having human cause or origin/human attempt or effort
        réndàozhǔyì, [人道主義], humanism/humanitarian (aid)
        réngōngzhìnéng, artificial intelligence (AI)
        chūréntóudì, [出人頭地], to stand out among one's peers (idiom)/to excel
        tóuzīrén, [投資人], investor
        xiāngxiàrén, [鄉下人], country folk/rustic/rural folk
        fēirén, not the right person (literary)/inhuman
寿         rénshòubǎoxiǎn, [人壽保險], life insurance
        rénjìguānxì, [人際關系], interpersonal relationship
        jiànbudérén, [見不得人], shameful
        chóurén, foe/one's personal enemy
        mùyángrén, shepherd
        gōngsùrén, [公訴人], district attorney/public prosecutor/procurator
        rénxíng, human shape/in human form/of human appearance/doll/puppet
        chǔnrén, fool/imbecile
        ēnrén, a benefactor/a person who has significantly helped sb else
        xíngrén, pedestrian/traveler on foot/passer-by/official responsible for arranging audienc...
        rénpǐn, moral standing/moral quality/character/personality/appearance/looks (colloquial)...
退         tuìwǔjūnrén, [退伍軍人], veteran
        bùkěgàorén, hidden/kept secret/not to be divulged
        tàikōngrén, astronaut
        dàocǎorén, scarecrow
        xuěrén, snowman/yeti
        fèirén, [廢人], handicapped person/useless person
        shànjiěrényì, to be good at understanding others (idiom)
        jiàrén, to get married (of woman)
        xiánrén, [閑人]/[閒人], variant of 閒人|闲人[xián rén]/idle person/idler/unconcerned person, idle person/idl...
        yúrén, stupid person/ignoramus
        nǚqiángrén, [女強人], successful career woman/able woman
        Shuìměirén, Sleeping Beauty
        liánxìrén, [聯繫人], contact (person)
        rényuán, [人緣], relations with other people
        wánrén, perfect person
        zìjǐrén, those on our side/ourselves/one's own people/one of us
        dàmángrén, busy bee/very busy person
        kōngwúyīrén, [空無一人], not a soul in sight (idiom)
        jiànzhèngrén, [見證人], eyewitness (to an incident)/witness (to a legal transaction)
        réngōnghūxī, artificial respiration (medicine)
        xīnshàngrén, sweetheart/one's beloved
        jiēbānrén, successor
        cèhuàrén, [策劃人], sponsor/plotter/schemer
        rényì, people's expectations
        hòurén, [後人], later generation
        lǎohǎorén, one who tries never to offend anybody
        kěrén, pleasant/agreeable/a person after one's heart (charming person)/a gifted person
        gāorényīděng, a cut above others/superior
        duōduōbīrén, overbearing/forceful/aggressive/menacing/imperious
        rénchēng, [人稱], person (first person, second person etc in grammar)/called/known as
        nǎorén, [惱人], annoying/irksome/to irritate
        rénqíngwèi, human warmth/friendliness/human touch
        yǐnrénrùshèng, [引人入勝], to enchant/fascinating
        wúrén, [無人], unmanned/uninhabited
        rénzhīchángqíng, human nature (idiom)/a behavior that is only natural
        diūrénxiànyǎn, [丟人現眼], to make an exhibition of oneself/to be a disgrace
        biànhùrén, [辯護人], defender/defending counsel
        xiānfāzhìrén, [先發制人], to gain the initiative by striking first (idiom); to preempt/to anticipate/preem...
