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Word: freq index 54957
Tǎjíkèrén Tajik (person)

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Word Compounds

        tǎ, [墖], pagoda/tower/minaret/stupa (abbr. loanword from Sanskrit tapo)/CL:座[zuò], old va...
        dēngtǎ, [燈塔], lighthouse/CL:座[zuò]
        jīnzìtǎ, pyramid (building or structure)
        Kěntǎjī, Kentucky, US state
        Tǎlìbān, Taliban (Farsi: student), Afghan guerrilla faction
        Kěntǎjīzhōu, Kentucky, US state
        tǎlóu, [塔樓], tower (of building)
        tǎtái, control tower
        tiětǎ, [鐵塔], iron tower
        pàotǎ, gun turret
        Nàtǎlì, Natalie (name)
        xiàngyátǎ, ivory tower
        Tǎtǎěr, [塔塔爾], Tatar ethnic group of Xinjiang
        àitǎ, eta (Greek letter Ηη)
        GuāntǎnàmóWān, [關塔那摩灣], Guantanamo Bay (in Cuba)
        jiāntǎ, spire/minaret
        Àogǔsītǎ, [奧古斯塔], Augusta (place name: capital of Maine, city in Georgia etc)
        ÀifēiěrTiětǎ, [艾菲爾鐵塔], Eiffel Tower
        Kǎtǎěr, [卡塔爾], Qatar
        Bùliètǎní, [佈列塔尼], Brittany or Bretagne, area of western France
        bǎotǎ, [寶塔], pagoda
        Jīntǎ, Jinta county in Jiuquan 酒泉, Gansu
        diànshìtǎ, [電視塔], TV tower
        tǎjiān, spire/peak of a pagoda
        xiétǎ, leaning tower
西         Sītǎxī, Stacy (name)
        Tǎxītí, Tahiti, island of the Society Islands group in French Polynesia
        Āitǎ, ETA (Euskadi Ta Askatasuna or Basque homeland and freedom), Basque armed separat...
        Tǎlāwǎ, Tarawa, capital of Kiribati
        Tǎjíkèsītǎn, Tajikistan
        lěngquètǎ, [冷卻塔], cooling tower
        Tǎsīmǎníyà, [塔斯馬尼亞], Tasmania (Tw)
        tǎfūchóu, [塔夫綢], taffeta
        bèitǎ, [貝塔], beta (Greek letter Ββ)
        tǎluó, [塔羅], tarot (loanword)
        Āsītǎnà, [阿斯塔納], Astana, capital of Kazakhstan
        Tǎjíkè, Tajik ethnic group/Tajikistan, former Soviet republic adjoining Xinjiang and Afg...
        Tǎjíkèrén, Tajik (person)
        Tǎhé, Tahe county in Daxing'anling prefecture 大興安嶺地區|大兴安岭地区, Heilongjiang
        Tǎlín, Tallinn, capital of Estonia
        Àiěrmǐtǎshí, [艾爾米塔什], Ermitazh or Hermitage museum in St Peterburg
        Bābiétǎ, [巴別塔], Tower of Babel, in Genesis 11:-foll.
        Sāngtǎnà, [桑塔納], Santana (name)
        Fǎtǎhè, Fatah, Palestinian organization
        Fúsītǎfū, Falstaff (Shakespearian character)
        Āěrbótǎ, [阿爾伯塔], Alberta province of Canada, capital Edmonton 埃德蒙頓|埃德蒙顿[Āi dé méng dùn]
        bīngtǎ, serac
        Máolǐtǎníyà, [毛里塔尼亞], Mauritania
        Gésītǎ, Gestalt (loanword)/coherent whole/technical word used in psychology meaning the ...
西         Tǎlāhāxī, Tallahassee, capital of Florida
        Àibótǎ, Alberta province of Canada, capital Edmonton 埃德蒙頓|埃德蒙顿[Āi dé méng dùn]/also writ...