        hàiréntīngwén, [駭人聽聞], shocking/horrifying/atrocious/terrible
        tónglíngrén, [同齡人], peer/one's contemporary/person of the same age
        lìngrénfàzhǐ, [令人髮指], to make one's hair stand up in anger (idiom); to raise people's hackles
        dàirén, to treat people (politely, harshly etc)
        shēnqǐngrén, [申請人], applicant
        rénshìbù, personnel office/human resources (HR)
        yuánrén, apeman
        bǐrén, your humble servant/I
        sēngrén, monk
        tǔzhùrén, indigenous person/aboriginal
        chūrénmìng, fatal/resulting in sb's death
        qírén, an eccentric/odd person/person of extraordinary talent
        rénliú, stream of people/abortion/abbr. for 人工流產|人工流产[rén gōng liú chǎn]
        wàidìrén, stranger/outsider
        lìngrénmǎnyì, [令人滿意], satisfying/satisfactory
        xiānrén, Daoist immortal/celestial being
稿         zhuàngǎorén, author (of a manuscript)
        néngrén, capable person/Homo habilis, extinct species of upright East African hominid
        rénshēn, [人參], ginseng
        yìzhōngrén, sweetheart/one's true love/the person of one's thoughts
        chāqiángrényì, [差強人意], (idiom) just passable/barely satisfactory
        chéngbāorén, contractor
        Yúrénjié, [愚人節], April Fools' Day
        yǎnréněrmù, to fool people (idiom)/to pull the wool over people's eyes
        Qǐrényōutiān, [杞人憂天], man of Qǐ fears the sky falling (idiom); groundless fears
        rénmǎnwéihuàn, [人滿為患], packed with people/overcrowded/overpopulation
        rényú, [人魚], mermaid/dugong/sea cow/manatee/giant salamander
        rénjì, [人際], human relationships/interpersonal
        lìngrénqīnpèi, [令人欽佩], admirable
        pángrén, other people/bystanders/onlookers/outsiders
        zhuānrén, [專人], specialist/person appointed for specific task
        rénmíng, personal name
        Tǔěrqírén, a Turk/Turkish person
        guǎrén, I (first person pronoun used by royalty or nobility)
        Āěrbāníyàrén, [阿爾巴尼亞人], Albanian (person)
        hǔrén, to scare people/to bluff/to deceive
        rényuán, orangutan
        gèrén, each one/everyone
        Tiěrén, [鐵人], Ironman
        Huárén, [華人], ethnic Chinese person or people
        guòláirén, [過來人], an experienced person/sb who has "been around (the block)"/sb who has personally...
西         Xīfāngrén, Westerner/Occidental
        píngyìjìnrén, amiable and approachable (idiom); easy-going/modest and unassuming/(of writing) ...
        bùréndào, inhuman
        hérén, who
        qiúrén, to ask for help/to ask a favor/to recruit talented people
        réngōngshòujīng, artificial insemination
        shēngrén, stranger/living person/to give birth/to be born (in a certain time or place)
        sǒngréntīngwén, [聳人聽聞], to sensationalize (idiom); deliberate exaggeration to scare people
        guǎnlǐrén, supervisor/manager/administrator
        yīmíngjīngrén, [一鳴驚人], to amaze the world with a single brilliant feat (idiom); an overnight celebrity
        rénjiāndìyù, [人間地獄], hell on earth (idiom); suffering the torments of Buddhist hell while still alive...
        zhēnrénzhēnshì, genuine people and true events
        fāqǐrén, [發起人], proposer/initiator/founding member
        lìngrénzhènfèn, [令人振奮], inspiring/exciting/rousing
        yǒurén, friend
        lèyúzhùrén, [樂於助人], willing to help others
        zhérén, wise man
        Yìndùrén, Indian (person)/CL:個|个[gè]/Indian people
        tǔrén, native/aborigine/clay figure
        mùzhōngwúrén, [目中無人], to consider everyone else beneath one (idiom); so arrogant that no-one else matt...
        xiānrén, ancestors/previous generations/my late father
        shuāngrénchuáng, [雙人床], double bed
        rénfàn, criminal/culprit/suspect (old)
        yījiārén, household/the whole family
        yòngrén, servant/to employ sb for a job/to manage people/to be in need of staff
        rénshìjiān, [人世間], the secular world
        yǒuqíngrén, lovers
        Yīngguórén, [英國人], British person/British people
        rénhǎi, a multitude/a sea of people
        shārénbùzhǎyǎn, [殺人不眨眼], to murder without blinking an eye (idiom)/ruthless/cold-blooded
        huāngwúrényān, [荒無人煙], desolate and uninhabited (idiom)
        gōngrénjiējí, [工人階級], working class
        fǎrén, legal person/corporation/see also 自然人[zì rán rén]
        guìrén, [貴人], nobility/person of high rank
        cǎnwúréndào, [慘無人道], inhuman (idiom)/brutal and unfeeling
        zhùrénwéilè, [助人為樂], pleasure from helping others (idiom)
        Mǎyǎrén, [瑪雅人], Maya peoples
        zhīqíngrén, person in the know/insider/informed source
        guórén, [國人], compatriots (literary)/fellow countrymen
        rénzhèng, [人證], witness testimony
        rénmìngguāntiān, [人命關天], human life is beyond value (idiom)
        Cháoxiǎnrén, [朝鮮人], North Korean (person)
        làngrén, vagrant/unemployed person/rōnin (wandering masterless samurai)
        dòurén, amusing/funny/entertaining
        gōngzhèngrén, [公證人], notary/actuary
        chuánrén, [傳人], to teach/to impart/a disciple/descendant
        wúrénwènjīn, [無人問津], to be of no interest to anyone (idiom)
        cǎnjuérénhuán, [慘絕人寰], extremely tragic (idiom); with unprecedented brutality
        yuàntiānyóurén, (idiom) to blame the gods and accuse others
        Réndà, (Chinese) National People's Congress (abbr. for 全國人民代表大會|全国人民代表大会[Quán guó Rén m...
        Wūkèlánrén, [烏克蘭人], Ukrainian (person)
        rénzàowèixīng, [人造衛星], artificial satellite
        gèrénzhǔyì, [個人主義], individualism
        huànrén, [換人], to replace sb (personnel, sports team player etc)/substitution
        qìrén, [氣人], to anger/to annoy
        yírén, nice/pleasant/charming/hospitable to people
        shànrén, philanthropist/charitable person/well-doer
        Àiěrlánrén, [愛爾蘭人], Irish person
        rènrénzǎigē, to get trampled on (idiom)/to be taken advantage of
        mùrén, shepherd/pastor/pastoral
        hóngrén, [紅人], a favorite of sb in power/a celebrity/American Indian
        Měnggǔrén, Mongol
        fēngyúnrénwù, [風雲人物], the man (or woman) of the moment (idiom)/influential figure
        qiǎngrénsuǒnán, [強人所難], to force someone to do something
        gùrén, old friend/the deceased
        bǎozhèngrén, [保證人], guarantor/bailor
        qiángrén, [強人], (politics) strongman/(in the workplace, esp. of a woman) a highly capable person...
        yàorén, important person
        xiǎnwéirénzhī, [鮮為人知], rarely known to anyone (idiom); almost unknown/secret to all but a few
        qīngniánrén, young person/the young
        xiàndàirén, [現代人], modern man/Homo sapiens
        wúrénqū, [無人區], uninhabited region
        lìngréngǔwǔ, encouraging/heartening
        wàiláirén, [外來人], foreigner
        bùjìnrénqíng, not amenable to reason/unreasonable
        kòurénxīnxián, to excite/to thrill/exciting/thrilling/cliff-hanging
        Jiékèrén, Czech person
        rénlìchē, [人力車], rickshaw
        měirénjì, [美人計], honey trap/sexual entrapment/CL:條|条[tiáo]
        Lìtáowǎnrén, Lithuanian (person)
        yōngrén, mediocre person
        fārénshēnxǐng, [發人深省], to provide food for thought (idiom)/thought-provoking
        zhōngrén, go-between/mediator/intermediary
        dúshūrén, [讀書人], scholar/intellectual
        dàkuàirénxīn, to the satisfaction of everyone
        méiren, go-between/matchmaker
        Jíbǔsàirén, [吉卜賽人], Gypsy
        guòlùrén, [過路人], a passer-by
        diànjīrén, founder/pioneer
        fāxíngrén, [發行人], publisher/issuer
        qiánrén, predecessor/forebears/the person facing you
        rénshānrénhǎi, multitude/vast crowd
        guìfùrén, [貴婦人], dame
        zhènghūnrén, [證婚人], wedding witness
        Wéijīngrén, [維京人], Viking
        rénwén, humanities/human affairs/culture
西         Xībānyárén, Spaniard/Spanish person
        rénxínghéngdào, [人行橫道], pedestrian crossing
        dàyǒurénzài, there are plenty of such people
        yǔrénwéishàn, [與人為善], to be of service to others/to help others/benevolent
        wùshìrénfēi, things have remained the same, but people have changed
        rénrénjiēzhī, known to everyone
        Yìdàlìrén, Italian person
        shèngqìlíngrén, [盛氣凌人], overbearing/arrogant bully
        Rìběnrén, Japanese person or people
        bēitiānmǐnrén, [悲天憫人], to bemoan the state of the universe and pity the fate of mankind
        Pútáoyárén, Portuguese (person)
        zhàngshìqīrén, [仗勢欺人], to take advantage of one's position to bully people (idiom)/to kick people aroun...
        ShātèĀlābórén, a Saudi/Saudi Arabian person
        tóngrén, people from the same workplace or profession/co-worker/colleague/pop culture ent...
        jiāpòrénwáng, family bankrupt and the people dead (idiom); ruined and orphaned/destitute and h...
        shuāngrénhuá, [雙人滑], pair skating
        zhàojírén, convener
        zàirén, [載人], to carry a passenger/(of spaceships etc) manned/also pr. [zǎi rén]
        bǎohùrén, [保護人], guardian/carer/patron
        wúrénjī, [無人機], drone/unmanned aerial vehicle
        xīshìníngrén, [息事寧人], to keep the peace; to patch up a quarrel (idiom)
        yīnrénéryì, [因人而異], varying from person to person (idiom); different for each individual
        jìnrénjiēzhī, [盡人皆知], known by everyone (idiom); well known/a household name
        Déguórén, [德國人], German person or people
        gāorén, very able person
        rénjìhǎnzhì, [人跡罕至], lit. men's footprints are rare (idiom)/fig. off the beaten track/lonely/deserted
        rényān, [人煙], sign of human habitation
        Ālābórén, Arab/Arabian/Arabian people
        nèirén, [內人], my wife (humble)
        Āěrjílìyàrén, [阿爾及利亞人], Algerian
        pànruòliǎngrén, [判若兩人], to be a different person/not to be one's usual self
        Fǎguórén, [法國人], Frenchman/French person
        nǚrénjia, women (in general)
        wénrén, scholar/literati
        pángruòwúrén, [旁若無人], to act as though there were nobody else present/unselfconscious/fig. without reg...
        zhàiquánrén, [債權人], creditor
        rénqíngzhài, [人情債], debt of gratitude
        jīngrénzhījǔ, [驚人之舉], to astonish people (with a miraculous feat)
        shēnrùrénxīn, to enter deeply into people's hearts/to have a real impact on the people (idiom)
        cǎojiānrénmìng, to have disregard for human life (idiom)
        nàirénxúnwèi, [耐人尋味], thought-provoking/worth thinking over/to provide food for thought
        yèshēnrénjìng, [夜深人靜], in the dead of night (idiom)
        hàirénbùqiǎn, [害人不淺], to cause a lot of trouble/to inflict much suffering
        círén, [詞人], writer of 詞|词[cí] (a kind of Classical Chinese poem)/person of literary talent
        gèrénsài, [個人賽], individual competition/individual race
        rénjūn, per capita
        fāmíngrén, [發明人], inventor
        rénduōshìzhòng, [人多勢眾], many men, a great force (idiom); many hands provide great strength/There is safe...
        rényǎngmǎfān, [人仰馬翻], to suffer a crushing defeat (idiom)/in a pitiful state/in a complete mess/to rol...
        rénzhōng, philtrum/infranasal depression/the "human center" acupuncture point
        yóurén, [遊人], a tourist
        zhìbìngjiùrén, to treat the disease to save the patient/to criticize a person in order to help ...
        sìrénbāng, [四人幫], Gang of Four: Jiang Qing 江青, Zhang Chunqiao 張春橋, Yao Wenyuan 姚文元, Wang Hongwen 王...
        rénqùlóukōng, [人去樓空], the people are gone and the place is empty (idiom)/the sight of a deserted place...
        dàirénjiēwù, the way one treats people
        chéngzūrén, leaser/tenant
        rénmínbì, [人民幣], Renminbi (RMB)/Chinese Yuan (CNY)
        dānrénchuáng, [單人床], single bed/CL:張|张[zhāng]
        hǎorénhǎoshì, admirable people and exemplary deeds
        zhīmíngrénshì, public figure/celebrity
        xiānrénqiú, ball cactus
        wārén, frogman
        rénkǒushù, [人口數], population
        shějǐwèirén, [捨己為人], to abandon self for others (idiom, from Analects); to sacrifice one's own intere...
        Hāsàkèrén, [哈薩克人], Kazakh person/Kazakh people
        lèirényuán, [類人猿], hominid
        fēngtǔrénqíng, [風土人情], local conditions and customs (idiom)
        rénqiáng, [人牆], wall (soccer)
        xiánrén, [賢人], great person of the past/venerable forebear/the great and the good
        jiānrén, crafty scoundrel/villain
        gǔhuòrénxīn, [蠱惑人心], to stir up public sentiment by false statements (idiom)/to resort to demagogy
        dáguānguìrén, [達官貴人], high official and noble persons (idiom); the great and the good
        shénrén, God/deity
        qīréntàishèn, to bully intolerably (idiom)
        zérènrén, [責任人], responsible person/coordinator
        rényúnyìyún, to say what everyone says (idiom)/to conform to what one perceives to be the maj...
        ZhōnghuáRénmínGònghéguó, [中華人民共和國], People's Republic of China
        yuánbānrénmǎ, [原班人馬], original cast/former team
        réncáijǐjǐ, [人才濟濟], a galaxy of talent (idiom)/a great number of competent people
        zhǐrén, [紙人], paper doll/papercut silhouette
        yānrén, [閹人], a castrate
        Wēidìmǎlārén, [危地馬拉人], Guatemalan (person)
        Yǐsèlièrén, Israelite/Israeli
        nárén, making things awkward/to cause difficulties/to exert influence/to attract
        shīshēnrénmiànxiàng, [獅身人面像], sphinx
        qìnrénxīnpí, to penetrate deeply into the heart (idiom)/to gladden the heart/to refresh the m...
        lùrénjiēzhī, understood by everyone (idiom); well known/a household name
        Zǔlǔrén, [祖魯人], Zulu people
        jīngshǒurén, [經手人], the person in charge/agent/broker
        rénshìbùmén, [人事部門], personnel office
        yángrén, foreigner/Westerner
        bùdérénxīn, not to enjoy popular support/to be unpopular
        réngāomǎdà, [人高馬大], tall and strong
        wànrénkōngxiàng, [萬人空巷], the multitudes come out from everywhere, emptying every alleyway (to celebrate)/...
        kuàizhìrénkǒu, [膾炙人口], appealing to the masses/universally appreciated (idiom)
        lǎozhàngren, (coll.) father-in-law (wife's father)
        mièjuérénxìng, [滅絕人性], to be devoid of all humanity/inhuman/bestial
        wéirénshībiǎo, [為人師表], to serve as a model for others (idiom)/to be a worthy teacher
        zhàiwùrén, [債務人], debtor
        xiānshēngduórén, [先聲奪人], to gain the upper hand by a show of strength
        wàixiāngrén, [外鄉人], a stranger/out-of-towner
        dǎirén, bad person/evildoer/robber
        réncóng, [人叢], crowd of people
        tónglùrén, fellow traveler/comrade
        Éluósīrén, [俄羅斯人], Russian (person)
        shìzàirénwéi, [事在人為], the matter depends on the individual (idiom); it is a matter for your own effort...
        ānrén, to pacify the people/landlady (old)/wife of 員外|员外[yuán wài], landlord
        rénshēngdǐngfèi, [人聲鼎沸], lit. a boiling cauldron of voices (idiom)/hubbub/brouhaha
        zhǔrénwēng, master (of the house)/main character in a novel etc/hero or heroine
        Tǎjíkèrén, Tajik (person)
        yǒuxīnrén, resolute person/person with aspirations/people who feel/people who use their hea...
        yǎrén, poetic individual/person of refined temperament
        rénshìchù, [人事處], human resources department
        nǐrén, [擬人], personification/anthropomorphism
        xiàlǐbārén, folk songs of the state of Chu 楚國|楚国[Chǔ guó]/popular art forms (cf. 陽春白雪|阳春白雪[y...
        Ruìshìrén, Swiss (person)
        Wūzībiékèrén, [烏茲別克人], Uzbek (person)
        Fēilǜbīnrén, [菲律賓人], Filipino
        gèrénchóngbài, [個人崇拜], personality cult
        shārényuèhuò, [殺人越貨], to kill sb for his property (idiom); to murder for money
        tiānzāirénhuò, [天災人禍], natural calamities and man-made disasters (idiom)
        shìrén, scholar
        sǔnrénlìjǐ, [損人利己], harming others for one's personal benefit (idiom); personal gain to the detrimen...
        jiàhuòyúrén, [嫁禍於人], to pass the misfortune on to sb else (idiom); to blame others/to pass the buck
        rènrénwéiqīn, [任人唯親], to appoint people by favoritism (idiom); nepotism/corrupt appointment
        réncì, person-times/visits/classifier for number of people participating
        zhìrén, Homo sapiens
        hòujìyǒurén, [後繼有人], to have qualified successors to carry on one's undertaking
        nírén, clay figurine
        Hánguórén, [韓國人], Korean (person)
        zhōnglǎoniánrén, middle-aged and elderly people
        dàikuǎnrén, [貸款人], the lender
        zhòngrénshícháihuǒyàngāo, [眾人拾柴火焰高], when everybody gathers fuel, the flames are higher (idiom)/the more people, the ...
        Zhōngguórén, [中國人], Chinese person
        miǎowúrényān, [渺無人煙], remote and uninhabited (idiom); deserted/God-forsaken
        shòurényǐbǐng, to hand someone the swordhilt (idiom)/to give someone a hold on oneself
        shějǐjiùrén, [捨己救人], to abandon self for others (idiom); to sacrifice oneself to help the people/altr...
        ruìdiǎnrén, Swede
        tóumiànrénwù, [頭面人物], leading figure/bigwig
        rényānxīshǎo, [人煙稀少], no sign of human habitation (idiom); desolate
        fārénshēnsī, [發人深思], (idiom) thought-provoking/to give one food for thought
        réngéhuà, to personalize/anthropomorphism
        rénxīnbùgǔ, the men of today are sadly degenerated (idiom)
        dàorén, Taoist devotee (honorific)
        zǒngrénkǒu, [總人口], total population
        xuérén, [學人], scholar/learned person
        Gǎngrén, Hong Kong person or people
        rénwénzhǔyì, [人文主義], humanism
        réncái, variant of 人才[rén cái]
        héxǔrén, [何許人], (literary) what kind of person
        jiāorén, [驕人], worthy of pride/impressive/enviable/to show contempt for others
        rénjū, human habitat
        rénsuǒgòngzhī, something that everybody knows
        fǎnmiànrénwù, negative character/bad guy (in a story)
        kuòrén, [闊人], rich person/the rich
        rénmíndǎng, [人民黨], People's party (of various countries)
        chéngrénzhīwēi, to take advantage of sb's precarious position
        míngyǎnrén, perspicacious person/sb with a discerning eye/sighted person (as opposed to blin...
        ZhōngguóRénmínJiěfàngjūn, [中國人民解放軍], Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA)
        gǎnwéirénxiān, [敢為人先], to dare to be first/to pioneer (idiom)
        hàirénchóng, [害人蟲], pest/evildoer
        Shuānglìrén, [雙立人], J. A. Henckels (brand)
        rénmíngōngshè, people's commune
        wùrénzǐdì, [誤人子弟], (of a lazy or incompetent teacher) to hamper students' progress/(of media) to pr...
        Réntóumǎ, [人頭馬], Rémy Martin cognac
        měirénjiāo, canna or Indian shot (genus Canna)
        Mǎláirén, [馬來人], Malay person or people
        tíànrén, proposer
        zhuāngjiarén, [莊稼人], (coll.) farmer
        rénmínfǎyuàn, people's court (of law)/people's tribunal
        kèlóngrén, clone human
        Qīngrén, Qing dynasty person
        ǒurén, idol (i.e. statue for worship)
        chǎnyègōngrén, [產業工人], industrial worker
        jīqìrénxué, [機器人學], robotics
        rénzàosī, [人造絲], rayon
        yèlánrénjìng, [夜闌人靜], the still of the night (idiom)/late at night
        yuánrén, prehistoric man/primitive man
        rénmínjǐngchá, civil police/PRC police
        réndìngshèngtiān, [人定勝天], man can conquer nature (idiom); human wisdom can prevail over nature
        bǎorén, guarantor/person paying bail
        jǔrén, [舉人], graduate/successful candidate in the imperial provincial examination
        èrrénzhuàn, [二人轉], genre of song-and-dance duet popular in northeast China
        rènrénwéixián, [任人唯賢], to appoint people according to their merits (idiom); appointment on the basis of...
        liángrén, husband (arch.)
        gǒuzhàngrénshì, [狗仗人勢], a dog threatens based on master's power (idiom); to use one's position to bully ...
        fǎdìngrénshù, [法定人數], quorum
        kēngrén, to cheat sb
        rénhuò, [人禍], human disaster
        yìxiāngrén, [異鄉人], stranger
        kuānyǐdàirén, [寬以待人], to be lenient with others (idiom)
        rénxīnsuǒxiàng, that which is yearned for by the public

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